Glitches in 304

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
The ones I've noticed so far are:-
  • misplacing of Sam & Max when coming out of a psychic power close-up (once in Stinky's Diner and once on the control platform)
  • Max turning into a gun for a load of dialogue when they entered (I think it was) Momma Bosco's lab for the first time
  • Max mode: sometimes after using a power, clicking on a hotspot does nothing
  • Max mode: cursor sometimes gets stuck as the image used when that power is over a hotspot (and clicking on hotspots does nothing) and sometimes reverts to normal cursor even though a toy has been selected (but then this fault has occurred in all episodes so far)

Other peeps please add bugs you spot.


  • edited July 2010
    eyeballs that float above stinkys head as if they are on the end of stalks.

    Floating gun in the clone room.
  • edited July 2010
    Stinkys eyeballs hovered above her head while she crossed the lift/platform thingy and stayed there until momma bosco knocked her out.
    In a couple of Statue of Liberty bits you can walk max away from statue a bit, but cutscenes for dialogue focus on the empty place where he original stands.
  • edited July 2010
    For a while, whenever I tried using Charlie, I found the Rhinoplasty stuck in his stomach.
  • edited July 2010
    In the lab, you can see Momma Bosco's legs from underneath her platform during the dialogue cutscenes while messing with the dimensional destabiliser thing.
  • edited July 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    In a couple of Statue of Liberty bits you can walk max away from statue a bit, but cutscenes for dialogue focus on the empty place where he original stands.
    Even more: When standing on the ribcage/tablet, some comments by Max show him back at the base of the statue again.
  • edited July 2010
    I saw pretty much all of these, the rhinoplasty/charlie glitch made me think of The Predator for some reason.
  • edited July 2010
    This one was a mild nuisance ALL the way through the game:

    I was playing the PC version with a controller. ALL of the button commands had the image of... the Playstation Triangle button??!

    This never happened with the other episodes. All said, though, the controls worked fine. Just had to remember which button was which, 'cuz the game sure wasn't telling me.
  • edited July 2010
    On the mac version, when you're trying to climb the statue and you are max and have the top-down view of the whole statue, the "back" button to get out of that view would disappear. Quite annoying since you have to exit the game and re-start from the last save in order to progress.
  • edited July 2010
    sometimes text was aultomaticly skiped
  • edited July 2010
    Got Sam stuck in the side of the maintenance platform at the cloning facility once (but he popped right back).

    Momma Bosco wouldn't transport until I had used the maintenance platform to float back down to her.

    Max disappears when using the dessoto rhinoplasty in a lot of cut scenes.

    Using future vision on max in stinky's diner after girl stinky kissed him triggers the dumbstruck scene again (back to the future?)
  • edited July 2010
    The irrelevant empty canisters and the dispenser doesn't show in max mode. I somehow saw the leaving animation and then the entering animation when going to the office once. Oh, and the game keeps crashing when resuming from hibernation. It's been doing that for as long as I had my computer forcibly hibernate due to heat issues.
    Some of the hints when examining the stuff on the control deck isn't updated once you have performed the cloning.
  • edited July 2010
    I noticed the floating eyes glitch, but the only one that I experienced that bothered me was there was a point in the clone facility that I could not click on any hotspots. Leaving the room and returning rectified the situation.
  • edited July 2010
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    This one was a mild nuisance ALL the way through the game:

    I was playing the PC version with a controller. ALL of the button commands had the image of... the Playstation Triangle button??!

    This never happened with the other episodes. All said, though, the controls worked fine. Just had to remember which button was which, 'cuz the game sure wasn't telling me.

    Ah, I mentioned this in my review. Such a shame that it wasn't fixed for the final build!
  • edited July 2010
    I only encountered one glitch but it was game breaking. When examining the statue of liberty, nothing became click able. The screen still moved and
    kept singing his song, but I had to re start to get it to work again.
  • edited July 2010
    What? We got 2 threads like these? Oh well, guess I can just copy+paste the text from my other post. Most are mentioned already here, but here are a few more, or replication instructions ;)...
    Here are a few more. Pics and spoilers aplenty:

    * Making Max a Toycar in the lab makes him vanish
    * Musicless-ness second level of Bosco Tech (and first if transformed in toy car there).
    * They toycar rhinoplasty often appears inside of Charlie
    * In a future vision with Flint Paper and Stinky, Max suddenly appears saying his line, still in Max modus:
    * In the future vision where Max slaps Sam with a Hammer, in reality he suddenly holds an hammer too :).
    * Typo's: Sal's cake "Cake is like-like (instead of life-like)" and Momma Bosco: available in misspelled once. Also when back at the docks (following the clones) Max says "dogglganger" instead of "doggleganger".
    * Exiting Papierwaite's office by teleportation, then going back by tunnel shows Sam&Max leaving the office before suddenly spawning at the tunnel exit.
    * Future vision still shows Sam's kiss even after it's done. Not so future, eh? XP
    * After using mind reading on Stinky on her new location (the platform) going to Sam mode teleports you back downstairs to the control panel (you can even see sam&max in the distance during the read). Vice versa, trying to shoot her from downstairs magically gets you on the platform.
    * Select the platform in the middle, select stinky (so you get spawned there), then using the platform down I suddenly get stuck floating in midair. Selecting back gets me to normal though :?.
    * Statue - Statue voice and Toybox- Junior voice don't have subtitles.
  • edited July 2010
    Anybody notice a "talk to Harry Moleman option" at the foot of the Statue of Liberty?
  • edited July 2010
    Was awkward at times clicking on the right object as stuff moved but "green finger" too clumpsy. Sometimes the cursor didn't get it and sometimes I got the wrong scenario.

    And once in boscotech, when the tunnels are closed off, highlights stopped working so the cursor didn't pop up the text that says "talk to ..." or "kitchen-stuff". I made it work by dragging myself into a tunnel and then it started to work again.
  • edited July 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Anybody notice a "talk to Harry Moleman option" at the foot of the Statue of Liberty?
    Yeah, and there was a random "thingy" option on the docks/warehouse area in the building behind Sal, at least on the PS3 version. Choosing it makes Sam walk over to the corner where some of the Sam clones are going through a dumpster (as long as they are preoccupied) and just say generic things like "neat".
  • edited July 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Anybody notice a "talk to Harry Moleman option" at the foot of the Statue of Liberty?

    How did you get that? I'm trying to find it...
  • edited July 2010
    When on the Statue of Liberty, if you make Sam talk to Charlie there will be a visual glitch in which Charlie keeps spazing out.
    I have to be honest, that's the only visual glitch I came across.
  • edited July 2010
    Kind of a lot of weird bugs in this episode. Nothing game breaking during my playthrough, but definitely some jankiness.
    The most annoying was that I had to exit and re-enter Mama Bosco's Lab several times in just 5 minutes because the little post-it notes would be flying in mid-air.
  • edited July 2010
    I ran into a fair few. In the final scene (at the statue), the icon for the analogue stick wouldn't go away. It was stuck in the centre of the screen.

    When i first entered the clone labs, Max disapeared when i looked at the gorge thing. The camera spazzed up, and it looked like his gun fell down. After that, the camera was at a weird angle, and all i coould see of max was his gun (as if he was holding it), untill I left the room.

    In Bosco's Lab, only one of the post-it notes made it to the machine. The rest just stuck in midair.
  • edited July 2010
    * Yeah, the Charlie thing seems to happen if you select other stuff to use while he's shooting. Talking to him himself he got the toy stuck in him.

    * The analogue stick happens quite often. At least I only got one SUPER analogue stick this time, as opposed to 3x in 303.

    * Also in BoscoTech clone labs, if I used Max mode near Sal, Max's gun whould float infront of me in mid-air.

    What are those note-it's I hear you guys talk about? I missed something?
  • edited July 2010
    Did anyone make the Samulacra focus on Sal and then use Future Vision on him? The Samulacra appear in the future vision, and when Sal bends down, it looks like he's...
    performing a certain popular sexual maneuver on a Sam clone

    My brother spotted that.
  • edited July 2010
    Did anyone make the Samulacra focus on Sal and then use Future Vision on him? The Samulacra appear in the future vision, and when Sal bends down, it looks like he's...
    performing a certain popular sexual maneuver on a Sam clone

    My brother spotted that.
    Sal didn't bend down on my version. He just appeared flat on the floor.

    @Hassat hunter: The post-it notes are supposed to appear on the dimensional machine when a dial is on the right setting.
  • edited July 2010
    When you visit the museum, teleport out and reenter it through the tunnel you will see the enter animations for both directions.
  • edited July 2010
    Just started playing on PS3. In addition to the glitches listed, at some point in Mama Bosco's lab the music just stopped. Also, while interrogating Stinky, Flint continued to lean towards the table and peer at where she had been after she stood up and walked over to Sam. Is it just me or is this episode really, really unpolished?
  • edited July 2010
    blucentio wrote: »
    On the mac version, when you're trying to climb the statue and you are max and have the top-down view of the whole statue, the "back" button to get out of that view would disappear. Quite annoying since you have to exit the game and re-start from the last save in order to progress.

    This also happens in the PC version... at least it did when I played it in 1920x1200, graphics level 9.

    Now, on to a bug that was only somewhat mentioned:
    Exiting Max mode will occasionally make Same only make generic comments about everything, unless you exit the room and return.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm not sure if anyone else had this problem but when entering the museum through the tunnel it would show the cut scene of Sam and Max leaving the office and then them climbing out of the tunnel. I had most of the other glitches mentioned happen to me as well.
  • edited July 2010
    blucentio wrote: »
    On the mac version, when you're trying to climb the statue and you are max and have the top-down view of the whole statue, the "back" button to get out of that view would disappear. Quite annoying since you have to exit the game and re-start from the last save in order to progress.

    that happened to me(although i was pc) you are supposed to right click to get out of there.
  • edited July 2010
    2nd game, nitpickery. Mostly just typo's though:

    * Like with Sal, future vision doesn't really clear chars it should. For example: Skun-Ka'pe in the Sam future vision in Stinky's diner.
    * Apparently the "floating Max gun in Max vision" has to do with future vision, since it appears as soon as I select that power (test ground: Stinky's diner). Not to confuse with invisible Max in the cloning chambers.
    * Skun-Ka'pe future vision lacks subtitles.
    * The order and toys toys toys lack subtitles during the Sam's hat stolen scene.
    * You loose the peanutbutter when entering the clonelabs? (but not the fudgie) Shouldn't it be both or neither?
    * Sal: "What the heck? Stay away from me you goofballs" (ventriliquist) lacks subtitles.
    * My bad... it wasn't "available" it was "navigational" Momma Bosco writes as "naivgational".
    * Using the dimension thing without a clue: "again untilI've got".
    * And... another one. "tentalces" when trying to imput Bosco DNA in the cooker with the tentacles still there.
    * Max: "What is with our guns these days?." question mark AND dot?
    * Ventril on Momma Bosco (cloned): "Look at world" should be "Look out world".
    * Looking at tentacles of Lady Liberty: "Bubonic Destoryer"
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