Speculation For The Final Battle (Possible Spoilers)

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey everyone! First time making a thread since I mostly browse. After finishing the most recent episode and revisiting the past ones, Telltale seems to continue to top themselves. I was curious as to where the final BATTLE will take place. I am hopeful for a Times Square showdown but it will be tough to top 304. What are your thoughts?


  • edited July 2010
    If it weren't for the fact that she was
    , I'd have loved to see a battle between
    Max and Lady Liberty


    Suddenly makes me think of something Max said. Something along the lines of
    Lady Liberty's crown being used as brass knuckles in a battle against the Lincoln Memorial
    . That's it! The stone head of Abe Lincoln returns in order to act as the
    head of Lady Liberty in a final confrontation against Demon Max!

    Make it happen!

    Then Abe and Sybil can go on Myra to talk about their alternate lifestyle relationship in disturbing detail.
    Sal and Stinky
    could also show up as guests.

    Okay, now I'm going too far.
  • edited July 2010
    I honestly can't imagine what will happen next or how this story is going to be resolved.
    All I know is that it's Telltale and knowing them the ending will be something completely unexpected and more epic than anything else we've seen.
  • edited July 2010
    Flah wrote: »
    If it weren't for the fact that she was
    , I'd have loved to see a battle between
    Max and Lady Liberty


    Think Ghostbusters 2...
  • edited July 2010
    after max goes waif the the Colette unconnected play episode 1 the mole-mane col-test area sam has to run rand max bran to help the battle ageist joiner
  • edited July 2010
    I think we're going to see a main villain for the final confrontation and I'm backing
    Gordon the Brain
    . It all makes sense.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm thinking/hoping the government will put all those giant battle robots to good use. The fact that Sam is destined to
    get eaten by a monster
    may also be relevant. He may end up
    fighting the Max-thing from the inside
    at some point.
  • edited July 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    I'm thinking/hoping the government will put all those giant battle robots to good use. The fact that Sam is destined to
    get eaten by a monster
    may also be relevant. He may end up
    fighting the Max-thing from the inside
    at some point.

    Absolutely gruesome.

    I like it.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    I think we're going to see a main villain for the final confrontation and I'm backing
    Gordon the Brain
    . It all makes sense.

    I totally forgot about that guy. Considering Telltale, he's probably going to make a comeback. Anyway,
    Skun'ka'pe is pretty much dead, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to jack the flagship

    What I do want, however, is that in the regular intro it's changed so that when you see Max in the car he's actually the
    demon version
  • edited July 2010
    It will all finish in my house. As I am the main villain. Sorry to spoil the surprise.
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    I totally forgot about that guy. Considering Telltale, he's probably going to make a comeback. Anyway,
    Skun'ka'pe is pretty much dead, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to jack the flagship

    What I do want, however, is that in the regular intro it's changed so that when you see Max in the car he's actually the
    demon version
    but the demon version is a 300 foot tall hulking cthulhic monstrosity! the desoto could never handle it!
  • edited July 2010
    The intro is different, Jake already said that.
    But I doubt it just changes Max into "different" Max.

    I like the eating scenario, but that future vision was just for the machine, it wont happen in reality (just in the Dark Dimension).
  • edited July 2010
    maybe the soda popers are back controling max
  • ttg_Stemmlettg_Stemmle Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    maybe the soda popers are back controling max

    Don't even joke about that, little buddy.
  • edited July 2010
    To he honest I was actaully afraid it was the soda popers after hearing that line. Thank god it wasn't!
  • edited July 2010
    It's obviously going to be an alliance between Hugh Bliss and the Soda Poppers.
  • edited July 2010
    [lame idea]Remember.. we still have yet to find out what the Devil's Playhouse is.. maybe Sybil is owning it? [/lame idea]
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    [lame idea]Remember.. we still have yet to find out what the Devil's Playhouse is.. maybe Sybil is owning it? [/lame idea]

    We kinda understood the origin of the toys and the toybox, and who that "Devil" is. It's satisfying enough to know those, they don't really have to explain the meaning of "the Devil's Playhouse",
    and given the information, the Devil's Playhouse refers to the Earth or our universe, most likely. It's an area for Junior to destroy/reshape it by "playing" with his toys.
  • edited July 2010
    Sam is going to pilot the floating platform that went about the
    clone lab,
    fused with Bluster Blaster's AI, against
    Giant Max, who will be reverted back to the way he was by the end of Act II.
    Act III will be a stable time loop where the first part of the first episode is re-enacted, the toys are collected by Sam & Max and subsequently destroyed, causing none of this to happen at all.

    I don't work for Telltale, but I know how they think. Totally.
  • edited July 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    It's obviously going to be an alliance between Hugh Bliss and the Soda Poppers.

    hmmm that would work but heres the problem ... hugh bliss is in HELL and soda poppers are dead

    im thinking of this .. Devils playhouse .... Devil = satan playhouse= well u know lool XD
    i could be wrong :rolleyes::p
  • edited July 2010
    The intro is different, Jake already said that.
    But I doubt it just changes Max into "different" Max.

    I like the eating scenario, but that future vision was just for the machine, it wont happen in reality (just in the Dark Dimension).

    No, I am pretty sure that is foreshadowing. In the history related to you, the
    moleman who originally obtained the, um, forgot what it was called, was eaten by a beast *in real life* some time afterwards.
    So it is not restricted to just the dark dimension, that's the actual future. It's just that by getting to the correct one, you are enabling that future to come to pass. I mean, Max never would have
    become demon Max
    if Sam had not landed in the correct dimension. I'd have to double check, but I think the other 'futures' from the machine are also foreshadowing. lemme check.

    *edit - okay. 2 things. I had to re-do the seance (since I didn't save my game a whole lot) and another thing jumed out at me. I am fairly certain that Agent Superball will play a large part in the final ending, they have been building up hints about him and his 'superiors' all season. Whoever they are, they're powerful technologically or magically,
    he freaking teleported

    As for the alternate endings, It seems that IF they are foreshadowing, we will be seeing the use of a
    sacrificial altar. In one, Max lays on the altar apparently dead and Sam does some incantation, drinks some wine, and sacrifices himself to revive Max. Then the other one is Sam on the altar, with Max standing over him with an axe, and he yells out, Braveheart style, before Max lets the ax fall.
    It seems like they are contradictory, but you know how these future visions can be, they're usually so out of context they often only make sense after the events depicted come to pass.
  • edited July 2010
    Raye wrote: »
    As for the alternate endings, It seems that IF they are foreshadowing, we will be seeing the use of a
    sacrificial altar. In one, Max lays on the altar apparently dead and Sam does some incantation, drinks some wine, and sacrifices himself to revive Max.

    I'm pretty sure that was a reference to Shakespeare. Wasn't that a scene from Romeo & Juliet? If it was, then it was probably just a meaningless gag. (I might be wrong, though, I'm no shakespearologist.)

    I'm gonna make a list of all the characters I think the final boss could possibly be, so that Telltale can't take me by surprise again. Feel free to add on. I'm leaving off anyone who hasn't yet appeared in the season, or has already definitely been eliminated as a big bad, like Yog-Soggoth and Charlie Ho-Tep.

    -The Narrator
    -Skun'kape, even though I'm gonna be incredibly mad if he's a villain AGAIN. Still, we aren't positive that he's gone.

    ...scratch that, let's just say that everyone's a possible villain.
  • edited July 2010
    Oh they are definitely references to Romeo and Juliet and Braveheart, but that doesn't necessarily stop them from being possible foreshadowing. The games are riddled with references to other books/movies/etc.

    I will grant it is less likely that they are foreshadowing though, due to the whole 'Sam enabled the
    Giant Max
    thing to come to pass by choosing the correct dimension' thing.
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    What I do want, however, is that in the regular intro it's changed so that when you see Max in the car he's actually the
    demon version

    I'd rather see the
    Max monstrosity
    chasing Sam in the DeSoto.
  • edited July 2010
    *** The following post is about 75% spoilers for the ending of 304, so maybe skip it if you haven't beaten it yet, since I don't want to have to white out all my text. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ***

    Okay, is Maxthulu going to be on a destructive rampage throughout the city the whole time, with Sam trying to take him down, or is he going to be able to talk to Sam?

    If he's being controlled by some demonic force, then he's probably gonna be breaking stuff, but Sam still needs a partner, otherwise BAM! 50% of the game is shot.

    In the finale, you could see him jumping between the suddenly demonic side of his personality, and his regular self; so I can kinda see that happening in 305. Part of the time, the evil side has control; he's destroying the city and Sam's trying to stop him. The rest of the time, his normal self manages to break through to communicate with Sam, and he's basically like Max always is, only a hideous abomination.
  • edited July 2010
    Perhaps the Dimensional Destabilizer will be used once again to bring
    to this plane, using Sam as he once used
    ? Of course, a mellowed and perhaps brain-damaged fragment of him, but a fragment of him nonetheless.
  • edited July 2010
    For you doubters, here's an important hint I've found: use future vision on Sam during the finale. You'll see
    some big monstrous maw closing
  • edited July 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    For you doubters, here's an important hint I've found: use future vision on Sam during the finale. You'll see
    some big monstrous maw closing

    Are you sure it was a
    monstrous maw?
    I thought it was just supposed to be an ominous flash of light or something, to imply that something really bad happens to him. I don't think it was actually a

    I dunno, maybe I need to play through the finale again. I'll check it over.
  • edited July 2010
    I'll try to get a screenshot later.
  • edited July 2010
    It does look like teeth, yeah.

    But it's the same "space" as Bluster Blaster, so if that's true he gets eaten too.

    Last; The "giant eats Sam" uses regular super-Max, not monster super-Max. So unless Max changes back before eating Sam (starting to get less likely?)...
  • edited July 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Are you sure it was a
    monstrous maw?
    I thought it was just supposed to be an ominous flash of light or something, to imply that something really bad happens to him. I don't think it was actually a
    It's the manatee from Tales of Monkey Island!
  • edited July 2010
    xbskid wrote: »
    it's the manatee from tales of monkey island!
  • edited July 2010

    Oh how rude...
  • edited July 2010
    Last; The "giant eats Sam" uses regular super-Max, not monster super-Max. So unless Max changes back before eating Sam (starting to get less likely?)...

    Well, we can allow this little gap in consistency for the sake of the surprise at the end of the episode, can't we? It's Sam&Max, after all ;)
  • edited July 2010
    Flah wrote: »
    Oh how rude...

    Hey guys. I got the shirt.
    manateee- (falls in water)
  • edited July 2010
    I think in the last episode we are going to need to use the molepeole to stop 'Maxthullhu', they did banish the Old Ones in the past.
  • edited July 2010
    Kaiju battle! KAIJU BATTLE!!
  • edited July 2010
    Here's that screenshot I promised.
  • edited July 2010
    Anyone want to get a picture of Monstrous Max and check if the teeth match?
  • edited July 2010
    By the looks of things, they do; Maxdiggian/Ma'xulhu/Monster Max has incredibly pointy, interlocking teeth, like the ones present in the vision.
  • edited July 2010
    Sam is going to pilot the floating platform that went about the
    clone lab,
    fused with Bluster Blaster's AI, against
    Giant Max, who will be reverted back to the way he was by the end of Act II.
    Act III will be a stable time loop where the first part of the first episode is re-enacted, the toys are collected by Sam & Max and subsequently destroyed, causing none of this to happen at all.

    I don't work for Telltale, but I know how they think. Totally.

    This is plausible but it would mean Papierwaite could just send Yog-Soggoth home, General Skun-ka'pe would still be on Earth looking for the Toys of Power (not consumed by madness), Nefertiti would never get her moment to shine and Sal would still be working in the museum.

    On a few other notes: I don't think we'll ever learn who Superball's superiors are or even learn how he seems to never age; Yog-Soggoth was still alive at the end because in the cinematics, the tentacles were still wriggling (seeing as him and Papierwaite are joined, it's possible that Papierwaite is still alive too); without Max in a reasonable state of mind or psychic powers to play with, I suspect we'll play as Sam for the entire episode.
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