Sybil Vs Girl Stinky

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
In 201, inside Stinky's diner, Sybil clearly shows scorn towards Girl Stinky and her "cheating". However, this is not explored for the rest of the season.

Now, for Season 4, should some kind of rivalry between Sybil and Girl Stinky be explored? How would it be developed? What kind of completely dirty and amoral tactics would Girl Stinky use? How would Sybil react?

What would be the Moral Event Horizon that would secure Girl Stinky's place as the Ultimate &¡7(# not only in all the Sam & Max canons, but in all gaming?!

If she was willing to do what she did in 304 to get away from Flint Paper... who knows what she would do to destroy Sybil's soul.


  • edited July 2010
    SmileMan64 wrote: »
    Mama Bosco vs Girl Stinky

    Fix'd. And Mama Bosco.
  • edited July 2010
    No offense, but Sybil's been done to death. We saw way too much of her in the first 2 seasons and I'd prefer if TTG just gave her a rest. It's not like she's a very interesting character anyway.
  • edited July 2010
    she got married Abraham Lincoln stone head Homeric more interesting can you get like what dues there kid look like
  • edited July 2010
    Sybil and Girl Stinky should not come back ever. These are old characters.
    I would like to see new characters on the next seasons.

    Take Skun-kape or Paiperwaite for example! These are perfect new characters!
    I really love their designs. I would like to see more like these, not recycled characters.
  • edited July 2010
    They have to bring Bosco back though. I kind of missed him this season.
  • edited July 2010
    kane wrote: »
    she got married Abraham Lincoln stone head Homeric more interesting can you get like what dues there kid look like

    Better question is how the heck they'll have kids XD
  • edited July 2010
    Season 4 could introduce us to Sybil and Abe's half-stone/half-human kids!
  • edited July 2010
    I can imagine their kids would look something like this:

  • edited July 2010
    Amaterasu wrote: »
    Sybil and Girl Stinky should not come back ever. These are old characters.
    I would like to see new characters on the next seasons.

    Having old characters in the game doesn't exclude the possibility of having also a huge amount of new characters. Recurring characters bring continuity to the series, but it's true that every character shouldn't make comeback in the later seasons. However if there's still some stories left to tell about the characters then it's all right. I kind of like Girl Stinky's attitude, so I wouldn't mind seeing her again in the next season, but I wish to see her only if it fits to the story and she has something new to offer.
  • edited July 2010
    Having old characters in the game doesn't exclude the possibility of having also a huge amount of new characters. Recurring characters bring continuity to the series, but it's true that every character shouldn't make comeback in the later seasons. However if there's still some stories left to tell about the characters then it's all right. I kind of like Girl Stinky's attitude, so I wouldn't mind seeing her again in the next season, but I wish to see her only if it fits to the story and she has something new to offer.

    She definitely had a completely new character aspect this season. I'd like to see her return with another new interesting variant next season as well.
  • edited July 2010
    id like to see a grandma stinky next season
  • edited July 2010
    I agree that all of Bosco, Sybil and Granddaughter Stinky have been overdone a bit in the past seasons. That's the consequence of re-using the same characters and locations over and over again in all episodes in the season, unfortunately. :(

    Luckily, it seems with season 3 they are handling things more carefully: different locations and characters to keep things interesting! And it seems that they are also careful not to overuse Flint Paper, just like Steve Purcell did in the comics: he is mentioned every once in a while, often enough to know who he is, but rarely enough not to get fed up with him. I'm extremely satisfied with the storytelling so far (although I've only played the first two episodes).
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