Sam and Max episode questions?

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
I have not finished episode 1 yet - played the original game and really enjoying this game.
Does the story continue from episode 1 to 2 or are each totally independent of each other?
Reason is it would seem that you do not have to finish episode 1 to play 2.


  • edited January 2007
    Well...yes and no. At the end of episode one, you see a clip on TV that more or less introduces what will happen in part 2.
    There are different story lines, but it is like a sitcom, with recurring characters, coming in mid-season (without playing earlier episodes), might cause a little confusion, if you know what I mean.
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, you don't have to have played Ep 1 to pick up and enjoy Ep 2. They are all standalone episodes - but your experience will be richer if you start at the beginning, due to character introductions (Bosco, Sybill, Rats, Soda Poppers, Hugh Bliss) and a better feeling for the overarching plot.
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