Game Breaking Mac Bug

edited July 2010 in Game Support
Okay, I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, but after the opening part, when you actually get to start playing, when they're in the boarded up diner and all, the screen is 100% black. I can't see a single thing. I can see sparkles when I go into max's future vision, and the rhinoplasty, but I can't see what I'm doing. Just to confirm that this is a mac-only bug, I booted into windows on the same machine, and found that the bug didn't exist there, thus how I know the problem was in the "boarded up diner". I only have the windows partition nowadays for troubleshooting like this, so I would rather not have to use it if I don't have to...
If any other mac users have experienced the same issue, please tell me about it. Could be just me, but graphical problems so rarely are...
EDIT: On the windows side, the screen does have a "darkness" effect. I'm assuming that the bug is with that effect in the mac engine, which should have been apparent if they bothered to test it.


  • edited July 2010
    Not sure what happened, but now that i'm back on my Mac OS partition, the game is operating normally... Odd, but at least it's working. Still, the cause of this bug should be investigated anyway, because i know what i saw (or didn't see).
    EDIT: The bug was back again, but that was after first changing it into window mode, switching to safari to type this post, then switching back, and putting it back into fullscreen. I'm assuming the bug happened somewhere along that route. Looks like i did all the work for you telltale ^.^
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