Captain Future reference?

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey! I'm just now playing Ep. 3 of the new Sam & Max season. Am I the only one or does anybody else notice a resemblance betwenn Max as a brain and Professor Simon from the Captain Future series? Not the obvious fact that they both are brains, but the lights underneath them that serve a a kind of mouth when they are speaking. Coincidence? I guess not.



  • edited July 2010
    Hey! I'm just now playing Ep. 3 of the new Sam & Max season. Am I the only one or does anybody else notice a resemblance betwenn Max as a brain and Professor Simon from the Captain Future series? Not the obvious fact that they both are brains, but the lights underneath them that serve a a kind of mouth when they are speaking. Coincidence? I guess not.


    I didn't spot it, but if you add angry eyes, he'll look like Dead Head Fred.
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