Sam and Max episode 2 Patch/re-release forthcoming?

edited January 2007 in Game Support

It might seem like it's not needed to ask this, but is there going to be a patch or re-release coming? I've already encountered some of the problems mentioned here in the forum and I have no intention of playing through putting up with crashes and workarounds every minute. Not asking for an *exact* date since I'm a programmer as well, but is there one being worked on? :) I hope they don't just sweep this one under the rug and move onto episode 3 just because people have found workarounds.

I'm pretty disappointed in episode 2 in general. I expected Telltale to nail down the engine before episode 1, then the rest of the updates just becomes content and script/gameplay changes. I hope there wont be any major engine rewrites every episode like this as I couldnt imagine that testing/disaster planning can be properly done on a monthly schedule along with making content.


  • edited January 2007
    I hope they patch it. I don't want to be worryed with every upcoming episodes because they won't run or crash somewhere into it.

    I'm terribly disapointed, i can't even play this game.
  • edited January 2007
    I really hope they will release a patch before the 3rd episode.
    I also cannot play this game (the saved games bug hit me).

    I even tried to run the game in one time by deleting the preferences files and saved games and I had another bug I did not have the first time (the mouse cursor which disappeared after the shaving cream stealing).

    This game did not passed any real quality assurance or what ?
    I am really disappointed and I hope that Telltale will recognize and assume their mistakes by making a patch. I don't even want it to be quick, just do a clean job... but please do it before launching the 3rd episode.

    Please don't ruin the Sam & Max franchise and our enjoyment with this kind of issues.
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, I'm still waiting patiently for an answer to the "code LP5" error problem with no response. Say what you want about the other bugs; I haven't even been able to START the game. :mad:

    All I can say is, I hope they won't be charging an arm and a leg for the disc with all the episodes on it, because it's beginning to look like that's the only way I'll ever be able to play Episode 2 (at the least; who knows what bugs may come in later episodes?).
  • edited January 2007
    Well I hope they are working industry overtime abandon-the-family hours on this (can't believe I just said that). It seems like really poor planning between digital river's site being down on release day to making mid season tech changes. I guess the true test of any person/company/entity is what they do when the chips are down, and they can easily just move on to episode 3 and consider episode 2 done except for a "vocal minority". All I can say is, if episode 3 is just as unplayable I will definitely be asking for a refund.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    I don't know if it's been posted elsewhere, but we have found the problem with the autosave bug (the one that caused the game to crash for some people when changing environments) as well as hopefully a few other tangentially related issues, and a fix will be out soon. So, when that's out we'll be sure to post it in big blinking lights surrounded by dancing girls in the support forum.
  • edited January 2007
    Do we get to keep the dancing girls? :)
  • edited January 2007
    will there REALLY be dancing girls ? :p
  • edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I don't know if it's been posted elsewhere, but we have found the problem with the autosave bug (the one that caused the game to crash for some people when changing environments) as well as hopefully a few other tangentially related issues, and a fix will be out soon. So, when that's out we'll be sure to post it in big blinking lights surrounded by dancing girls in the support forum.

    And the patch will be sent to GameTap to allow those accessing the games that way to benefit, right?
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