I'll need something to play if I do actually get a 3DS (but I might wait till some more games come out for it (though not too late as christmas might make it a hard buy (or an easy buy depending on circumstances!))).
Huh, as far as I know, the McDonalds around here only have hot fudge or strawberry sundaes. And now I want a hot fudge one, but it's after 3 am and I should go to bed. Thanks a lot.
Huh, as far as I know, the McDonalds around here only have hot fudge or strawberry sundaes. And now I want a hot fudge one, but it's after 3 am and I should go to bed. Thanks a lot.
But the wee hours of the morn are the perfect time for impulse junk-food buying!
Also you don't have caramel? How annoying :P Fudge just wouldn't be the same!
I just got Laxius Force 1 and 2 of Gamersgate.
For RPG maker games they seem pretty good.
I've only tried the first game so far, (as I hear saves can be transferred over), but it looks and plays alright.
The dialogue is a bit dodgy, but thats because its been translated from french.
Story wise, its quite interesting, and I hear the games are very long and have a lot of sidequests.
Just got back from a Marks and Spencer's run, so I HAVE FOOD.
I hope you don't do what I do and wait till you are really REALLY hungry before going shopping, so you come back with the worst possible foods to eat (doughnuts, fizzy pop, pies, whiskey, bags of pick n' mix, pork scratchings, sausage rolls, baby bels, prawn crackers, doritos, pringles etc etc etc.
Also, I just bought £50 of petrol/gas, alongside a disgusting gas station sandwich, and a bottle of coke
Just got back from a Marks and Spencer's run, so I HAVE FOOD.
Marks and Sparks, well get you!! Everyone knows you go Tesco's for your main and M&S for odds and sods to put out when your pratty posh friends come around
I hope you don't do what I do and wait till you are really REALLY hungry before going shopping, so you come back with the worst possible foods to eat (doughnuts, fizzy pop, pies, whiskey, bags of pick n' mix, pork scratchings, sausage rolls, baby bels, prawn crackers, doritos, pringles etc etc etc.
When I lived in Liverpool I did all my shopping in Home Bargains. I lived on noodles and fruit. Also they sold Tayto crisps which helped the homesickness pangs. After one binge when I was hungry I learnt my lesson when I came back with 50+ heavily discounted Creme Eggs
Marks and Sparks, well get you!! Everyone knows you go Tesco's for your main and M&S for odds and sods to put out when your pratty posh friends come around
When I lived in Liverpool I did all my shopping in Home Bargains. I lived on noodles and fruit. Also they sold Tayto crisps which helped the homesickness pangs. After one binge when I was hungry I learnt my lesson when I came back with 50+ heavily discounted Creme Eggs
Home bargains is pretty good, Did you ever see "Uncle joes minty balls" for sale there? They cracked me up when I first saw them
I hope you don't do what I do and wait till you are really REALLY hungry before going shopping, so you come back with the worst possible foods to eat (doughnuts, fizzy pop, pies, whiskey, bags of pick n' mix, pork scratchings, sausage rolls, baby bels, prawn crackers, doritos, pringles etc etc etc.
I try not to do that now because when I was living in Santa Barbara I would ALWAYS do that. I'd come back to my flat from Albertsons with three cases of soda, a bunch of crisp bags, cereal, bagels, pretzels, lunchmeat, coffee, etc. Even if I was trying to be health conscious about things, all I'd get were some bananas and chicken breasts along with the junk food.
Marks and Sparks, well get you!! Everyone knows you go Tesco's for your main and M&S for odds and sods to put out when your pratty posh friends come around
Unfortunately our Tesco's here in York is a 30 minute walk from my flat, but M&S is only 15, so I don't go there that often. Our Morrison's is out there too, as is our big Sainsburys. We've got a little corner Sainsburys though, and that's where I go for my odds and ends in the middle of the week, like Parmesan, milk and booze. XD
Huh, as far as I know, the McDonalds around here only have hot fudge or strawberry sundaes. And now I want a hot fudge one, but it's after 3 am and I should go to bed. Thanks a lot.
I can't believe you don't have caramel, that's the only one I like! And it brings back memories (always had it for dessert as a kid). Haven't gone to McDonald's in years, but when I did I usually had McFlurries, though. But the caramel (Daim) one as well.
Huh, as far as I know, the McDonalds around here only have hot fudge or strawberry sundaes. And now I want a hot fudge one...
The last item I purchased was a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's. And it was DELICIOUS. Also, I checked and I was right, they only have hot fudge and strawberry sundaes here.
Just pre-ordered Portal 2 on the PS3 for about £30.
(The Hut had it for 32, but I used a £2 off coupon)
I was planning on getting Portal 2 for the PS3 anyway, due to the fact you get the PC version as well. (I hardly use my PSN account so linking it to Steam is no big deal...)
So I know that if it doesn't work on my laptop, I at least have a console version to keep me happy.
EDIT: Oh and I just got a Super Nintendo and 6 games, (Though its 5 really, as for some reason it came with Street Fighter 2 and SF2 Turbo!).
I don't think it comes with any boxes, (and the console has been yellowed to the point of being gold!) but for £20 it will do.
EDIT 2: After some tough haggling and auctioning I managed to pick up Super Street Fighter 2, Super Mario Allstars, Ghoul Patrol, and Flashback
So for £55 I got:
Super Nintendo with:
Starwing (aka Starfox)
Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Street Fighter 2
Ghoul Patrol
Super Mario Allstars (This is why its so much. This cost me almost £10 on its own! (but its good value considering the number of mario games it has!)
Super Game Boy Cart (I have a lot of good old Gameboy games. So it adds to the Snes playability a lot)
(The next stuff is stuff that was bundled with the Snes that I don't care about)
Nigel Mansell World Championship
Krustys Funhouse
Its a shame I didn't get any boxes though... (But with a box Snes games tend to be well pricey)
Next games on the list:
-Donkey Kong Country
-Stunt Race FX
-Super Smash TV
-Super Mario Kart
(Super Mario World and Zelda:ALTTP I could get, but I don't think its all too necessary as I already completed them when I got them on the GBA, so I might not get them)
We've got a little corner Sainsburys though, and that's where I go for my odds and ends in the middle of the week, like Parmesan, milk and booze. XD
All my drink in England was bought from the ever classy Bargain Booze. The shit thing was that all the spirits I liked weren't on sale. Which meant changing to Bells whiskey and crap lager. Which in turn lead to messy messy nights.
Pokémon White. I wouldn't have bothered picking it up on release day, but today overlaps with the last day of the Celebi distribution at GameStop, so I figured I'd see if I could get it on White as well. Turns out it only works on the older games. Oh well, it was worth a shot and now I don't have to go out later this week.
An update on my quest to get the Snes stuff I want.
Two new additions: Super Mario Kart and Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
(Unfortunately the deal for Ghoul Patrol was cancelled as the guy looked at the cart and said it was in really poor condition and refused to sell it to me (well I though that was quite nice of him))
So that brings the current roster to:
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Allstars
Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Street Fighter 2
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Super Game Boy
Starwing (Starfox)
Krusty's Funhouse
Nigel Mansell World Championship
Which now leaves me with only
-Donkey Kong Country (I hope I can get this one at a reasonable price)
-Stunt Race FX
-Super Smash TV
(-Megaman X (unlikely to get due to price))
It's designed to save Internal Battery Save States onto a chip for all games that were built as such. So Link to the Past, the entire Pokemon franchise for GBC, and even high score games get saved to it as back up for when those batteries die.
I have one of those. I wonder if my old Pokémon Silver save is still intact on there. Maybe I should try replacing the battery and see if I can put the save back on it.
Actually, when I first got Silver, I didn't start a new game. I had gotten Gold for my birthday a month and a half before I got Silver for Christmas, but Silver was the one I wanted. So I used that Mega Memory Card, backed up my Gold save file, and I restored it to the Silver cartridge. It worked perfectly. I started that game in Gold, but I finished it in Silver.
I have one of those. I wonder if my old Pokémon Silver save is still intact on there. Maybe I should try replacing the battery and see if I can put the save back on it.
Actually, when I first got Silver, I didn't start a new game. I had gotten Gold for my birthday a month and a half before I got Silver for Christmas, but Silver was the one I wanted. So I used that Mega Memory Card, backed up my Gold save file, and I restored it to the Silver cartridge. It worked perfectly. I started that game in Gold, but I finished it in Silver.
Seriously, though, I can't stand John Denver's music, but because I live in Colorado, I hear it pretty frequently. Maybe that's why it bugs me, now that I think about it. Really, I can't stand any song that has the phrase "rocky mountain" in it.
Seriously, though, I can't stand John Denver's music, but because I live in Colorado, I hear it pretty frequently. Maybe that's why it bugs me, now that I think about it. Really, I can't stand any song that has the phrase "rocky mountain" in it.
I know, I'm weird and finicky, shut up.
I've got longer hair than John Denver does on that cover. Colorado is my favorite state, and I've lived there twice, so...yeah...any song that reminds me of Colorado makes me enormously happy....usually.
On a note unrelated to Denver, even though everyone I know seems to dislike this guy's music, this song expresses in perfection my feelings about the Rocky Mountains, Pike's Peak, etc. even though it never mentions any location names. Dunno why I'm posting this, though, I guess I just like talking about Colorado. Colorado Colorado Colorado.
- ready-to-be-microwaved soup
- a LEGO Minifigures gashapon for my girlfriend's collection
- this piratey jacket:
- also ordered:
Can't wait to get my playful child-inside fingers on Keldor!
I'll need something to play if I do actually get a 3DS (but I might wait till some more games come out for it (though not too late as christmas might make it a hard buy (or an easy buy depending on circumstances!))).
But without nuts, I hate the nuts
But the wee hours of the morn are the perfect time for impulse junk-food buying!
Also you don't have caramel? How annoying :P Fudge just wouldn't be the same!
For RPG maker games they seem pretty good.
I've only tried the first game so far, (as I hear saves can be transferred over), but it looks and plays alright.
The dialogue is a bit dodgy, but thats because its been translated from french.
Story wise, its quite interesting, and I hear the games are very long and have a lot of sidequests.
Hopefully it will end up being £10 well spent.
I hope you don't do what I do and wait till you are really REALLY hungry before going shopping, so you come back with the worst possible foods to eat (doughnuts, fizzy pop, pies, whiskey, bags of pick n' mix, pork scratchings, sausage rolls, baby bels, prawn crackers, doritos, pringles etc etc etc.
Also, I just bought £50 of petrol/gas, alongside a disgusting gas station sandwich, and a bottle of coke
Marks and Sparks, well get you!! Everyone knows you go Tesco's for your main and M&S for odds and sods to put out when your pratty posh friends come around
When I lived in Liverpool I did all my shopping in Home Bargains. I lived on noodles and fruit. Also they sold Tayto crisps which helped the homesickness pangs. After one binge when I was hungry I learnt my lesson when I came back with 50+ heavily discounted Creme Eggs
Home bargains is pretty good, Did you ever see "Uncle joes minty balls" for sale there? They cracked me up when I first saw them
I try not to do that now because when I was living in Santa Barbara I would ALWAYS do that. I'd come back to my flat from Albertsons with three cases of soda, a bunch of crisp bags, cereal, bagels, pretzels, lunchmeat, coffee, etc. Even if I was trying to be health conscious about things, all I'd get were some bananas and chicken breasts along with the junk food.
Unfortunately our Tesco's here in York is a 30 minute walk from my flat, but M&S is only 15, so I don't go there that often. Our Morrison's is out there too, as is our big Sainsburys. We've got a little corner Sainsburys though, and that's where I go for my odds and ends in the middle of the week, like Parmesan, milk and booze. XD
I can't believe you don't have caramel, that's the only one I like! And it brings back memories (always had it for dessert as a kid). Haven't gone to McDonald's in years, but when I did I usually had McFlurries, though. But the caramel (Daim) one as well.
The last item I purchased was a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's. And it was DELICIOUS. Also, I checked and I was right, they only have hot fudge and strawberry sundaes here.
(The Hut had it for 32, but I used a £2 off coupon)
I was planning on getting Portal 2 for the PS3 anyway, due to the fact you get the PC version as well. (I hardly use my PSN account so linking it to Steam is no big deal...)
So I know that if it doesn't work on my laptop, I at least have a console version to keep me happy.
EDIT: Oh and I just got a Super Nintendo and 6 games, (Though its 5 really, as for some reason it came with Street Fighter 2 and SF2 Turbo!).
I don't think it comes with any boxes, (and the console has been yellowed to the point of being gold!) but for £20 it will do.
EDIT 2: After some tough haggling and auctioning I managed to pick up Super Street Fighter 2, Super Mario Allstars, Ghoul Patrol, and Flashback
So for £55 I got:
Super Nintendo with:
Starwing (aka Starfox)
Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Street Fighter 2
Ghoul Patrol
Super Mario Allstars (This is why its so much. This cost me almost £10 on its own! (but its good value considering the number of mario games it has!)
Super Game Boy Cart (I have a lot of good old Gameboy games. So it adds to the Snes playability a lot)
(The next stuff is stuff that was bundled with the Snes that I don't care about)
Nigel Mansell World Championship
Krustys Funhouse
Its a shame I didn't get any boxes though...
Next games on the list:
-Donkey Kong Country
-Stunt Race FX
-Super Smash TV
-Super Mario Kart
(Super Mario World and Zelda:ALTTP I could get, but I don't think its all too necessary as I already completed them when I got them on the GBA, so I might not get them)
Let's see if these buggers are worth their salt
All my drink in England was bought from the ever classy Bargain Booze. The shit thing was that all the spirits I liked weren't on sale. Which meant changing to Bells whiskey and crap lager. Which in turn lead to messy messy nights.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Two new additions: Super Mario Kart and Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
(Unfortunately the deal for Ghoul Patrol was cancelled as the guy looked at the cart and said it was in really poor condition and refused to sell it to me (well I though that was quite nice of him))
So that brings the current roster to:
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Allstars
Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Street Fighter 2
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Super Game Boy
Starwing (Starfox)
Krusty's Funhouse
Nigel Mansell World Championship
Which now leaves me with only
-Donkey Kong Country (I hope I can get this one at a reasonable price)
-Stunt Race FX
-Super Smash TV
(-Megaman X (unlikely to get due to price))
Please don't tell me that's life sized.
Well, bought for me, but still.
It's been scaled down, actually.
It's not, the picture is just high res
Wish it was that size :mad:
Just managed to pick up Super Smash TV and F-Zero for pretty cheap!
Now I only have 2 (3) games left to get:
-Donkey Kong Country
-Stunt Race FX
(-Megaman X (unlikely to get due to price))
Donkey Kong Country will be a hard find...
Once I get those I will be fully satisfied.
It's designed to save Internal Battery Save States onto a chip for all games that were built as such. So Link to the Past, the entire Pokemon franchise for GBC, and even high score games get saved to it as back up for when those batteries die.
Actually, when I first got Silver, I didn't start a new game. I had gotten Gold for my birthday a month and a half before I got Silver for Christmas, but Silver was the one I wanted. So I used that Mega Memory Card, backed up my Gold save file, and I restored it to the Silver cartridge. It worked perfectly. I started that game in Gold, but I finished it in Silver.
Also picked up Ghouls'n'Ghosts (Megadrive version), Chakan, and Smash Tennis for £13.
Today was a good day!
EDIT: Godhand was that cheap because it was just the game disc and Manual.
(GAME seemed to be having a PS2 clearout....)
What do you two balloons think I am? I already own that shit
Huh... I'd always thought John Denver was a dude.
I really really like this pic it has to be said, everytime I see it I fawn a little
Obviously you've never heard his music.
Seriously, though, I can't stand John Denver's music, but because I live in Colorado, I hear it pretty frequently. Maybe that's why it bugs me, now that I think about it. Really, I can't stand any song that has the phrase "rocky mountain" in it.
I know, I'm weird and finicky, shut up.
I've got longer hair than John Denver does on that cover. Colorado is my favorite state, and I've lived there twice, so...yeah...any song that reminds me of Colorado makes me enormously happy....usually.
On a note unrelated to Denver, even though everyone I know seems to dislike this guy's music, this song expresses in perfection my feelings about the Rocky Mountains, Pike's Peak, etc. even though it never mentions any location names. Dunno why I'm posting this, though, I guess I just like talking about Colorado. Colorado Colorado Colorado.