The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited March 2012
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Make sure to tell me how it is.. I've been thinking about getting that game....

    I will. Downloading The Next BIG Thing first.
  • edited March 2012
    Another memory card adapter for my PSP.

    The first hasn't arrived yet, and I'm worried it might not turn up at all!

    So I ordered another one of another amazon supplier.

    Twice the price, but the guy has 100% feedback, and ships first class apparently.
  • edited March 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    For my dude:

    Attachment not found.

    What can I say, he deserves it. :p

    Modesty is your middle name, right? :p
  • edited March 2012
    Gift knife for Comrade Mortis. It should be noted that she loves her knives as much as I love my guns, which is to say, she adores knives.
  • edited March 2012
    ...your family scares me.

    Last bought this. It does the body good.
  • edited March 2012
    Just been to town earlier.

    Went to CEX and GAME.

    Managed to find excellent bargains in GAME:

    Jack and Daxter: The Final Frontier £1.98
    God of War: Chains of Olympus £1.98

    Then at CEX I picked up:

    Dissidia Duodecim £12.00
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep £12.00

    Expensive I know, but the cheapness of the others offset it a bit.
    Besides, those two are some of the best games the PSP has to offer! :D

    Might order the rest of the PSP games I want to just get it over and done with.
    (Hopefully, I'll have 60gb of memory to play with! Thats a lot of games I can fit on there!)


    Patapon £4.00
    Patapon 2 £4.00
    Gitaroo Man Lives £4.00
    Parappa the Rapper £3.00
    Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins £6.00

    +£2.50 postage


    Its a lot to spend but dammit. This. Combined with the stuff I have already, means I don't need any other PSP games for a long time! :D

    (I'd like to get Persona 1+2+3 but thats more expensive than most of these games COMBINED!! :()
  • edited March 2012
    ...your family scares me.

    We'll be sure to invite you to the wedding, Darthy. You're a credit to Sith everywhere.
  • edited March 2012
    We'll be sure to invite you to the wedding, Darthy. You're a credit to Sith everywhere.
    Oh, I'm not the real Sith Lord. That'd be my room-mate, when he's not busy killing Chavs for fun. He just lets me use his name online so I can project the right image.

    (There, cover story established. Let's see the feds pin anything on me now!)
  • edited March 2012
    Oh, I'm not the real Sith Lord. That'd be my room-mate, when he's not busy killing Chavs for fun. He just lets me use his name online so I can project the right image.

    (There, cover story established. Let's see the feds pin anything on me now!)

    [citizen kane clapping gif]
  • edited March 2012
    ...your family scares me.

    It's cool. You learn to live among the heavily armed by not being armed at all. I'm like the anti-armed person. I'd probably just chuck a weapon away if somebody gave me one. Unless it was a power fist. Those things are awesome.
  • edited March 2012
    It's cool. You learn to live among the heavily armed by not being armed at all. I'm like the anti-armed person. I'd probably just chuck a weapon away if somebody gave me one. Unless it was a power fist. Those things are awesome.

    We'll be sure not to include a derringer in your gift basket at our wedding, then.
  • edited March 2012
    The last thing I've bought is the album Artificial Heart by Jonathan Coulton. And just a little before that I bought the album JoCo Looks Back and Mike Phirman's W00stock tribute song. All of this was thanks to the serendipitous finding of a £25 iTunes gift card which I had received for my birthday back in October.

    What makes all this more serendipitous is the fact that I found the gift card while I was going through a box of old mail and stuff that I hadn't yet put away after my move while watching JoCo's music videos on YouTube. It was so meant to be!
  • edited March 2012
  • edited March 2012
    Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (with the £1.99 DLC) £6

    I got a 66% voucher so I thought, hey why not! :D

    Plus it makes me happy to see how fast my internet is now.

    I mean, this 1.6gb download only took me about 7 mins. Before that would have taken me 40 minutes, even a whole hour, depending on the time of day.

    Very. Very happy today. :D
    (And when I'm happy, my pursestrings tend to loosed a bit! XD)
  • edited March 2012
    Icedhope mentioned tacos on facebook last night... So I had to get some... the kids and I ate them all up in record time.

  • edited March 2012
    My god... Irishmile bought American fake Mexican food and I bought Irish beer. THE ATLANTIC IS INVERTING! SAVE ME JEBUS!
  • edited March 2012
    fake or not... the bathroom emergency they do not advertise is very real.... Besides.. I am American.. just bits of my DNA are Irish...
  • edited March 2012
    Ah. Good. A spatial inversion has been averted, then.
  • edited March 2012

    Was only $28 including shipping on Amazon.
  • edited March 2012

    It's a... healthy... idea.
  • edited March 2012

    Was only $28 including shipping on Amazon.

    ...Only? I never buy DVDs over $15. (unless there are multiple DVDs involved.)
  • edited March 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    ...Only? I never buy DVDs over $15. (unless there are multiple DVDs involved.)

    Well, it does include a Blu-ray copy, a DVD copy, and digital versions of both the movie and the soundtrack.
  • edited March 2012
    The Bard's Tale on Steam. Been waiting forever for it to go on sale.
  • edited March 2012

    The Uncharted series... still showing old Indy how it's done!


    'Alice: Madness Returns' also includes a digital copy of the original game.


    Very tasty with 'Frank's Red Hot - Xtra Hot' sauce...

  • edited March 2012
    Haha. Oh, oh man. Vegetarian meat. Haha. Wow.
  • edited March 2012
    Haha. Oh, oh man. Vegetarian meat. Haha. Wow.

    This might have been the first time we thought the same thing.

  • edited March 2012
    Quorn's not that bad actually.
    (I've tried it. Texture of chicken without the flavour. Well, the one product I tasted did)

    S'alright meal if you have good herbs/spices/sauces to go with it.

    (I personally love meat too much to bother myself! XD)
  • edited March 2012
    [retracted because I don't think Pants is capable of engaging in an intelligent discussion]
  • edited March 2012
  • edited March 2012

    I don't feel superior to meat eaters as such but you have to ask whether you feel superior to a mass murderer? The point is that I don't preach to people about it (I only did so above because you provoked me). Why do I have to eat meat? Why can't I do what I want with my own body? What gives you the right to mock me?

    Also, yet again you're flagging yourself as a huge hypocrite (hardly surprising given your track record). That article is overwhelming in its superiority complex and you ,Sir, are an extremely arrogant git. I don't like you in the least. Sometimes I think that you say things just to be nasty to people, to get a reaction. Newsflash; you're not a radical crusader. You're simply a rude bully!

    As for "their shit don't stink", I can assure you that a vegetarian's shit smells rank!
  • edited March 2012
    You're too kind.

  • edited March 2012
    Davies wrote: »
    Also, yet again you're flagging yourself as a huge hypocrite (hardly surprising given your track record). That article is overwhelming in its superiority complex and you ,Sir, are an extremely arrogant git...

    Every article on Maddox' site is satire and should not be taken seriously. It's designed purely to piss you off, and has apparently succeeded.
  • edited March 2012
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    Every article on Maddox' site is satire and should not be taken seriously.

  • edited March 2012
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    Every article on Maddox' site is satire and should not be taken seriously. It's designed purely to piss you off, and has apparently succeeded.

    Oh, I've never heard of Maddox before. Thanks for letting me know. Judging from Pant's attitude, I'm guessing it's his favourite site; they both seem to have the same approach to life!
  • edited March 2012
    Alternativa, the Hitman trilogy and Project Snowblind on Steam, since they were all cheap.
  • edited March 2012
    Sly Trilogy (£9.99 for 3 great games? HELL YEAH!)
    Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

    For the PS3. Though, blood omen may end up on my PSP along with the other PS1 games I'm redownloading in preperation for the adapter.
  • edited March 2012
    A bunch of DVD cases. Some Green ones for my XBox 360 games, and some 18mm 6x cases for my film collections.
  • edited March 2012
    Breakfast for the colleagues.
  • edited March 2012
    From the Awesome Store: DVD Combo Pack of Kickassia and Suburban Knights.
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