Favorite Console to Play Telltale Games on?

edited August 2010 in General Chat
What is your favorite platform to play telltale games on. Keep in mind you are not voting on the platform with your favorite Telltale Games. You are voting on your favorite platform to play the games on.


  • edited August 2010
    PC, the only other system out of those that I have is Wii and 75% of those ports are lousy.
  • edited August 2010
    PC, because then all my games can be kept together like one big happy family!
  • edited August 2010
    PC, the only other system out of those that I have is Wii and 75% of those ports are lousy.

    I know, right?
  • edited August 2010
    The PC isn't a console. Maybe the poll would be better phrased 'Favourite Platform'?
  • edited August 2010
    Anything but the ps3. If of course i had to choose then it would be the wii. I have yet to see why half of you say they suck. Tales ive never had a problem with sam and max ive never had a problem with(but ive never played season 2 on wii so that ill leave alone) and sbcg4ap ive never had a problem with(except homestar ruiner but even the pc version was glitched) and the wii is what i play the most (until the 3ds comes out)
    EDIT:I honestly dont think pc was a good idea for a CONSOLE plus everyone knows pc is the main choice.
  • edited August 2010
    Iv only used the PC for them
  • edited August 2010
    PC, the only other system out of those that I have is Wii and 75% of those ports are lousy.
    QFT. The Sam & Max ports were surprisingly lacklustre. Strong Bad was fun though, as was Monkey Island (slightly dodgy framerate excluded).
  • edited August 2010
    There's no one choice. It depends entirely on the game and/or the quality of the port. PC is a good option for the most part, but I actually enjoy playing ToMI on the PS3 more than on the PC - probably because I think the controls works better, and that I don't have a big couch in front of and a HDTV connected to my PC (which I hopefully will eventually, when I find a good way while still keep my livingroom reasonably tidy).
  • edited August 2010
    Depends on the game, own them all on PC, and the older point and click games definitely work better on PC. However, I felt ToMI played better on PS3, that could just be my preference to use a controller over pc controls and my bigger tv screen, but still.
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