BTW you can attach an image to your post type this "" So, in this case you would type [noparse][/noparse] Don't use quotation marks when you actually do it though.
Next year, your wife will have to make one of Guybrush Threepwood!
It's great, but if I have to criticize it I'll say the head is too round, and it should be more of an oval, the ears are too short and thick, and the eyes should be less wide. Regardless of that, it's very good. I'm sure your son will be pleased.
It's great, but if I have to criticize it I'll say the head is too round, and it should be more of an oval, the ears are too short and thick, and the eyes should be less wide. Regardless of that, it's very good. I'm sure your son will be pleased.
And a good wife.
For halloween I'm thinking a stuffed pumpkin fliptop head kind of thing
Next year, your wife will have to make one of Guybrush Threepwood!
Because cakes are incredibly easy to shape
Adorable cake, regardless.
This is the greatest cake ever! I need to learn how to bake...
can i go have some of the cake. the only video game themed cake i got was a lie.