Sam and Max: Whole collection for just $49.95

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey I just came over this deal, and haven't played any of the games before so wanted to give them a shot. But is this for ps3 as well? I don't use my computer for gaming, so was wondering if this offer works for ps3 as well. Couldn't see anywhere what system the deal was for, strange...


  • edited August 2010
    The deal is only offered on, which means it's only available for PC (and in some cases, Mac). In almost all cases, if there's a deal applicable for the PS3, it will be in the PlayStation Store, not on the developer's website.

    So, no, that deal is not applicable to the PS3.
  • edited August 2010
    Hey I just came over this deal, and haven't played any of the games before so wanted to give them a shot. But is this for ps3 as well? I don't use my computer for gaming, so was wondering if this offer works for ps3 as well. Couldn't see anywhere what system the deal was for, strange...
    Still, you could try playing these on your PC! There is a demo for The Devil's Playhouse, Sam and Max games work on a pretty wide variety of systems and this can let you know if it runs well on yours. There is also a free episode of Season One you could try.
  • edited August 2010
    Also, it would be a little difficult for the "complete collection" deal to be available on the PS3 when The Devil's Playhouse is the only Sam & Max season available for the PS3.
  • edited August 2010
    im with you buddy =)
    i use PS3 for gaming ... i have only 2 Pc games and thats it
    i play 2 PC games i dont use that much
    This is why i use PS3 ......
  • edited August 2010
    xbskid wrote: »
    The deal is only offered on, which means it's only available for PC (and in some cases, Mac). In almost all cases, if there's a deal applicable for the PS3, it will be in the PlayStation Store, not on the developer's website.

    So, no, that deal is not applicable to the PS3.

    Yeah in most cases the deal is on the Playstation Store. But I have used deals in the past where I buy something of a web page and then enter a code in the Playstation Store to Download what I bought. I though that this might have been the same kind of deal. But since I couldn't see it written anywhere I had to ask ;)
    Also, it would be a little difficult for the "complete collection" deal to be available on the PS3 when The Devil's Playhouse is the only Sam & Max season available for the PS3.

    True, I just assumed they would come at a later time, and that if you bought the whole collection you could DL them for free when they came out...

    Too bad they're only for PC, not for me then. I prefer to game everything on console except for fastpaced Strategy Games and Sport Manager Games, since this is neither I'll get something else instead.
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    i dont like using PC games because it might...give me viruses

    This is only applicable if you're the kind of person that prefers to not pay for games.
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    i dont like using PC games because it might slow down my computer or give me viruses
    So basically you're an idiot without even a rudimentary understanding of computers.
  • edited August 2010
    So basically you're an idiot without even a rudimentary understanding of computers.

    i understand how to use a computer ... u need antivirus and see how much GB space you need for the game to work and intel processor and a good computer like windows XP or Windows 7 what else you want to know ??
    jeez why are you uptight about it .... and why bother calling me an idiot .. your an idiot !!!!
  • edited August 2010
    xbskid wrote: »
    This is only applicable if you're the kind of person that prefers to not pay for games.

    ok why everyone is on me !!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
    ok so i dont play PC games that often ...whats the big deal !!!(BTW i pay for games) most of the games that comes out for PS3 / 360 comes out for PC
    i have a PS3 so theres no reason to buy Pc version
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    ok why everyone is on me !!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
    ok so i dont play PC games that often ...whats the big deal !!!(BTW i pay for games) most of the games that comes out for PS3 / 360 comes out for PC
    i have a PS3 so theres no reason to buy Pc version

    This logic makes no sense. You are more or less saying "Sure, I only get 1/3 the games I want for 7/10 the price. BUT AT LEAST I GET IT ON MY CONSOLE OF CHOICE INSTEAD OF MY PERFECTLY CAPABLE COMPUTING MACHINE'
  • edited August 2010
    Why would a known game company put a virus on a game an lose customers, if you buy straight from the developer it's about 99% sure it will be virus free.
  • edited August 2010
    This logic makes no sense. You are more or less saying "Sure, I only get 1/3 the games I want for 7/10 the price. BUT AT LEAST I GET IT ON MY CONSOLE OF CHOICE INSTEAD OF MY PERFECTLY CAPABLE COMPUTING MACHINE'

    im not saying anything .. im just want to say this everyone has own opinion
    i have my own opinoin and you have your own .. i dont want to start a fight or anything .. can we move on with this thread that the guy posted ???
    so like are we cool ??:rolleyes::cool:
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    ok why everyone is on me !!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
    ok so i dont play PC games that often ...whats the big deal !!!(BTW i pay for games) most of the games that comes out for PS3 / 360 comes out for PC
    i have a PS3 so theres no reason to buy Pc version

    I'm just saying that any reputable company does not bundle viruses with their PC games. I don't understand why you think you get viruses from PC games when you buy them from a retail outlet or the developer's website. I wasn't ragging on you for not buying one edition or another, but I do think the lack of logic with "i have a PS3 so theres no reason to buy Pc version" is silly.
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta. Noone is on you. I know it's hard to get, but your way of thinking is miserably downgraded, so people are just trying to tell you the issue.

    tl;dr of the whole 10 posts; There is NO such thing as "You'll eventually get viruses (woo!!) if you use your computer too much". I advise you to get a better understanding of computers (you think you do have, but you do not), and trust Telltale or any company that are known widely for their online distributed high-quality games (such as Valve) without ANY fear of viruses whatsoever.

    "Viruses", or malwares or whatever are, in the end, designed and coded by people as well (they do NOT create theirselves from nothing) and any big gaming company would be as smart NOT to include any harmful codebits to your machine. You're a customer, and your feedback is important to attract more customers, plus doing the opposite is simply illegal. I mean, why do THEY bother with such things?

    Common sense... Really.
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    i understand how to use a computer ... u need antivirus and see how much GB space you need for the game to work and intel processor and a good computer like windows XP or Windows 7 what else you want to know ??

    ...That is not how computers work.
  • edited August 2010
    man i already bought season 3
  • edited August 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Gogeta. Noone is on you. I know it's hard to get, but your way of thinking is miserably downgraded, so people are just trying to tell you the issue.

    tl;dr of the whole 10 posts; There is NO such thing as "You'll eventually get viruses (woo!!) if you use your computer too much". I advise you to get a better understanding of computers (you think you do have, but you do not), and trust Telltale or any company that are known widely for their online distributed high-quality games (such as Valve) without ANY fear of viruses whatsoever.

    "Viruses", or malwares or whatever are, in the end, designed and coded by people as well (they do NOT create theirselves from nothing) and any big gaming company would be as smart NOT to include any harmful codebits to your machine. You're a customer, and your feedback is important to attract more customers, plus doing the opposite is simply illegal. I mean, why do THEY bother with such things?

    Common sense... Really.

    ...That is not how computers work.

    ok i get it ty can we get on different subject?? ( i know how to use a computer just that i typed it wrong)
  • edited August 2010
    xbskid wrote: »
    I'm just saying that any reputable company does not bundle viruses with their PC games. I don't understand why you think you get viruses from PC games when you buy them from a retail outlet or the developer's website. I wasn't ragging on you for not buying one edition or another, but I do think the lack of logic with "i have a PS3 so theres no reason to buy Pc version" is silly.

    ok i made a silly mistake im sorry
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    and intel processor

    Tee hee.
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    ok i get it ty can we get on different subject?? ( i know how to use a computer just that i typed it wrong)

    Never! My education of computer science has to work somewhere!
  • edited August 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Never! My education of computer science has to work somewhere!

    ok O-o ?? im sorry i made you mad
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