I don't think the retail version will be any different from the downloadable version (aside from every episode being bundled together, of course. And the possibility of a platinum trophy, but I don't think they've said anything about that yet). It's just being done because retail games get more attention than downloadable ones.
I pre ordered the BTTF game as a retail disc from GameStop two days ago. I got it for the PS3 as a disc, because ever sence I heard about Telltale making a game based on the Back to the Future movies, I wanted them to put the game as a disc (at least for the PS3) and told them the same basic thing that "RAnthonyMahan" said on an earlier post: "Retail games get more attention than downloadable ones", and It's true. People would rather buy games in stores then buying them online, and its the portability of it that makes it better than a download as well.
This seem kinda backwards to me, seeing as how some retail games have been released on PSN like Little Big Planet and Borderlands.
This game isn't at all like the aforementioned games though. It has five completely separate chapters that were developed sequentially and made available as they were finished on a monthly basis. Given that development style, while it would be impossible to have a completely finished retail disc before development on all episodes was completed, they still wanted another source of revenue to continue to fund further development on the series. It also would have meant that impatient gamers would have had to wait even longer for the game than if they did it the way they did. I honestly would be surprised if there were many people who bought it on PSN that now won't get the retail to add to their physical collection. I'm kind of doing the exact same thing having bought it for PC/MAC and now ordering a disc.
This game isn't at all like the aforementioned games though. It has five completely separate chapters that were developed sequentially and made available as they were finished on a monthly basis. Given that development style, while it would be impossible to have a completely finished retail disc before development on all episodes was completed, they still wanted another source of revenue to continue to fund further development on the series. It also would have meant that impatient gamers would have had to wait even longer for the game than if they did it the way they did. I honestly would be surprised if there were many people who bought it on PSN that now won't get the retail to add to their physical collection. I'm kind of doing the exact same thing having bought it for PC/MAC and now ordering a disc.
Not to mention the Wii release will open the audience to the "casual" gamers that have only the Wii.
I'm curious as to whether the PS3 blu-ray disc version of BTTF will have the video extras and/or a collector's edition. I'd buy in a heartbeat over the PC disc if that's the case.
I just want them to take a little more care with the disk port...I was highly disappointed with the graphics on the PS3. Not with how they ran or whatnot, it did fine in that respect. But for a system that's essentially a computer that just plays video games, you'd think the graphics would be all the way up on par with the max graphics setting on the PC version, but that's not the case.
Sorry if this is a dumb question everyone, but will I be able to purchase this game in stores or do I have to go online to download it??? I remember hearing that it would be available on the Wii, PS3 and XBox 360, but then in an interview Bob Gale said that it was a computer game, not a console game. So How do we purchase this game?
To my knowledge, I don't think there's going to be a set for iPad but I do know that the PC and the Mac versions will eventually have a retail copy though.
To my knowledge, I don't think there's going to be a set for iPad but I do know that the PC and the Mac versions will eventually have a retail copy though.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the response...BUT
OHMYGOD!!! The ipad version is more than half off!!! I'm buying them all tonight!!!!! Gotta go get more on my itunes account!!
Can anyone help me with this? I emailed telltale games but have not gotten a response. I ordered Back to the future deluxe edition with a flux capacitor shirt 3 weeks ago and have not yet gotten any tracking numbers or the item. Is it on backorder or something???? Can anyone provide any insight? Thank you.
I'm having a problem right when trying to start the game.
I got the game as a gift last christmas, installed it on my notebook, started it, all worked well. However, except for a very short revisit a couples of month later, I didn't have the time yet to play it (it's a crime, I know
Problem: When I start the program now, I get the splash screen menu as usual, episode 1 is selected, but when clicking on the Play button nothing happens. What's wrong? Can anybody help please?
Okay, it's asking for my account data now. Gotta find the gift box somewhere my brother made for me or maybe I'll email him . Keeping you posted on the progress, thanks so far
With the news that the bttf game is getting a retail release i am wondering if there will be any added content to the disc as well as new trophies/platinum trophy.
I already have the digital download on pc and ps3 psn release but would love to get it on disc for ps3 as well as long as there is more than what has already been released as far as trophies and content go.
Yeah, I already suspected cynism after checking some of Strayth's posts
Anyway, I retrieved the account data and starting the game as Administrator works fine now (though it looks like I always have to do it this way, except that he doesn't ask for the account data again; for when I start it normally, it asks for it, unfortunately to no effect
So, thanks for the solution Looking forward to playing real soon now
Now that all the chapters are out, did they fix the save game continuity between the episodes on the Steam version?
(Picking a name in episode 1, and then having it change throughout the rest of them?)
Goes to check the blog.
Yes. For the Wii too.
This game isn't at all like the aforementioned games though. It has five completely separate chapters that were developed sequentially and made available as they were finished on a monthly basis. Given that development style, while it would be impossible to have a completely finished retail disc before development on all episodes was completed, they still wanted another source of revenue to continue to fund further development on the series. It also would have meant that impatient gamers would have had to wait even longer for the game than if they did it the way they did. I honestly would be surprised if there were many people who bought it on PSN that now won't get the retail to add to their physical collection. I'm kind of doing the exact same thing having bought it for PC/MAC and now ordering a disc.
Not to mention the Wii release will open the audience to the "casual" gamers that have only the Wii.
There's the blog announcement and press release.
Yes, the game will eventually be released in stores but as of now, it's only available on the iPad, online and on the PS3.
You can, I believe you have to list yourself as England (even if you are in Scotland, Wales, etc.). It's a funny system thing.
Close, it's actually Great Britain you have to use. Something to do with the shipping company I believe.
I have an Apple desktop and an Ipad 2 and it's killing me I haven't played either yet!
I love Telltale Games for making this, and I want to support them, but I'm so bad at making decisions!!!
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the response...BUT
OHMYGOD!!! The ipad version is more than half off!!! I'm buying them all tonight!!!!! Gotta go get more on my itunes account!!
Happy downloading!
Was wondering if the sale currently going on for BTTF and TOMI on the iPad in the App Store is good THROUGH September 30th or only through the 29th?
I'm having a problem right when trying to start the game.
I got the game as a gift last christmas, installed it on my notebook, started it, all worked well. However, except for a very short revisit a couples of month later, I didn't have the time yet to play it (it's a crime, I know
Problem: When I start the program now, I get the splash screen menu as usual, episode 1 is selected, but when clicking on the Play button nothing happens. What's wrong? Can anybody help please?
See if that helps.
I already have the digital download on pc and ps3 psn release but would love to get it on disc for ps3 as well as long as there is more than what has already been released as far as trophies and content go.
It's clear how you feel about it, but keep your nose out of someone actually trying to be helpful please.
Anyway, I retrieved the account data and starting the game as Administrator works fine now (though it looks like I always have to do it this way, except that he doesn't ask for the account data again; for when I start it normally, it asks for it, unfortunately to no effect
So, thanks for the solution
(Picking a name in episode 1, and then having it change throughout the rest of them?)