Why isnt Devil's playhouse on wii!?!?!

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
I don't see why The Devil's playhouse is not available on Nintendo wii!? do you think they will make a wii version or are the company just not making the wii game anymore?? I dont find this fair as I've only got a wii and im not buyin a ps3 just to play this and i only have a notebook so i can't even play it on pc!


  • edited August 2010
    It probably won't be on Wii. Season 3 has much more graphical power behind it.
  • edited August 2010
    It's on the iPad, so that's a bad excuse. If it even gets a Wii port though, it'll only be after the season is finished like the past 2 ones.

    Even if your PC is not too powerful you should download the demo and see at what settings it can run properly and then decide if you should purchase it or not for PC.
  • edited August 2010
    If The Devil's Playhouse was even on the Wii then they'd have to take a lot of the new graphics and make it look like the iPad one, or like Season 1 and 2.
    And currently, Telltale is very busy with their other projects to do work on something as ridiculous as a game for the Wii.

    So no, it's a very doubtful that DPH will ever be on the Wii; unless of course the Wii gets a dramatic graphics makeover, which is very unlikely.
  • edited August 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    And currently, Telltale is very busy with their other projects to do work on something as ridiculous as a game for the Wii.

    This made me laugh.

    Anyways, I'd have to figure (in the same line of thought of splash) that a wii port would probably be an up-port of sorts of the iPad version (which hasn't been completed yet) if they wanted to include the wiimote controls. They still have to port over their new engine to the Wii as far as I know. Could be quite a while before you see it.
  • edited August 2010
    The iPad is more powerful than the Wii. Quite some actually.

    It seems, very doubtfull.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't see why The Devil's playhouse is not available on Nintendo wii!? do you think they will make a wii version or are the company just not making the wii game anymore?? I dont find this fair as I've only got a wii and im not buyin a ps3 just to play this and i only have a notebook so i can't even play it on pc!

    Jeez, this is more annoying than one of soberness684's posts. Comic Sans, poor language and complaining = New winner.

    Welcome to the forums, iHateNormalwriting!
  • edited August 2010
    I don't see why The Devil's playhouse is not available on Nintendo wii!? do you think they will make a wii version or are the company just not making the wii game anymore?? I dont find this fair as I've only got a wii and im not buyin a ps3 just to play this and i only have a notebook so i can't even play it on pc!

    how could you write this if you don't have a computer
  • edited August 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    how could you write this if you don't have a computer

    i think by notebook he ment netbook which is a type of laptop which isnt that good with games. I have a netbook and the most powerful game it ran was sbcg4ap. Bad to the point i had to get my sisters old laptop for gaming only.
  • edited August 2010
    that makes sence
  • edited August 2010
    Well maybe telltale will release it on a dvd version after the season ends and they will not do the same wiiware fault
  • edited August 2010
    Well maybe telltale will release it on a dvd version after the season ends and they will not do the same wiiware fault

    Ugh i must once again point out that there was nothing wrong with the wiiware version. Every complaint about sbcg4ap was on pc. tales ran fine on wiiware with nothing wrong and sam and max season 1 ran fine(although that wasnt wiiware but of well)
  • edited August 2010
    Be patient. The second season came out on the Nintendo Wii this year, two years after it was released for the PC. So if it comes out, it will take quite some time to do so.
  • edited August 2010
    your lieing
  • edited August 2010
    No, his nott
  • edited August 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    your lieing

    If you are referring to me, I am telling the truth. I even checked.

    As for Gman, I have heard many complaints about the fairly low quality ports that are done to the Wii with Telltale Games's games. Most of them aren't Telltale's fault, as most of the time they aren't the ones porting them. Also, there were many complaints of lower sound quality in the Wiiware versions of Tales of Monkey Island.
  • edited August 2010
    it cant be on the wii because the graphics are high !!! =)
    get a PS3 for christmas or get the season for PC (nevermind you have netbook)
    BTW its not on 360 either
  • edited August 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    and sam and max season 1 ran fine(although that wasnt wiiware but of well)

    Yeah, the season 1 port was OK the way I remember it, not great but not that bad either, season 2 however...Still, I'd blame whoever did the porting for the problems instead of the Wii not being powerful enough for the game, if some effort was made on a port of TDP I'm sure it could be made.
  • edited August 2010
    For those who doubt that the Wii can handle the Devil's Playhouse graphically, check out Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the Super Mario Galaxy games.

    But, like I said in the last thread like this, it may be best to wait for the season to end before we start asking about a Wii version. Hopefully it won't take two years this time.
  • The Wii version of ToMI wasn't a great port to be honest. The Wii is a nice little console, but none of the ports of Telltale's games have been that brilliantly optimised. Also, Nintendo imposes a very strict size limit on Wiiware games because of the ridiculously small amount of flash memory in the Wii (512MB).
    seibert999 wrote: »
    how could you write this if you don't have a computer

    A notebook is another name for a laptop.
  • edited August 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    your lieing

    Get your facts right.
  • edited August 2010
    Quote by seibert999:
    your lieing

    It's gotta suck when both the words in a 2 word sentence are spelled wrong.
    It should read "You're lying!"
  • edited August 2010
    Quote by seibert999:

    It's gotta suck when both the words in a 2 word sentence are spelled wrong.
    It should read "You're lying!"

    your lying?!
  • edited August 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    your lying?!

    you're still wrong.
  • edited August 2010
    This is why some people on the Internet should just stick with "ur" and take the word choice out of the mix.
  • edited August 2010
    People who are saying "just wait, it will come eventually" have probably already played the game. My PC can't play the games either and I'm waiting for an Xbox 360 release and I can tell you, it really sucks waiting. It's like being excited for a game then having it get delayed a year or two.
  • edited August 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    If The Devil's Playhouse was even on the Wii then they'd have to take a lot of the new graphics and make it look like the iPad one, or like Season 1 and 2.
    And currently, Telltale is very busy with their other projects to do work on something as ridiculous as a game for the Wii.

    So no, it's a very doubtful that DPH will ever be on the Wii; unless of course the Wii gets a dramatic graphics makeover, which is very unlikely.

    That's a dumb excuse. Tales of Monkey Island was on Wii and it was also on PS3 and PC. But I say let the PS3 get this. Wii & possibly Xbox owners will get this soon enough.
  • edited August 2010
    TDP is more graphic intensive than ToMI. Quite some, actually.
  • edited August 2010
    TDP is more graphic intensive than ToMI. Quite some, actually.

    That is still no excuse. Look at The Conduit.
  • JasonDK wrote: »
    That is still no excuse. Look at The Conduit.

    True, but that was written for the Wii. Any Telltale game on the Wii is a port and is usually poorly optimised so it's not making very efficient use of the hardware.
  • edited September 2010
    Why the Wii isn't the target platform for everything Telltale is quite baffling.
    I mean it has the perfect control system, and the games would probably look just as good.

    It's the art that makes these games look good, not the tech.
  • edited September 2010
    Poor sales, exclusivity agreement with Sony or mix of both.

    Seeing they are going to release the season for free to PS+ subscribers, I think its safe to say we wont see the game on other platforms.
  • edited September 2010
    *cough* 40MB limit *cough*
  • edited September 2010
    Only Nintendo and people who actually want to take the time and effort to experiment with the Wii can produce stellar results. Sega's even starting to learn. I don't understand why people expect the Wii to look crappy. It doesn't have to, all it requires is some effort.


    Looks pretty great? The only thing wrong with it is that it's a little rough around the edges on HD Televisions (and lacks a blooming effect hurdur.)

    Defending the Wii aside, Telltale is simply too busy to go all out on a Wii game, that why Telltale Wii Games (any multiplatform game for that matter) falls short visually.
  • edited September 2010
    *cough* 40MB limit *cough*
    Again? That limit is WiiWare only. Sam&Max games have never been WiiWare, but retail Wii DVD discs, that don't have such limitation.
    The main problem remains to be the poor PC-to-Wii porting
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    your lieing

    your lieing i never hit u!

    Sorry, that was the first thing I thought when I read your post.
    I don't see why The Devil's playhouse is not available on Nintendo wii!? do you think they will make a wii version or are the company just not making the wii game anymore?? I dont find this fair as I've only got a wii and im not buyin a ps3 just to play this and i only have a notebook so i can't even play it on pc!

    Yeah? well, I don't see why Deathspank is not available on PC!? do you think they will make a PC version or are the company just not making the PC game anymore?? I dont find this fair as I've only got a PC and im not buyin a ps3 just to play this and i only have a PC so i can't even play it on XBOX!

    We all got problems.
  • edited September 2010
    Again? That limit is WiiWare only.
    And that's why you can't have it right now (like the PS3) but rather 2 years later in a graphically downtuned version...
  • edited September 2010
    I don't know why, but it has been this way with the other two seasons, so... why this one had to be different?
  • edited September 2010
    Maybe it just takes longer to make, and therefore they need more time to make a new port.
  • edited September 2010
    Uhm, the season hasn't even been finished for 5 days, and you already expect a Wii version?

    I already said why it isn't on WiiWare, and they can hardly make the whole season for disk if the whole season isn't done. It is now, but I think there are other priorities compared to TDP Wii.
    If it comes, it probably will take a while...
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