Sam & Max Season 1 DVD Query.

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey all. Just wondering...

...I've seen this DVD of Sam & Max season one in stores in the UK a few times over the last few years:

Just wondering is this the same DVD of Season One that Telltale are selling from their store? (with extra features and stuff) I have Season One and Two from Steam so I'm not eligible for the free+shipping DVD and I'm not sure weather I'm up for buying them again.

Thanks for the help! Byeeeee.


  • edited August 2010
    No, this is, I think, the retail version that is just the games.

    But it's not the DVD, that's ONLY available in the Telltale Store
  • edited August 2010
    Ok, thanks a lot! What are the features of the Season 1 DVD's that aren't mentioned on the game's page? I hear they're the best DVD's that Telltale has made.
    Wonder what S3's is going to be...
  • edited August 2010
    Ok, thanks a lot! What are the features of the Season 1 DVD's that aren't mentioned on the game's page? I hear they're the best DVD's that Telltale has made.
    Wonder what S3's is going to be...

    Well, it has all six episodes, cutscenes (all the little videos that make up the game), commentary on these cutscenes (3 each), concept art, trailers, machinima shorts, and a stack of easter eggs.
  • edited August 2010
    Thanks again! :)
  • edited August 2010
    What are the Easter Eggs? The only one I can find is clicking on the office window on the main menu.
  • edited August 2010
    What are the Easter Eggs? The only one I can find is clicking on the office window on the main menu.

    every time you do that is a random video.

    plus the ham in boscos 2.0
  • edited August 2010
    every time you do that is a random video.

    I didn't know it was a different video every time. Very nice!! :)
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