Holy crap!

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max


  • edited August 2010
    The statue of liberty that has Max's face, right?
  • edited August 2010
    The statue of liberty having its head replaced with max is obviously in tribute to max having saved the city from...well himself. And on top of that, we know now that sam figures a way to separate max from junior and they both save the day. Leave it to max to figure out a way to be both the main villain and the main good guy in the same episode
  • edited August 2010
    But that's just the newspaper that appeared after Sam and Max put Skunkape in the Penal Zone in the alternate future that didn't happen.

    Does anyone know what the newspaper says anyways? I can't read it but I can still tell it's not gibberish so I'd like to know.
  • edited August 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    But that's just the newspaper that appeared after Sam and Max put Skunkape in the Penal Zone in the alternate future that didn't happen.

    Thats what they WANTED you to think!
  • edited August 2010
    I was wondering if we'd end up with some sort of temporal loop.
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Does anyone know what the newspaper says anyways? I can't read it but I can still tell it's not gibberish so I'd like to know.

    I believe that after the first line or so it is this blog post.
  • edited August 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    I believe that after the first line or so it is this blog post.
    I think you're right, once you get to the second paragraph on the newspaper it's a copy of that blog post. I can make out some of the words at the start of each paragraph.

    So it's just the first one that's something unique... All I can make out is this though:
    Sam and Max save the world! General Skun-ka'pe defeated! ? people ? ? ? things and it was great. Also you are playing this game and that's a good thing. I like games. Games are fun and I enjoy them.

    Now if you all will excuse me I have to go about learning how to unsquint my eyes.
  • edited August 2010
    I had a similar thought to the end, that Sam & Max would go back to the place where they lost the battle with Skun-ka'pe and then fix it to the way it was. But in this case you're all right, The statue's head did fall off in 304, it had to be replaced so what better face to replace it with then the savior of the universe?!
  • edited August 2010
    Strange thing though.
    Because, if Sam & Max use the time space elevator, they're not here to receive any distinction...
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah as previously mentioned:
    In Episode 1 we play that future vision, Skunkape is defeated that news paper pops up showing Sam and Max being congratulated for the victory; then Narrator buts in to rewind us 20minutes to the start of episode 1.

    Pretty clear that newspaper was a result of the skunk'ape fight that never happened.
  • edited August 2010
    Fazz wrote: »
    Strange thing though.
    Because, if Sam & Max use the time space elevator, they're not here to receive any distinction...

    Who says they never went back? If there is a Season 4 in our future, Telltale's going to need to rectify the fact that
    some players chose to use the Time Elevator while others eschewed it.
  • edited August 2010
    Who says they never went back? If there is a Season 4 in our future, Telltale's going to need to rectify the fact that
    some players chose to use the Time Elevator while others eschewed it.

    Yeah, you're right!
  • edited August 2010
    Who says they never went back? If there is a Season 4 in our future, Telltale's going to need to rectify the fact that
    some players chose to use the Time Elevator while others eschewed it.

    I'll bet the past Sam and Max wanted to surprise the Present Sam and Max by stealing the elevator as soon as they came in the room, but when they didn't come (which would depend on who went back to the control room) they just jumped into the elevator for dear life when they saw the ship heading for the singularity.
  • edited August 2010
    I'll bet the past Sam and Max wanted to surprise the Present Sam and Max by stealing the elevator as soon as they came in the room, but when they didn't come (which would depend on who went back to the control room) they just jumped into the elevator for dear life when they saw the ship heading for the singularity.

    That's not what I meant. Alt. Sam and Mx use the Time Elevator in 204, but depending on your ending in 305 (there are two) Sam and Alt Max may or may not use the elevator at the end of this season. If you chose Crimefighting in response to Norrington's question, Sam and Alt Max go back into New York City and leave the Time Elevator behind.
  • edited August 2010
    That's not what I meant. Alt. Sam and Mx use the Time Elevator in 204, but depending on your ending in 305 (there are two) Sam and Alt Max may or may not use the elevator at the end of this season. If you chose Crimefighting in response to Norrington's question, Sam and Alt Max go back into New York City and leave the Time Elevator behind.

    I've been hoping to replay the game with the "Crimefighting" option (I picked "Adventuring") but at what point does Dr. Norrington ask the question? What happened just before he did so?
  • edited August 2010
    I've been hoping to replay the game with the "Crimefighting" option (I picked "Adventuring") but at what point does Dr. Norrington ask the question? What happened just before he did so?

    I believe it was when we found out about
    the narrator
  • edited August 2010
    Fazz wrote: »
    I believe it was when we found out about
    the narrator

    Good to know. I'll be replaying this later.
  • edited August 2010
    I used the time machine on my ending :P
  • edited August 2010
    Thats what they WANTED you to think!

    No, because if you read the words:

    "Sam & Max Save City! General Skunkape Defeated!"
  • edited August 2010
    Actually the words say "Sam & Max Save The City! Alien Menace Stopped!"

    Nice rebuttal Fail
  • edited September 2010
    If there is a Season 4 in our future, Telltale's going to need to rectify the fact that
    some players chose to use the Time Elevator while others eschewed it.

    No they don't. There's no such thing as need for consistency in the Sam&Max universe ;)
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