I noticed something in 205 which links to series 3

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
I don't know if there is already a thread for this (I couldn't find one) but I noticed something in the finale of season 2. If you look in the cubicle of the shambling corporate presence you can see the giraffe from the wondow of the TOY!S shop on his shelf. Probably not linked but just a cool little thing I noticed


  • edited August 2010
    Screenshot or lying :P
  • edited August 2010
    If I have done this right it should be here

    Attachment not found.
  • edited August 2010
    It's the same deal with the psychic toy monkey used in 302 and 303, where the model of it is also seen in 201.

    Yeah they just didn't bother theirselves modeling unimportant toys, so just reusing the old ones.
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah probably. They can reuse and old model but it doesnt mean that they are the same thing. I doubt they have had the concept of season 3 since the end of season 2, why would their have been so long a delay in seasons?

    Just a coincidence, but we now know TTG is getting lazy.... Just kidding, fantastic work. Please don't ban me.
  • edited August 2010
    I thought it would probably be unimportant, but I just thought there would be no harm in pointing it out....Will there? *gulps*
  • edited August 2010
    Nah, I wouldn't bother myself modeling those in my spare time, especially if I had modeled similar things already which weren't used that effectively in past...

    ...If I was working for them...

    ...If I was working for them...

    ...If I was working for them...

  • edited August 2010
    I think telltale just decided for 302 to go back and take all the toys seen in the past seasons and make them Toys of Power as well. Thus the thing in 201, and this.
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