Demo please?

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Please TTG, can you add a demo for 305? It would be nice to let us PS3 users get a taste of it before Tuesday night, while PC users get it now.


  • edited August 2010
    That would be an insane waste of resources.
  • edited August 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    That would be an insane waste of resources.

    Uhh, why? Seems reasonable.
  • edited August 2010
    Uhh, why? Seems reasonable.

    If they don't have a demo prepared and prepped for release, then no, it's hardly reasonable. They'd have to design, code, test/QA, and package a demo version of the game, then submit it to PSN for processing. There's no way that's happening in that quick of a time frame.
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