Did I miss something? (Season 3 spoilers!)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
There were bits in the original Devil's Playhouse trailer that I don't remember ever happening.

First is this one:
Sam and Max in the sewers, the camera moves right to show Sal standing opposite of them. Because of this clip, I suspected that Sal would be a villain (before 303).

Paiperwaite in BoscoTech Labs, with smoke in the air. The first time I saw this, I thought there would be a point where BoscoTech Labs would be destroyed (because of the smoke). I also thought Paiperwaite would stop being a villain at some point, since he doesn't look too evil here. Anybody think I'm crazy? Look in the background, the little machine Mama Bosco gives you in the first episode is sitting on the table. This scene wasn't in the final version for whatever reason.

There's also that pic with a bunch of Sam and Max characters lined up, but seeing as I can't find the picture for it, I'll just link it through the video.
From left to right:
Nephina (that one mole girl, whatever her name was)
Her father
Harry Moleman, I think.
Baby Amelia Earhart
Girl Stinky
Kringle (Santa)
Grampa Stinky
There seems to be a character in between Stinky and the clones, but I can't really tell for sure. Charlie Hotep, maybe?
4 clones
A giant Max statue in the background (from the whole Sammun-Mak ordeal)

That's it.


  • edited August 2010
    SushiGummy wrote: »
    And a giant Max in the background. Maybe I've already forgotten, but is there a giant Max anywhere in the Season? And, no, I don't mean the one that just appeared in the final episode, he was much more diabolical looking.

    That giant Max is supposed to be the giant Max statue in 303, representing Sammun-Mak as a villain.
  • edited August 2010
    I think that's Jurgen and his big hat in between Kringle and Grampa Stinky.
  • edited August 2010
    thom-22 wrote: »
    I think that's Jurgen and his big hat in between Kringle and Grampa Stinky.

    Ah, you're right. Good catch.
  • edited August 2010
    The picture has already been picked apart months ago. those two scenes you described were "beta" scenes.
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah the scenes from very first trailer are obviously beta scenes.

    If you pause on Paiperwaite in the lab you can see the dimensional rift generator behind him (which was gone since ep01) and you can see that it's wire sticks straight out to the side rigedly (eg not modelled proper yet)

    As for Sal in the sewers odds are that was substituted for Sal lurking behind Momma Bosco's as the home street isn't on the island where they decided to confine giant Max, which was probably a design choice late on to minimise the city roaming size for Max Mode and to avoid the need to some how model the detailed street of straight and narrow into miniature.
  • edited August 2010
    SushiGummy wrote: »

    Nefertiti. Her name is actually pretty famous outside the Sam and Max universe, you know o^o
  • edited August 2010
    Their own respective sets (museum etc.) were probably not done yet, hence those temp locations to still show them off in the trailer.

    Nothing out of the ordinary really, it happens all the time, even with non-episodic games.
  • edited September 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Nefertiti. Her name is actually pretty famous outside the Sam and Max universe, you know o^o

    I'm sure you mean 'bubbles'.
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