Something regarding the ending of the recent episode

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
There are more than one. Presumably, two. I finished the game from scratch the second time and got a different ending. Although the outcome is pretty much the same, actions differ, some lines differ, and
Sam and Max's fate differs as they may choose to stay in this timeline, OR go cruise other timelines.

Anyone else got this?


  • edited August 2010
    It's if you choose "adventuring" or "crimefighting".
  • edited August 2010
    I'm definately playing through again tonight to get the other ending.
    I didn't like the time cruising ending, it's..well, it seems like abandonment. They essentially left everything in this season behind, meaning it'd probably never get mentioned again, which sucks, because there's so many memorable characters and events in this season to NOT mention again.
  • edited August 2010
    i got that too, i chose adventuring the first time and they both got in the elevator, the second time i chose crimefighting and they stayed in the city to fight crime
  • edited August 2010
    Oh wow thats really cool! I chose adventuring so they got in the elevator.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't remember, when are we asked to choose between adventuring and crimefighting?I have completely forgotten that moment
  • edited August 2010
    When Yog-Soggoth announces to Sam that the Max's tumor is beginning to be fulled of dark matter!
  • edited August 2010
    Oh, right, now I remember! Thank you! :)
  • edited August 2010
    How did we come to know that that was the cause within a day?

    That's pretty incredible.
  • edited August 2010
    i never even knew there was 2 different endings, i just happened to choose crimefighting the second time, i never realised it ended differently till afterwards when i was looking on the forums
  • edited August 2010
    How did we come to know that that was the cause within a day?

    That's pretty incredible.

    Well, I kind of finished the episode twice, in the same day it was released (and my personal gimmick, I always try choosing wrong/different stuff in my second playthrough), and when I was back someone else was able to beat me to open a thread about two endings. It didn't surprise me much when someone else was able to deduce what the trigger event was in that same day.
  • edited September 2010
    Strange... Wasn't Chuck Jordan who said that he would avoid different paths in games, only to focus on that genious moment in game design where you say "Oh, Snap!"?

    [Edit: reference is]
  • edited September 2010
    Considering that two endings don't differ much in theirselves, and two paths getting apart only in the last scene of the entire game; I think this was an easy exception, and a pretty reasonable one.
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    I'm definately playing through again tonight to get the other ending.
    I didn't like the time cruising ending, it's..well, it seems like abandonment. They essentially left everything in this season behind, meaning it'd probably never get mentioned again, which sucks, because there's so many memorable characters and events in this season to NOT mention again.
    I personally prefer the time cruising one. Its more open-ended and broadens the possibilities for a season 4. Where did they go? What are they gonna do? Will they come back?
    The biggest thing here is the paradox is partially fixed because now only one pair of Sam and Max exist. But I'm still concerned about the character development that our Max had!

    Sam:This case is tougher than the time Jurgen turned us to Zombies.
    Max: Ehhh, who?
    Sam:.....never mind
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