Game-Breaking Bug in 305 (spoilers)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
This is actually the first time in season 3 I ran into a major bug, and it made the game unfinishable.
Right at the end, in the cloning room, I did things a bit out of order. I tried the fog machine before even realising I couldn't pass through the room, then used the picture on the projecter to summon skunkape, and got the robot. Then I used the cake image on the projecter, but Sam took it back and didn't replace it with the toybox picture again. The tunnels were then inaccessible regardless of my conversations with flint or skunkape, and the game was broken.

I was very lucky that it did not autosave during my half hour of wandering about doing nothing that followed.


  • edited August 2010
    This is actually the first time in season 3 I ran into a major bug, and it made the game unfinishable.
    Right at the end, in the cloning room, I did things a bit out of order. I tried the fog machine before even realising I couldn't pass through the room, then used the picture on the projecter to summon skunkape, and got the robot. Then I used the cake image on the projecter, but Sam took it back and didn't replace it with the toybox picture again. The tunnels were then inaccessible regardless of my conversations with flint or skunkape, and the game was broken.

    I was very lucky that it did not autosave during my half hour of wandering about doing nothing that followed.

    Well, I did have this bug, but I could have escaped, speaking to Skunkape a second time... I guess. Anyway, I did have this bug but it wasn't impossible to escape with. Although it was disappointing!
  • edited August 2010
    I think the problem is that you can't escape without the picture of the toybox up, and talking to skunkape didn't make it reappear for me.
  • edited August 2010
    There was another bug in my game where when you turn into that little cart thing in the Max's Inventory room if you started using the click and drag thing and then almost immediately let go it would just freeze you completely and you wouldn't be able to move at all and be forced to restart or reload.
  • edited August 2010
    I encountered another bug in the living room style part of Max's brain. After taking out all four records I opened the inventory and looked at one of them again. When Sam had finished his description I found that the "back" button was gone and I couldn't leave the shelf screen. Luckiliy I had an autosave two screens before. (I don't know what actually caused the bug or if rightclicking would have helped, because I am too lazy to try and recreate it)

    Also, when Sam got turned into a cactus inside Max's inventory, at one time I couldn't click on anything anymore, because all the hotspots were gone. But I still could leave through the tube, so that didn't mess up my game.

    And sometimes the cursor remained green even if it wasn't located over a hotspot. But that was only a minor bug, which has already happened to me during earlier episodes, and could be easily remedied by just moving the cursor to the next hotspot.

    And lastly, sometimes during this season (although not in this episode) the joystick symbol you see when you doubleclick and drag to move Sam wouldn't vanish after releasing the button. Once it even blocked the whole screen during Max vision, but doubleclicking again would make it go away.

    Well, that's about all, only one that really stopped my game
  • edited September 2010
    I activated the fog beforehand simply because it was closer than the rest of the room. I think I missed out on some fun there.

    But yeah, I experienced the same thing as you, without the gamebreaking. I wandered around for ages, getting more and more frustrated, until I found the tunnel to the right that I hadn't noticed before. Whoops. >__>
  • edited September 2010
    Speaking of Bugs, did anyone else with the PS3 version of the game get the Invisible Sam glitch? It occurs after talking to Sal and convincing him to operate the arms, then when it cuts back to the lounge area where Sal dies (:(), for some reason, Sam is invisible from that point, until you actually leave the lounge area and go to the Gym area.
  • edited September 2010
    Yea you can tel they were on a tight schedule same thing can happen in 302 and 303.
  • edited September 2010
    Either I'm really unlucky or quality control has taken a dive this season.

    I had to reload in "The Tomb of Sammun-Mak" due to getting stuck as a wall drawing in the tomb. And in "The City That Dares Not Sleep" I got stuck as the robotic vacuum cleaner and had to reload.
  • edited September 2010
    I had a strange freezing bug, my first bug this season. It was at the beginning where
    you throw the van in the water-filled hole. For some reason, while Max was roaring, the game froze.
    After restarting I didn't have any problems though.
  • edited September 2010
    There was one interesting one I saw in "They Stole Max's Brain" - if you get the trinket from Grandpa Stinky (or at least, having him arrested), you can click on the front door of the shop and he will reappear. You can then repeat the process to get the trinket again, and the cutscene will be as if you then have two. Getting a second one then makes Sam say that he has all three, even though he's only wearing (and only has in his inventory) two of them. If you go to the museum, Sam won't walk out the door as he says he wants to give the brain screw to Sammun-Mak. You can still teleport away (and I did, as I wanted to get all three items legit first), and once you've got it it plays the "third item" cutscene again.
    I don't know if you can essentially finish the game on just Stinky's trinket three times... Was a very odd glitch, to say the least.
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