end of 305 makes no sense

bai_ganyobai_ganyo Banned
edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Past Max is past max, there cannot be several versions of something, that allready happened. There cannot be a Sam with powers in the past, we know the past, we even know the past, that was altered, we know a future, that could have happened but did not, and thus is not the past.
A different Max can only come from an alternate dimension. I know, bitchin' about parallel universes and such is not really appropriate in a reality, where basically everything can happen, but still. and the narrator was NOT a villain, or the main villain, he just let Max destroy himself, he barely was doing anything. Just sitting in his room.
The rushing at the end made it a bit anti-climatic, it was all a race and then it was over.
The credits were great though. And of course it was fun. A bit dissapointed, that Bosco or the office didn't show up.


  • edited August 2010
    Did you play Chariots of the Dogs and get the optional cinematic of the Past Selfes of Sam and Max running away in a time machine? Basically THAT explain everything. Which I think it's a bit unfair for newcomers, but I was wondering what happened with those two since then.
  • edited August 2010
    It makes perfect sense.

    In episode 204 Sam & Max Time Travel and go back to episode 102.
    The Sam & Max from episode 102 steal the time machine forcing the Sam & Max from 204 to relive the past season to get back to having a time machine.
    At the end of 204, via an optional cutscene, we see the Sam & Max from 102 escape in the time machine.

    This means paradoxically there are two Sam & Max duos out there.
    Season 3 clears up the paradox because our Max dies, the and Sam from episode 102 dies.
    Leaving 1 Sam and 1 Max.
  • bai_ganyobai_ganyo Banned
    edited August 2010
    yeah, forgot that. Sam of 102 was not born with the gift (like Max), and if that alternate story really happened, it must have in a completely different way, Sam getting his powers and so on and 102 Max popping up just in the right moment. So it does not make 'perfect' sence
  • edited August 2010
    Now your just being picky.
    It makes perfect sense in the Sam & Max universe, sure its a bit coincidental and a convenient paradox fix. But hello this is a world 6ft talking dog, nude talking rabbit, giant cooking cockroach. Mermaid woman pretending to be a demonic being created from a cake. Time Travel. Dark Dimension beings. Immortal Shaman. Giant bullet proof space apes. Talking sentient computer systems.

    And that's only like half of the nonsensical stuff from season 3. Let alone the other 2 seasons.
  • edited August 2010
    bai_ganyo wrote: »
    yeah, forgot that. Sam of 102 was not born with the gift (like Max), and if that alternate story really happened, it must have in a completely different way, Sam getting his powers and so on and 102 Max popping up just in the right moment. So it does not make 'perfect' sence

    Past Sam became a monster with electromagnetic powers. Not with psychic powers, it's different.

    I blame the screwdriver. I always knew the screwdriver was a token of evil.

    Anyway, probably, out of sadness, Past Max went to search the other pair of Sam and Max, just to appear just in time after the whole Max blowing thing happened. How that happened? Coincidence. And life works that way ^^!
  • edited August 2010
    Would you have prefered max to die? I thoght so. :D

    I thought it made sense, going with the theory of the people on this thread.

    What a fantastic game. Just beat it.
  • bai_ganyobai_ganyo Banned
    edited August 2010
    point taken. I also missed the electromagnetic powers. I shut up.
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