305 and you (post your opinion)

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Didn't see a "post your tl;dr opinion" thread yet, so here goes nothing,

Of all the sam & max episodes I found this one the weakest and shortest of them all (there I said it, you may shoot me for this). A lot of the puzzles were mind bogglingly bland and easy, the story felt like they'd chosen nostalgia over coherent storytelling, and most puzzles could have been so much more than "use a couple of these dialogue options to solve all of this".

Most of the story events felt rushed and unpolished, like they were written just for the sake of putting as many (old) characters as possible in game.

Of course it had its good parts, a few very funny jokes, revealing the narrator as villain cracked me up, and the style of its ending was cliche but nicely done.. But I'm actually disappointed in this one,


  • edited August 2010
    Hey, :)
    The topic's right there. If we're talking about the same thing!
  • edited August 2010
    Spoilers ahead, if you haven't realised already.

    All in all, the episode is short, but the jokes are a torrent. It seems that the nature of the jokes are different too -- there are more veiled adult (read: sexual) references, and fourth-wall breaking, used only occasionally in previous Sam & Max games, are rampant in 305. And I love the cameos and throw-backs to old Sam & Max games.

    The ending is poignant and effective, and leads to a beautiful end-sequence with its heart-rending music (big thumbs to Jared again!)

    What I'm not happy about 305 is that it casts Sybil in a very bad light. She insists that everyone leave, yelling about "not wanting to give birth in a monster", when she isn't in any mortal danger, strikes me as selfish and temperamental. Her insistence on running on the treadmill herself, yet refusing to do it, and her inability to take graciously the "true" (although admittedly mean) thoughts of her long-time friend Sam, speaks of a very unpleasant personality completely different from the Sybil we used to know. It is a hormone thing, you might say, but the writer could have made her more sympathetic by, for example, showing her in severe labor pain which prevents her from getting the job done.
  • edited August 2010
    Great ending telltale, now never do it again =(

    At first I was like =D

    Then I was like D=

    Then I was like =D
  • edited August 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    What I'm not happy about 305 is that it casts Sybil in a very bad light. She insists that everyone leave, yelling about "not wanting to give birth in a monster", when she isn't in any mortal danger, strikes me as selfish and temperamental. Her insistence on running on the treadmill herself, yet refusing to do it, and her inability to take graciously the "true" (although admittedly mean) thoughts of her long-time friend Sam, speaks of a very unpleasant personality completely different from the Sybil we used to know. It is a hormone thing, you might say, but the writer could have made her more sympathetic by, for example, showing her in severe labor pain which prevents her from getting the job done.

    Actually, she WAS in a mortal danger as Giant Max will either blow up by himself, or by Maimtrons, and there isn't much time left; not much for giving birth to a baby. As we can see, just minutes later, Max was hit by a Maimtron. It was selfish for other people to think of rescuing one individual while a clueless new being was being born. It would downright be unfair for his/her life, you know.
  • edited August 2010
    This is my 3ed favorite episode of the season. As a person who was forcably torn from her best friend 7 years ago, I always get moved by Sam's devotion to Max; they're like Jay & Silent Bob or Pen & Teller, or uh.... Ginji Amano & Ban Mido or Gon Freecs & Killua Zaoldyek; so close it's almost gay, lol.

    My only disappointment (becides 2 deaths, that can actually be nullified by having them show up in a return trip to Hell) is that as Maxzilla/Maxthulhu I didn't get to actually destroy any buildings; just yell at them.

    I rarely play a video game more than once a year; I'll have played every episode of this season 3 times before the year is done.

    I can still remember saying "wow, I've only been playing this for 5 minutes & I've already run into a masterbation joke," lol.
  • edited August 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    What I'm not happy about 305 is that it casts Sybil in a very bad light. She insists that everyone leave, yelling about "not wanting to give birth in a monster", when she isn't in any mortal danger, strikes me as selfish and temperamental. Her insistence on running on the treadmill herself, yet refusing to do it, and her inability to take graciously the "true" (although admittedly mean) thoughts of her long-time friend Sam, speaks of a very unpleasant personality completely different from the Sybil we used to know. It is a hormone thing, you might say, but the writer could have made her more sympathetic by, for example, showing her in severe labor pain which prevents her from getting the job done.

    Sybil always came off as a selfish often-in-denial purposfully oblivious person with select hearing to me.
  • edited August 2010
    Fazz wrote: »
    Hey, :)
    The topic's right there. If we're talking about the same thing!

    sorry, overlooked that one, Ill read it in a sec.

    and a little footnote on my opinion: I don't hate this episode (it did had great jokes, locations and music), I just found it the weakest of them all for all other aspects
  • edited August 2010
    I've been meaning to say something.... Sam is not fat :( He barely registers as chubby. Just draw a few lines on his chest & stomache & he'd look muscular. He has no lovehandles, no manboobs, no muffintop. His almost-naked visage is burned into your brain, so you know what I mean.
  • edited August 2010
    Aaaaw, how cute, LikaLaruku is in denial... :p
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