Dear telltale/ the future

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
I'v been thinking about this long and hard (Gigity) since I beat the final episode in the devils playhouse and its been bugging me since. Should their be a season 4/ keep going with the series till it HAS to end?

I am not afraid AT ALL that I cried when Sam walked down that street without purpose, as the credits rolled. And I stood up out of my chair when I heard the ding of the time- Oh by the way spoilers, but you should probably know that by now. If not ya dun goofed.- elevator and the two were reunited. It was absolutely possible that this was the finale because we are 3 seasons in and an end would have been understandable albeit very dark considering the lightheartedness of the series in general. Around here is when I started to realize this may be the final moments we get to see Sam and max, And I started to cry a little more, but in kind of a happy way (not like, "ITS OVER HOORAY", but more like it ended well). And then... "Wanna go in the time elevator!?"/ Fight the rat queen!?"

Oh telltale.. you never cease to surprise me. And you also never cease to impress me. It was here I realized Telltale are some of the most creative minds in the world, and are capable of most anything.

Keep making Sam and Max games.

I will probably never say that about any other developer or game series ever again, so I hope that means something.

You have shown that you can take a series with so much potential, and use it all. And you can keep going! You've already come up with two episodes at the end! I wanna fight the banker and play his dastardly game of death and fight the uber rat under the city.

Most things must come to an end. Sam and max, I wouldn't think so. So much creative potential.

So Telltale, you have the almost impossible to not be the greatest thing ever Penny arcade/Sam and max/Team fortress 2/ Strong bad game coming out, whatever it may be, and your priority's are probably all over the place, But I just want you to know, and I think I may speak for the community here, you will always have an audience ready to play the new Sam and max game every month, solving puzzles with the two best detectives around. I know I will.

So their you have it, my love letter to the S&M series and Telltale games in general. I promise If I don't end up going to The Massachusetts institute of technology, I'l apply for work at a place where creative Idea's strive.

You have a talent, keep doing what you do best Telltale.

With much love and respect.

Ryan Berger.
Aka. The Hamburgaler.

What do you think?


  • edited August 2010
    Keep making Sam and Max games.

    Yes. A million times yes. Never has there been a game company that consistently puts out such fantastic games. With the exception of 202, every Sam & Max episode has been pure gold and it would be a shame to let it fade away.

  • edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    With the exception of 202,

    Oh yeah, can we talk about this? If Telltale looks at their series for things they did wrong for excuses not to keep going, they will see 202. People don't like it.

    Why!? I had zero complaints about that episode in particular. The only episode I didn't like was 103 for its overly short length. An easily fixable issue with the minds at telltale.

    What was everyones problem with this episode.
  • edited August 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »

    I could stare at that thing and smile forever.
  • edited August 2010
    I think I have to entirely agree with the OP. After that, I think I would trust Telltale with absolutely anything.

    Also the way they combined the great humour of the series with the big emotional ending that made everyone well up reminded me a little of the way Futurama does it... *hint hint* ;)
  • edited August 2010
    RobD wrote: »
    I think I have to entirely agree with the OP. After that, I think I would trust Telltale with absolutely anything.

    Also the way they combined the great humour of the series with the big emotional ending that made everyone well up reminded me a little of the way Futurama does it... *hint hint* ;)

    I don't get what you mean, Futurama? Iv been behind on the new season did they do something I don't know about relating to this?
  • edited August 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »

    I cannot find a better gift.

  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I cannot find a better gift.


    I would feel bad to link something thats a tribute to me... but if I were to link it... and you went to it at your own will...
  • edited September 2010
    Perhaps... a BUMP?
  • edited September 2010
    I would feel bad to link something thats a tribute to me... but if I were to link it... and you went to it at your own will...

    I swear I hear the clapping noises
  • edited September 2010
    I don't get what you mean, Futurama? Iv been behind on the new season did they do something I don't know about relating to this?

    I meant in the way they were able to include strong emotional content as well as they did, as well as the great comedy, reminded me of the way Futurama is able to pull that off, like Fry learning about his nephew named after him, when Leela imagined Fry dying when in a coma, etc.
  • edited September 2010
    I'v been thinking about this long and hard (Gigity) since I beat the final episode in the devils playhouse and its been bugging me since. Should their be a season 4/ keep going with the series till it HAS to end?

    I am not afraid AT ALL that I cried when Sam walked down that street without purpose, as the credits rolled. And I stood up out of my chair when I heard the ding of the time- Oh by the way spoilers, but you should probably know that by now. If not ya dun goofed.- elevator and the two were reunited. It was absolutely possible that this was the finale because we are 3 seasons in and an end would have been understandable albeit very dark considering the lightheartedness of the series in general. Around here is when I started to realize this may be the final moments we get to see Sam and max, And I started to cry a little more, but in kind of a happy way (not like, "ITS OVER HOORAY", but more like it ended well). And then... "Wanna go in the time elevator!?"/ Fight the rat queen!?"

    Oh telltale.. you never cease to surprise me. And you also never cease to impress me. It was here I realized Telltale are some of the most creative minds in the world, and are capable of most anything.

    Keep making Sam and Max games.

    I will probably never say that about any other developer or game series ever again, so I hope that means something.

    You have shown that you can take a series with so much potential, and use it all. And you can keep going! You've already come up with two episodes at the end! I wanna fight the banker and play his dastardly game of death and fight the uber rat under the city.

    Most things must come to an end. Sam and max, I wouldn't think so. So much creative potential.

    So Telltale, you have the almost impossible to not be the greatest thing ever Penny arcade/Sam and max/Team fortress 2/ Strong bad game coming out, whatever it may be, and your priority's are probably all over the place, But I just want you to know, and I think I may speak for the community here, you will always have an audience ready to play the new Sam and max game every month, solving puzzles with the two best detectives around. I know I will.

    So their you have it, my love letter to the S&M series and Telltale games in general. I promise If I don't end up going to The Massachusetts institute of technology, I'l apply for work at a place where creative Idea's strive.

    You have a talent, keep doing what you do best Telltale.

    With much love and respect.

    Ryan Berger.
    Aka. The Hamburgaler.

    What do you think?

  • edited September 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »

    For some damn reason, each time i see this picture, i think Bioshock and Andrew ryan :P not sure why.
  • edited September 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    For some damn reason, each time i see this picture, i think Bioshock and Andrew ryan :P not sure why.

    Probably because of the suit. Everyone in the past wore a suit.
  • edited September 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    For some damn reason, each time i see this picture, i think Bioshock and Andrew ryan :P not sure why.

    It reminds me of Jude Law, actually.
  • edited September 2010
    It reminds me of Jude Law, actually.

    Are we all really still talking about that gif, its funny and all but I did post that topic thing your hear for.

    Also Jude Law? looks nothing like him.
  • edited September 2010
    Perhaps... A SECOND BUMP!!??

    Can we please get away from that gif and talk about the future of the series?
  • edited September 2010

    Keep making Sam and Max games.*

    You already said everything!

  • edited September 2010
    Oh yeah, can we talk about this? If Telltale looks at their series for things they did wrong for excuses not to keep going, they will see 202. People don't like it.

    Why!? I had zero complaints about that episode in particular. The only episode I didn't like was 103 for its overly short length. An easily fixable issue with the minds at telltale.

    What was everyones problem with this episode.

    I had no problem with it. I loved it, heh.
  • edited September 2010
    I also liked episode 202, except for the babies, I didn't think they were funny at all. But it really had some good puzzles (although the very last one didn't make sense) and I thought the super villain was hilarious.

    Now, I also want a new season of Sam & Max, but not just for the sake of it. I bought the 3 season package at the time when 304 was out and played one episode a day. When I got to the end of season 2 I was starting to think that maybe that was enough. So I was really excited about the great and innovative ideas in season 3 which made me think that this might be their best game yet. In retrospect I still liked ToMI better, but it is by far my favourite Sam & Max season. So I don't want them to rush anything and only start a new season when they really have some brilliant ideas, because Sam & Max deserve nothing less.
  • edited September 2010
    You keep making them, I'll keep buying them. I'll preorder them 2 years in advance. I'll pay double. Do you have any idea how even the most lackluster episodes are a thousand times better than anything on TV? Hell, sell novelized versions of the episodes, make a twisted "create your own adventure" book & I'll buy those too.
  • edited September 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    You keep making them, I'll keep buying them. I'll preorder them 2 years in advance. I'll pay double. Do you have any idea how even the most lackluster episodes are a thousand times better than anything on TV? Hell, sell novelized versions of the episodes, make a twisted "create your own adventure" book & I'll buy those too.

    Couldn't agree more. I have replaced tv with the internet because everything I see is absolute garbage with the exception of Modern family and the big bang theory.
  • edited September 2010
    Yes. A million times yes. Never has there been a game company that consistently puts out such fantastic games. With the exception of 202, every Sam & Max episode has been pure gold and it would be a shame to let it fade away.


    Yes. Yes to the power of ten million.
    I LOVE Telltale's Sam and Max, it is such a prime example of what a game should be (with yes, the exception of 202 but I belive Telltale has learned there lesson and made up for the pain I had "playing"-playing isn't painful- that with every other episode they've produced) and they should DEFINITELY continue making Sam and Max games.
    Honestly, and please don't kill me forumites, but I actually was a bit dissapointed when they announced the whole Back to the Future/Jurassic Park deal because I knew it would mean a longer time without Sam and Max, especially when you add in all of Telltales other games that people want new seasons of.
    So much time without the Freelance Police: Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, most likely a season 2 for Tales, and there's always a chance of a SBCG4AP season two, a second W+G (although those two are unlikely) or puzzle agent type thing.
  • edited September 2010
    I still want a "Days of the Tentacle" or Tales of the Tentacle season before a strong bad season 2 or a s&m season 4. GIVE ME MY TENTACLE ACTION DAMMIT!
  • edited September 2010
    I still want a "Days of the Tentacle" or Tales of the Tentacle season before a strong bad season 2 or a s&m season 4. GIVE ME MY TENTACLE ACTION DAMMIT!

    Ok, THAT is the best gif ever but lets not start talking about gifs again.

    I wouldn't think Tentacle would work as an episodic series, but TTG proved me wrong with strong bad, a series that couldn't have gone more downhill if it fell of a damn cliff, into a pretty decent above average point and click I'm open to anything.
  • edited September 2010
    telltale needs more man power a lot more
  • edited September 2010
    kane wrote: »
    telltale needs more man power a lot more

    How come? The jump from season 2 to 3 was huge. Why wouldn't it be possible for another step up. Or even just keep it where it is now, I kind of like it at this level, but I'm always open to pretty things.
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
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