Sam & Max X's Adventures (Contains Spoilers)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
At the end of TCTDNS, Max X says that his Sam turned into a beast with eletromagnetic powers. Could it be that the Xs had all of the same adventures as the Primes, but changed with the battle with Charlie X.?Instead of letting Max fall, Sam gets on the torch, throws Max outta the way, and Sam fuzed with Junior. And possibly everything that happened in TCTDNS happened again, but everything with Max was replaced with Sam, and vice versa. Another large change may be that after Junior Sam X was blown up by Max (That makes me wonder, does SAM have a Super-ego personification?), Max X hopped on the Elevator and went back to the past (or future, depending on the time Max leaves) and initated the end of TCTDNS. And assuming that the X timeline is parlell, maybe Max X recalled adventures or crimefighting, depending on what you do.


  • edited August 2010
    Naw, Max A is the same Max who stole the time machine when Sam and Max Prime travelled back to 102 in 204. It all goes something like this:

  • edited August 2010
    Okay now I sort of get was is going on, but Sam prime shouldn't even be there if Max X blew up Sam X.
  • edited August 2010
    No, there's no problem there. Think of it as paradox correction. In this form of time travel, when you travel back and alter events, you end up creating a new timeline rather than altering your own. Consequently, you become the alternate universe version of yourself, because whatever happened to your past self is now normal for this universe.

    So when Sam and Max prime went back to 102, things changed when their past selves jumped two years into the future, taking the recording contract with them, and they had to relive those two years themselves. To the outside eye, the only thing that would be different is that Sam and Max had to find a different way to get a recording contract in 102, but in reality, Sam and Max prime essentially took the place of their alternates, while their alternates, who were native to that universe, skipped two years ahead.

    So why am I talking in circles about this? Because what I'm trying to demonstrate is that if Sam and Max A skipped those two years, it shouldn't be possible for Sam and Max prime to have arrived where they did in Chariots of the Dogs. In essence, this is the key in proving that whatever happens to Sam and Max A has no effect on Sam and Max Prime because their past is in an alternate universe. Sam and Max A are alternate versions of the Primes, not past versions.

    tl;dr: Nuh-uh, he should too be there!
  • edited August 2010
    ... Okay I'm gonna humor you and agree.

    I get it now >_>.
  • edited August 2010
    Naw, Max A is the same Max who stole the time machine when Sam and Max Prime travelled back to 102 in 204. It all goes something like this:


    Ah, I see. So the Primes had to relive their lives in the Alt. timeline, and with that the Prime timeline didn't continue.
  • edited August 2010
    Pretty much. I imagine that from the viewpoint of the Prime timeline, Sam and Max just vanished toward the end of Chariots of the Dogs, which means that in that timeline, the Soda Poppers are still in control of Hell, and Bosco, Grandpa Sinky, Santa, the DeSoto, and everyone else in hell are all screwed. There's also a decent chance the Devil's Toybox was never uncovered and that Papierwaite and Norrington are still looking for it, and who knows what happened once Skunkape showed up. On the plus side, at least Sammun-Mak never got the chance to reshape that reality.

    Still, a universe where Sam and Max just up and vanished is a pretty sad thing. And if you think about it, there's a decent chance that this is what happened to this alternate timeline after 305. In fact, if Sam hadn't gone back for his hat, I fear the other characters may have believed he committed suicide, unable to deal with his grief over losing Max.
  • edited August 2010
    A lot of what you say makes sense, Guru (what can I say, I love time travel stories and untangling them), but I have some objections.
    First off, Sam & Max A showed an interest in getting to the moon that wasn't present in the past version of Sam & Max Prime. That means the divergence point creating them actually predates the introduction of the time machine.
    To further corroborate this: in the A versions, Sam rather than Max has The Gift. Since this is an innate quality, they would have to be alternates from the start.
    But there's a more serious objection than that. What with Sam A becoming a huge monstrosity andsoforth, Sam & Max A's escapades create a significant divergence relative the Alternate Timeline. Under your theory, they should be creating alternate timelines of their own, and can never make it back to the Alternate Timeline they came from using time travel alone.

    I think there's no getting around the conclusion that the time traveling elevator can actually also do parallel-universe travel where needed to the plot.
    Come to think of it, there is a way out the last objection: if Sam & Max A's trips only take them to a future beyond TCTDNS, then the divergences they create are irrelevant and Max A can still get back to an equivalent of the Alternate Timeline. If you're generous you can then even claim that Max A's reintroduction negates the later divergences. But that still doesn't solve the other issues.
  • edited August 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    First off, Sam & Max A showed an interest in getting to the moon that wasn't present in the past version of Sam & Max Prime. That means the divergence point creating them actually predates the introduction of the time machine.

    Elaborate, please? It's been a while since I played 204, so I'm not sure what you're talking about here.
    To further corroborate this: in the A versions, Sam rather than Max has The Gift. Since this is an innate quality, they would have to be alternates from the start.

    Not necessarily. The only thing that even came close to suggesting that Sam A had the gift was that he was the one to turn into a monster. First off, if this was an alternate timeline thing from The Devil's Playhouse, Sam could've just as easily swallowed the demon yolk if circumstances had changed. Max's psychic powers didn't really have anything to do with the Junior transformation. Besides that, the electromagnetic powers bit suggests that Sam A turned into a completely different monster from Max Prime.

    But all that aside, there's another reason that this doesn't matter, which I'll address in a moment.
    But there's a more serious objection than that. What with Sam A becoming a huge monstrosity andsoforth, Sam & Max A's escapades create a significant divergence relative the Alternate Timeline. Under your theory, they should be creating alternate timelines of their own, and can never make it back to the Alternate Timeline they came from using time travel alone.

    Chuck's comment suggests that all this took place in the same timeline as The Devil's Playhouse, just somewhere else. That for the duration of the six episodes after 204, Sam and Max A have been having adventures of their own. It's entirely likely that they used the time machine to escape somewhere else and then just left it alone (probably in the closet) until Max needed it to find another Sam.

    And if there were any universe alterations, I imagine that it works sort of similar to Back to the Future. Sam and Max Prime, already being inherently foreign to this timeline, were unaffected by any changes Sam and Max A may have brought about. Or, if you do consider Sam and Max Prime as being a part of this timeline now, it's also possible that the current timeline is an offshoot of timeline A and that Sam and Max Prime-A were copied over to timeline B as Sam and Max Prime-B.

    I imagine that scenario would look something like this.


    It can be assumed that Sam and Max B would have escaped in the time machine and gone on to do the exact same things as their predecessors unless Sam and Max A caused them to follow a different path the way Sam and Max Prime did to them.
  • edited August 2010
    Elaborate, please? It's been a while since I played 204, so I'm not sure what you're talking about here.
    When the four of them are on board the ufo and you talk to Sam A, he asks you for help figuring out how to get to the moon. That's how you're able to trick Sam & Max A into walking into Superball. Sam and Max Prime, however, weren't interested in getting to the moon until the start of Bright Side.
    Not necessarily. The only thing that even came close to suggesting that Sam A had the gift was that he was the one to turn into a monster. First off, if this was an alternate timeline thing from The Devil's Playhouse, Sam could've just as easily swallowed the demon yolk if circumstances had changed. Max's psychic powers didn't really have anything to do with the Junior transformation. Besides that, the electromagnetic powers bit suggests that Sam A turned into a completely different monster from Max Prime.
    Ok, I'll grant this much.
    Chuck's comment suggests that all this took place in the same timeline as The Devil's Playhouse, just somewhere else.
    I'd like to see that comment, but I suppose that could work. Nobody noticing the giant Sam monster is a bit of a stretch, but I suppose it's par for the course.
    Or, if you do consider Sam and Max Prime as being a part of this timeline now, it's also possible that the current timeline is an offshoot of timeline A and that Sam and Max Prime-A were copied over to timeline B as Sam and Max Prime-B.
    Hm, I hadn't thought of that one. So in this case we have actually been witnessing timeline B ever since the Chariots finale. Fascinating, and I can't think of any objections.
  • edited August 2010
    its pretty simple when you think about it, sam and max A simply had their adventures in the future, and thats where sam A got turned into an electromagnetic monster and ended up being destroyed by max A, max A went back in time to find the alternate sam, the one that lived through 102-305, he may have found out in the future that the alternate max had died a long time ago, so went back to find sam
  • edited August 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    When the four of them are on board the ufo and you talk to Sam A, he asks you for help figuring out how to get to the moon. That's how you're able to trick Sam & Max A into walking into Superball. Sam and Max Prime, however, weren't interested in getting to the moon until the start of Bright Side.

    I don't know how to explain that, really. My best guess is that Sam saw they were on a spaceship and was simply curious, with it not really having anything to do with his current case. I'd have to go back and see the exact dialogue again, and since I'd like to run the whole series again, that's gonna be a while.
    I'd like to see that comment, but I suppose that could work. Nobody noticing the giant Sam monster is a bit of a stretch, but I suppose it's par for the course.

    Sure, here it is:
    Chuck wrote: »
    He came in via the time traveling elevator. It's the Max from episode 102, who stole the time machine from "present" Sam & Max in episode 204. He and Sam from 102 have been having their own adventures during the last 6 episodes.

    Also, I asked the same question about nobody noticing the Sam monster, and Chuck had this answer:
    Chuck wrote: »
    This season's been in New York the whole time, so the other guys' adventures could've been happening anywhere else.

    So I suppose that's a good enough answer.
    Hm, I hadn't thought of that one. So in this case we have actually been witnessing timeline B ever since the Chariots finale. Fascinating, and I can't think of any objections.

    Thanks. I pride myself on coming up with insane yet plausible explanations for things. You should see my rant on how the entire Monkey Island series was the plot of the Voodoo Lady. I don't believe any of it, but it all works.
  • edited August 2010
    This is getting WAY too confusing for me. Also, tl;dr.

    Can someone sum this up simply?
  • edited August 2010
    I think the timeline chart is as simple as it's going to get for you. Let me see if I can bullet point it.

    -In 204, Sam and Max (from the original universe, so we call them Prime) travel back to 102 to get a recording contract. Past Sam and Max (we'll call them A) steal their time machine and skip ahead to 204. This creates an alternate timeline with an extra Sam and Max.

    -At the end of 204, Sam and Max A steal the time machine and go to parts unknown as the ship is about to be destroyed. We don't hear from them again for a while.

    -Somewhere between 204 and 305, Sam and Max A have adventures somewhere other than New York, and Sam A is turned into a giant electromagnokinetic monster, and Max A is forced to destroy him.

    -At the end of 305, Max A uses the machine to find Sam Prime, and having both lost their partners, they join up and either ride off into the sunset or hop back in the time machine.

    Does that work?
  • edited August 2010
    Thanks. I pride myself on coming up with insane yet plausible explanations for things. You should see my rant on how the entire Monkey Island series was the plot of the Voodoo Lady. I don't believe any of it, but it all works.[/QUOTE]

    could you point me to the forum for that discussion please, cause i can't find it
  • edited September 2010
    Anyone got reminded of the ending of this season of Doctor Who?
  • edited September 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Anyone got reminded of the ending of this season of Doctor Who?

    Me. I kinda imagined the Doctor popping in at some point and taking away the time elevator. "Stop messing with my time-stream! You're screwing it all up!"
  • edited September 2010
    could you point me to the forum for that discussion please, cause i can't find it

    Here you go.
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks, but after I asked you I went searching again and found it, its always the way with me. I'd get stuck on sam and max then ask for help, end up trying again and working it out only to come back for someone to tell me what I did.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm amazed you were able to find it. I always find it by searching for posts I made containing the phrase "fixed the hell out of it".

    And now because I told you that, there's going to be two results for that search instead of one.
  • edited September 2010
    I did search for posts, i searched for monkey island series voodoo lady plot, cause you mentioned that, then I was reading the posts it came up with and found yours, it was a good read.
  • edited September 2010
    Ah, well, glad you enjoyed it.
  • edited September 2010
    I think the timeline chart is as simple as it's going to get for you. Let me see if I can bullet point it.

    -In 204, Sam and Max (from the original universe, so we call them Prime) travel back to 102 to get a recording contract. Past Sam and Max (we'll call them A) steal their time machine and skip ahead to 204. This creates an alternate timeline with an extra Sam and Max.

    -At the end of 204, Sam and Max A steal the time machine and go to parts unknown as the ship is about to be destroyed. We don't hear from them again for a while.

    -Somewhere between 204 and 305, Sam and Max A have adventures somewhere other than New York, and Sam A is turned into a giant electromagnokinetic monster, and Max A is forced to destroy him.

    -At the end of 305, Max A uses the machine to find Sam Prime, and having both lost their partners, they join up and either ride off into the sunset or hop back in the time machine.

    Does that work?

    Very much so. This all makes perfect sense now.

    I have a feeling I'm going to struggle with Back to the Future...
  • edited September 2010
    Wow ... those timelines didn't just get messed up. They got spliced, knotted, braided, twined and felted.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, that's what happens when you give a hyperkinetic lagomorph access to a time machine.
  • edited September 2010
    I have a feeling I'm going to struggle with Back to the Future...
    Try your luck with DoTT.

    Good luck thinking up having to freeze a hamster for 100 years without walkthrough :D.
  • edited September 2010
    Oh yeah Day of the Tentacle!
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