Bug at the begining of 305?

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
So right after coming out from the lab for the first time, I walk over and talk to Grandpa Stinky. One or two clicks of conversation later, he just gives me the corn dog recipe right away.

And then, after Grandpa leaves, talking to the flaming max head standing there has Sam saying: "Anymore ideas, Fake Max?"

Where you supposed to get the idea of using the corn dogs from the fiery Max heads before you actually ask Grandpa Stinky for it? It seemed odd, since no one mentioned anything about corn dogs prior to Sam getting the recipe out of the blue.


  • edited August 2010
    No, that was intentional. Grandpa Stinky even makes a joke about things being too complicated.
  • edited September 2010
    It could additionally be in reference to the things you have to do after that.
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