The 28 ammendment

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
I've just began to play and I am laughing to death.

Thanks, Telltale.


  • edited August 2010
    As a Canadian, I don't get the joke.
  • edited August 2010
    As a Canadian, I don't get the joke.
    The joke is that there have so far been only 27 amendments to the US Constitution. Obviously President Max has added some things to it during his time in office.

    (Yes, yes, if you want to get technical, Constitutional amendments must legally be ratified, first by Congress and then by state legislatures or in popular referendums. But frankly, I can't see Max going to all that trouble, can you?)
  • edited August 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    frankly, I can't see Max going to all that trouble, can you?)

    Hey, that's why his Domestic Policy is so "Giant Battle Robot" based, heh.
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