city that dares not sleep ending confusion

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
im kind of confused with what happened. everyone escapes from Sam/junior while the narrator takes care of the tumor. how come after they leave max doesnt go back to normal? was the narrator lying?

also i was surprised how sad sam was when max died. in season 2 they died and became zombies and also went to hell and saved that rat. so why is dying in this game different? why didnt max become a zombie or why cant sam go to hell and get him back?


  • edited August 2010
    Well, zombies are undead, but they still have a body, and I'm not sure much would be left after a nuclear explosion in space.
  • edited August 2010
    jermy52 wrote: »
    im kind of confused with what happened. everyone escapes from Sam/junior while the narrator takes care of the tumor. how come after they leave max doesnt go back to normal? was the narrator lying?

    The Narrator said he can take care of the Tumor in 5 minutes. The maintron, according to Momma Bosco, will impact in 4 minutes. I guess the Narrator didn't have enough time.
    jermy52 wrote: »
    also i was surprised how sad sam was when max died. in season 2 they died and became zombies and also went to hell and saved that rat. so why is dying in this game different? why didnt max become a zombie or why cant sam go to hell and get him back?

    1- They became Zombies thanks to Jurguen's machine, which is specially for make zombies. Under normal conditions you just die.
    2- What's New Belzeebub? is also a special condition: Harry Moleman was controling the train at the time and he let Sam and Max go back and forth to Hell. Now Satan surely has more extrict rules about enter to Hell, which probably make impossible to bring Max back.
  • edited August 2010
    Jurgen's Soul Sucker was a machine spesifically designed to take souls and leave the corpses as zombies. It's not the same thing as dying, like, dying-dying. Or dying-dying-dying.

    Hell does beg a question, though. Maybe it's because he can't return to Hell now. He either doesn't have a soul token or he doesn't know the new location of Soul Train station, since the old one is obviously not there anymore.
  • edited August 2010
    jermy52 wrote: »
    im kind of confused with what happened. everyone escapes from Sam/junior-

    You should probably stop there and play the game over. Sam? Junior? You sure ARE confused, heh.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2010
    He's referring to sam and "Sam Jr.," the baby roach.
  • edited August 2010
    At no point in the game we escape FROM them though.
  • edited August 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    He's referring to sam and "Sam Jr.," the baby roach.

    Are you sure? Sounded like a mixup of "Sam" instead of "Max"(but then Max's Superego also makes that mistake of calling "Max" "Sam", but I think that was a bug), and the mistake of thinking "Norrington's" Junior was mixed with Max at the end of BTAOTD.

    They weren't escaping from Sam and Sam Jr. at any point, I don't think...and besides, a lot of people seem to have left SJ inside Max...poor thing.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2010
    Oh heh maybe so.
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