(SPOILERS-from more than just S3) The "Clue"...

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
The moment the narrator first came on screen during "The Penal Zone", my mind went back to "The Sixth Sense", where red objects were used to represent clues that you were supposed to "know something". It wasn't something I'd have known without watching the special features on the DVD, but I still remember it(so it's hard to watch it again without that being in mind for each object).

The concept stuck with me. I saw the "Red Rose" on the Narrator, and pictured things like the turning of the basement doornob in "The Sixth Sense"...I KNEW where it came from...so I got an idea. Is the "Red Rose" some kind of clue?

There's no way I could have figured it was Max himself, by extension; but the Narrator himself, with that "Red Rose", seemed too obvious...even though he was high on my list, lol...

...so then we go back to 305, with the Narrator's "Second Chance" being offered, where he says it's been right there all along...and my eyes focus back on that "Red Rose". I know what he means(or at least that's my impression now; I don't think I've seen anyone mention this, so I could be wrong)...BUT, what I completely missed was there to see all along.

The style of the clue was from "The Sixth Sense"..."The Sixth Sense" being the more traditional title of "psychic powers".

So I guess Max's Sixth Sense is represented by a Red Rose on the Narrator...which has to lead back to Max.

I don't know if I made it look more complicated than it needs to be, or if this is all so obvious because of 20/20 hindsight, but I just thought I'd put it out there.
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