Possible plots of Season 4

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Possible spoilers, you may not want to read ahead if you didn't finish The Devil's Playhouse yet.

I just had an idea earlier today that I thought I'd share.

Perhaps now that Sam and Max are in the possession of a Time Machine (well, in one possible ending), the events of Season 4 could play out as the design of the canceled Sam and Max game, "Sam and Max Plunge through Space". (If you don't know about the story of that game, you should read up on it here: http://www.samandmax.net/wiki/Sam_%26_Max_Plunge_Through_Space). I suppose that if Sam and Max travel to the future, they could arrive in the time that they visited in 204. Perhaps they could even replace themselves in the Intergalactic Freelance Police, allowing their future selves to retire. I've thought of a few possible ways to incorporate supporting characters and locations from the past 3 seasons, they are:

*Future Stinky's, run by Grandpa Stinky (in his Gorilla body), and Sam Jr. (Who is now fully grown, taking over Sal's position as the chef).
*Future Sybil's, who is run by Sybil and Abe's half-statue-half-human son/daughter.
*Future BoscoTech Labs, run by an elderly Bosco. (Maybe even possibly Momma Bosco using some sort of Life Support Invention).
*Although I haven't thought of much of a purpose, M. Papierwaite and Dr. Norrington could still be live and running the Museum.

Although it may be a little early to think about a 4th season, I just wanted to share my thought and see what you guys think.

If you think of ways my ideas can be improved on, feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made, or even post your entirely new ideas.


  • edited September 2010
    I'm not too sure on a plot though I'm guessing Max will no longer have psychic powers (toys gone, and past Max didn't have them)
  • edited September 2010
    An space adventure would be very cool (like what the cancelled game had) just as another good ol' time traveler tale (The have the elevator after all). Still, if there are things I really want to see in a possible season 4:

    -Characters from season 3 like Paperwaite, Norrington and Sam Jr. staying as recurring characters (Oh specially Paperwaite/Norrington)
    -Finally seeing the child of the Lincon-Pandemik (My bets it's a stone head child with human body)
    -New mechanics like we saw in season 3 but withut firgetng the core point and click mechanics.
    -Monkey Grandpa Stinky
    -Sam having a bit more of focus this time around (Max has been president, the only one orginally inmune to Huge Bliss' powers, leader of a religion, sitcom star and a carrier of The Gift. I say Sam needs more spotlight)
  • edited September 2010
    An space adventure would be very cool (like what the cancelled game had) just as another good ol' time traveler tale (The have the elevator after all). Still, if there are things I really want to see in a possible season 4:

    -Characters from season 3 like Paperwaite, Norrington and Sam Jr. staying as recurring characters (Oh specially Paperwaite/Norrington)
    -Finally seeing the child of the Lincon-Pandemik (My bets it's a stone head child with human body)
    -New mechanics like we saw in season 3 but withut firgetng the core point and click mechanics.
    -Monkey Grandpa Stinky
    -Sam having a bit more of focus this time around (Max has been president, the only one orginally inmune to Huge Bliss' powers, leader of a religion, sitcom star and a carrier of The Gift. I say Sam needs more spotlight)

    I'm with you on all these points, especially the bolded ones.
  • edited September 2010
    -Sam having a bit more of focus this time around (Max has been president, the only one orginally inmune to Huge Bliss' powers, leader of a religion, sitcom star and a carrier of The Gift. I say Sam needs more spotlight)

    The way I see it, Sam is supposed to be the brain. Max is supposed to get all the power, and Sam sees that he at least uses some of it to fight crime. And also, exploit it. I can't imagine Sam having awesome superpowers like Max, anyway.

    Sam's awesome superpower is his mind, man.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2010
    I thought The Devil's Playhouse was kind of secretly about Sam as much as, if not more than, Max. But I love Sam and wouldn't say no to a story a bit about him.
  • edited September 2010
    As long as it doesn't have the Soda Poppers again.
  • edited September 2010
    Wakenbake wrote: »
    As long as it doesn't have the Soda Poppers again.

    You mean, the S*** Poppers?
  • edited September 2010
    What I want: Almost none of the old characters returning as several of them are seriously overexposed at this point. I'm sure the TTG writers could come up with good new characters as most of the ones introduced in season 3 were excellent - Norrington, Sal, The Tourist and Skunkape were great, Sammun-Mak was fun but shouldn't really make a return IMO. Papierwaite was the only new character I didn't like - annoying voice and not really all that interesting or well-fleshed out.

    I like one thing a lot about the ending of season 5: Since the New Max is a time traveller from another point and not the "real Max", he could easily be made non-president again, having Superball assume the role. Maybe Superball could entrust a mission of National Security to S&M, maybe working a James Bond angle here? I can see the potential for fun here.
  • edited September 2010
    How about the plot of season 4 being the plot of
    the TDP but with Sam X & Max X point of view (remember the ending to 305)
    It could be 6 episodes long the first 4 would be
    The Alternate TDP story with Sam X & Max X (Sam getting electromagnetic powers and transforming into the beast himself) and the final 2 episodes would be Sam Prime & Max X trying to find the Body/Soul of real Max who's currently working in Hell
    What do you think?
  • edited September 2010
    I think people are overthinking the whole electromagnetic powered giant Sam thingie. It's just a throwaway joke of, you know, a seemingly impossible coincidence that actually happened in the end.
  • edited September 2010
    I agree - It was just really there so Max could deliver the awesome "So, you turned into a giant monster and, well, I blew you up. It was horrible!" line while smiling happily and to end the season on a happy note of status-quo.

    Fresh material for an eventual season four please.
  • edited September 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    How about the plot of season 4 being the plot of
    the TDP but with Sam X & Max X point of view (remember the ending to 305)
    It could be 6 episodes long the first 4 would be
    The Alternate TDP story with Sam X & Max X (Sam getting electromagnetic powers and transforming into the beast himself) and the final 2 episodes would be Sam Prime & Max X trying to find the Body/Soul of real Max who's currently working in Hell
    What do you think?
    That's a fun idea, but it would be kind of boring to play through the same basic plot structure twice. I think they should just introduce something completely wacky, new and unexpected. I mean, when I was hoping for series 3, the TDP trailer we got was definitely not what I was expecting, but it made the series so much better, since it broke away from the structure of the first two.

    Maybe they could have a short video or something recapping alternate-Max's adventures with Electro-Sam, and then carry on into a new season from the point TDP left off at.

    Although, this is the first time that I've said, I'd be happy not to see another season now. Of course another would be brilliant, but TCTDNS had a satisfying conclusion that could simply be left at that if they chose.
  • edited September 2010
    The Adventures of Sameth and Maximus; Season 1
  • edited September 2010
    In the future, the world will be divided into two warring factions; the followers of Sam, and the followers of Max. In an attempt to abolish the Maxists, the Samolians sent their most powerful warriors back in time to kill Max. The Maxists, after hearing this, sent their most powerful warriors back in time to kill Sam.

    Basically, the main plot is that Sam and Max tries to avoid their respective assassins, while also investigating what had happened to them in the future that caused all this, using the Time Traveling Elevator, of course, and try to prevent it, so that these futuristic villains will stop bugging them. Each episode takes place in a point in the future, where Sam and Max tries to stop their future selves to ever start their own evil empires or something, as well as protecting them from futuristic assassins.

    There's a shiny future, like the Jetsons, which we saw in episode 204. There's a post-apocalyptic future, where Sam lost his mind and became a vicious beast, with Max riding on his back (think Master Blaster from Mad max), and a future where the world is overrun by robots, all thanks to Bosco restoring the internet's sentience. Also, there should be a Maimtron 9000 sent from the future to kill Bosco.

    Sam and Max: Ego Trip.
  • edited September 2010
    Sam and Max have dealt with aliens, time travellers, and psychics, so if they want to try and top that, I think they should go on to sliders. Multiverse travel! We can finally get use out of that damn dimensional destabilizer!

    I'm so freaking brilliant.
  • edited September 2010
    Resurrect Sal and Max Prime!!!
  • edited September 2010
    Here's another idea I came up with a few minutes ago:
    Season 4, 5 episodes. Episodes 1-4 are cases that
    Sam & Max X solve together, regular cases, the usual... But at the end of Episode 4 as Sam & Max X just finished their case, Sam hears a very familiar voice saying: Hello Sam, how you've been? Thinking Max X said that he says "Fine but why did you ask me that?" Max X, confused says "I didnt say anything". As they turned around to the dark alley Real Max is revealed and the camera cuts to black as the credits roll in paving the way for the season finale.
    ... yeah i love making these up.
  • edited September 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    Here's another idea I came up with a few minutes ago:
    Season 4, 5 episodes. Episodes 1-4 are cases that
    Sam & Max X solve together, regular cases, the usual... But at the end of Episode 4 as Sam & Max X just finished their case, Sam hears a very familiar voice saying: Hello Sam, how you've been? Thinking Max X said that he says "Fine but why did you ask me that?" Max X, confused says "I didnt say anything". As they turned around to the dark alley Real Max is revealed and the camera cuts to black as the credits roll in paving the way for the season finale.
    ... yeah i love making these up.

    THAT would be so awesome!!! I would like to play with Max X but i also want the real Max back, and this would satisfy me in both ways! :D
  • edited September 2010
    o but what abut sam x humm
  • edited September 2010
    another thing: The Desoto must become more useful. Not that we never used it on season 3, but let's admit that the teleportation power kinda leaved it obsolete...
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