Season 2 vs. Season 3

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
To be honest, overall I thought Season 2 had better puzzles, better writing and fresher jokes than Season 3. I love TDP and think it's miles better than Season 1 (which I also love, don't get me wrong), but I think it's way more serious than Sam & Max should be. Season 2 was ridiculous, jokes were far more frequent and the puzzles were much more clever.

It's less that I'm comparing the entirety of Season 2 to Season 3. Honestly, I'm really most content with the last 2 episodes of Season 2 and think that those two episodes outshine Season 3 indefinitely. I really think Telltale had it perfect, or damn near close to it, with Chariots of the Dogs and What's New, Beezlebub. I actually think The Penal Zone is one of the best episodes of Season 3, easily surpassing 303 and 304. City That Dares Not Sleep was good, although I am a tad peeved at the ending (
Max deserves a happier ending than that, honestly. I mean they're Sam & Max! They have an entire wing of Hell, LLC devoted to them! When did they suddenly start sucking at saving the world?

The more I think about it, the more I decide that the problem with TDP is that they pulled way too many twists and turns and rose the HSQ too high. It's a remarkable game, but I think something just a bit more lighthearted story-wise fits Sam & Max better. I appreciate it, I just want to see something more light-hearted after that.

Anyway, do you guys prefer Season 2 (or at least it's last 2 episodes) to Season 3? If so, why?


  • edited September 2010
    I think season 3 had a better 1-3 but season 2 had a (slightly) better 4-5.
  • edited September 2010
    In my opinion, Season 2 had the most rushed plot (it's not about its nonsense, it wasn't actually nonsense, and the places we go were SO expectable, most of them were just boring) and while some puzzles were great, some puzzles just didn't make any sense.

    Season 3 has less but more qualified jokes, has a better puzzle solving system because of the psychic toys, and it wasn't serious, it was just more thrilling than any other season.

    I also think Season 1 is better than Season 2.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3, mainly for the 304 finale, I consider that final showdown pretty much the most epic thing in Sam & Max, the whole climbing the statue of Liberty, Max flying through the air to get to the top, the clones dancing, and of course, the brilliant music that plays through it all and then we have the ultimate fight with Charlie Ho-Tep and God like Max, which made 304 feel more like a finale than the actual finale itself at times!
  • edited September 2010
    Season 2's 1 and 2 irritated me. 1 felt like it was trying to be edgy to me - I didn't really appreciate Santa as a gun-toting psycho.

    and 2 - I don't know. 2 just felt boring. And the minigames. Eh.

    But then season 2 super redeems itself from there on.

    Season 3 on the other hand didn't have lemon episodes in the same way that season 2 did.

    So I guess I'd go with season 3.
  • edited September 2010
    Wretched wrote: »
    lemon episodes

    Oh my god that actually sounds yummy enough to make me play Ice Station Santa again O_O!!
    Wretched wrote: »
    Season 2's 1 and 2 irritated me. 1 felt like it was trying to be edgy to me - I didn't really appreciate Santa as a gun-toting psycho.

    The entire season tried to be edgy and politically incorrect. Sure it was good, but Season 2 was PURELY based on that.

    Gunhaver Santa, a hipster pop-culture referencing vampire, aliens turning out to be mariachis, and Hell having an office (not subtle, really). I didn't like it. It was too spiky. It wasn't creative, it was just goofy and got all of its materials from apparent jokes.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3.
  • edited September 2010
    As good as season 2 was, I thought that it was mostly crazy, absurd, cartoon moments, which I guess is normal for Sam and Max.

    Season 3, on the other hand, is an epic that sees the world of Sam and Max as not just a stage for wacky hi-jinx, but a living, breathing fantasy universe with its own rules and mythologies. Yes, it was more serious than previous Sam and Max stuff, but that's what makes it so great; the fact that it is something bigger than what Sam and Max has ever been.
  • edited September 2010
    204 is my favorite episode ever so points right their. Their is absolutely nothing majorly wrong with either season for me, but chariots was just so much fun for me, It gets a slight advantage.
  • edited September 2010
    When did they suddenly start sucking at saving the world?.
    Max sacrificed himself to save the universe. I don't think that counts as 'sucking'.
  • edited September 2010
    In their own category, both seasons are excellent. S3 was more geared towards cinematic storytelling, while S2 was heavier on puzzles and absurdity. I like S2 better for that reason.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3 is my favorite season, but I agree that it was too serious at some points, especially the ending. During the whole credits sequence in 305 I was thinking: "What? Sam and Max is supposed to be funny, not depressing!"
  • bai_ganyobai_ganyo Banned
    edited September 2010
    In their own category, both seasons are excellent. S3 was more geared towards cinematic storytelling, while S2 was heavier on puzzles and absurdity. I like S2 better for that reason.
    A good way to sum it up. Still season 3 is absurder. I personally think 302 is the best episode Telltale ever made. I believe, I liked the jokes of season 3 slightly more. Also the element of surprise, all the time something unexpected was happening, BUT the puzzles weren't as good, as 203-205, not by far. The toys puzzles usually were too easy. Too little inventory puzzles with logical paths of thought, how to come to the desired conclusion. More try and error. Let's see, any future I can predict here? Where can I teleport? I"m trapped in an alternate universe for all eternety. Oh yeah! Teleportation, good I still remember Stinky's number. and so on. That's why I like 302 best, the psychic powers there could only be usefull, when you knew them to be so.
    Hm? Question, what question? Ah! I guess tw-thr-, I dunno, three had a better plot, two had better puzzles.
  • edited September 2010
    I loved Season 3. I still love Season 2, but I think 3 really flowed well and all the episodes led to the next wonderfully. It really was like an interactive movie. Based on many other movies.
  • edited September 2010
    Definately 3...I actually had trouble finishing Season 2 because the season really didnt grab me as much as the seemed just like the same thing over again, which was great, dont get me wrong, but it didnt have the impact...Season 3 however was a fresh take that didnt leave out the best bits of Sam & Max and thats why I like it more...aside from 303...that was the weakest link in the chain there...
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3 was better. It had a much better story, surprising plot twists, less puzzles that were super confusing, and a great balance of funny and cinematic. The only downside was the short last episode. Although there were less jokes, there was higher quality.
  • edited September 2010
    First of all, i know how anoyng are the spoiler tags, and i use to comment a lot, but i will used them to not get flamed...i know i could get flamed for using them to, i guess thers no case xD i will just try to use them only when i give references to the story,on things telltale had not made known by the trillers, :( sorry. I like almost all of s2, the game introduce a lot of greatly done characters, and is hard to predict were are you going to be on the next episode, ther are a lot of funny dialogues, and sam and max have a lot on their hands, it happened a lot of changes, as becoming zombies, kids, the personal hell of sam, fainding their selfs on time, was just awsome 8D, and you even had a chanse to see the characters of season1, Moai Better Blues is not a peronal favorite.i just faind irritainting the esteriotipic cartoony smart babys, i think i only like the puzzle when sam and max become kids, but i faind the episode as an extra one.
    I think season 3 had a lot of good points, the whole thing explores on the personality of sam and max and things we havent thougth of them before,it was a little more touching,but sam and max were still ther,dont be afraid people feellings dont take away the humor, but after this season i personaly think max is smarter than i used to think xD,
    when he becames a brain and manipulates sam to get what he wants on all the episode was very cool, and telltale serchad a way to make hes participation more active with the psychic powers, but the puzzles, on my opinion, were more than easy,
    maybe telltale could have done better on that,
    is like they sacrifice the puzzles infront of the story,
    what was ok this time, because the story was to epic to be forgoten, the puzzles had still been fun, i like all the episodes of season 3 but They Stole Max's Brain was too boring on my opinion,
    i only liked a lot noir sam, but it wasnt ther too mush anyway.ther was to mush mole people, i like harry but with hem is enough for me, for last i hate talking of this, but as im plaing season two i relaize i liked more the controller commands for pc on s2, is nothing that get me obssesed anyway
    by the way did anyone ealse has relaized that on s2 when you ask for things as the spesial to girl stinky she turns and tell the order to the cooker,who we cant see whos name it happends to be, "pam,pam,pam" Sal xD, sal was in ther even when we didnt knew it.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 2 two, the list of people who died was much better.
  • edited September 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    Season 2 two, the list of people who died was much better.

    LOL What do mean by that?

    Even Sam died or un-died at one point. And so did the Desoto! :p
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    LOL What do mean by that?

    Even Sam died or un-died at one point. And so did the Desoto! :p

    yes but
    and the annoying **** poppers died in 205 too.
  • edited September 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    yes but
    and the annoying **** poppers died in 205 too.

    True, very true.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3 has WAY more story, character development, and cinematic detail, but Season 2 was more of a traditional adventure game. I prefer Season 3, just because of how well it pulled it off.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3 has WAY more story, character development, and cinematic detail, but Season 2 was more of a traditional adventure game. I prefer Season 3, just because of how well it pulled it off.

    ^This. Season 2 was more puzzle savvy, by a hair mind you. In general, the use of psychic toys was quite innovative. Season 3 had more heart put into the story and the presentation was beautiful... -I have a PS3. I would have loved to seen the office.
  • edited September 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Max sacrificed himself to save the universe. I don't think that counts as 'sucking'.

    He never saved the universe or the earth, he saved his best friend and some unknown people when he teleported away. Thats what annoyed me with the penal zone, when the narrator says in the next 4 chapters you'll decide to save the universe
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    ^This. Season 2 was more puzzle savvy, by a hair mind you. In general, the use of psychic toys was quite innovative. Season 3 had more heart put into the story and the presentation was beautiful... -I have a PS3. I would have loved to seen the office.

    There is a couple of things that annoy me with the last episode of the 3rd season. Sybil says they need to work as fast as they can to save the city but then refuses to make max move unless you prove to her that you understand what shes going through. Thats unprofessional in my opinion and annoyed me a lot. Have a go at sam for thinking rude things AFTER you've saved the city you idiot. Also why was superball not watching the screen like he should be doing, he shouldn't be interested in watching mr featherly lay an egg, thats unprofessional too in my opinion.
  • edited September 2010
    There is a couple of things that annoy me with the last episode of the 3rd season. Sybil says they need to work as fast as they can to save the city but then refuses to make max move unless you prove to her that you understand what shes going through. Thats unprofessional in my opinion and annoyed me a lot. Have a go at sam for thinking rude things AFTER you've saved the city you idiot. Also why was superball not watching the screen like he should be doing, he shouldn't be interested in watching mr featherly lay an egg, thats unprofessional too in my opinion.

    Keep in mind that nearly all the characters in the Sam and Max universe are pretty much apparent egoists. I think it's the charm of it how everyone just think for theirselves, and to make them do something for you you actually have to either threaten them or play with their minds. It kind of parodies the real life people and how gullible some of them are.
  • edited September 2010
    There is a couple of things that annoy me with the last episode of the 3rd season. Sybil says they need to work as fast as they can to save the city but then refuses to make max move unless you prove to her that you understand what shes going through. Thats unprofessional in my opinion and annoyed me a lot. Have a go at sam for thinking rude things AFTER you've saved the city you idiot. Also why was superball not watching the screen like he should be doing, he shouldn't be interested in watching mr featherly lay an egg, thats unprofessional too in my opinion.
    Sam and Max: Season 4: Time To Be Professional

    Sybil: Sam, did you file those TPS reports?
    Sam: Of course Sybil. Cover sheet and everything, I got them in well ahead of the deadline.
    Sybil: Ah, good. You know, teh company picnic is in a few days.
    Sam: Thanks for reminding me. I'll need to get my company outing suit for the occasion!

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2010
    Formal-wear Sam! With bow tie probably.
  • edited September 2010
    Sam and Max: Season 4: Time To Be Professional

    Sybil: Sam, did you file those TPS reports?
    Sam: Of course Sybil. Cover sheet and everything, I got them in well ahead of the deadline.
    Sybil: Ah, good. You know, teh company picnic is in a few days.
    Sam: Thanks for reminding me. I'll need to get my company outing suit for the occasion!

    Jake wrote: »
    Formal-wear Sam! With bow tie probably.

    I like that idea actually. If I saw that scenario play out fully rendered I would fall to the floor laughing in tears!

    Max in a blue cardigan anyone?
    What's a cardigan anyway?
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