Sam and Max, and my thoughts on the games so far.



  • edited January 2007
    I thought one of the brilliant things about Sam and Max was the pretense of family friendliness while there was a whole bunch of twisted stuff just under the surface that would frequently break through. Going for an "adult" storyline would totally break that, and frankly, I tend to believe "adult" content is among the most juvenile of things that games include.

    As for the people who complain about this version of Sam and Max, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Sam and Max: Hit the Road was a pretty solid adventure game with a solid sense of humor and absolutely abysmal pacing that hurt a lot of the humor. Honestly, for the faster paced level design in the newer Sam and Max episodes, I think Season One will end up being the better game. It's too bad it doesn't get the benefit of the fog of nostalgia that will likely make people remember the original game more fondly.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Wait 20 years. When "Sam & Max: Back on the Road" is announced in 2027, we'll see how the tables have turned!

    Or something.
  • edited January 2007
    I don't want to sound too negative, but after reading some of the ideas you guys posted in this thread I sure hope Steve Purcell never stops writing.

    Few of those ideas were anywhere near the level of things like the Rubber Pants Commandos, getting caught by the cast of The Crimson Permanent Assurance, being rescued from same by a bunch of octopi, the Enchanted Argyle Forest, a Lovecraftian horror turned into a kiddie ride, the sea-monkey statues outside of the mayor's building in the rat colony on the moon. . .

    I think Sam and Max stories should be a light blend of kitsch and surrealism, with just enough black humour to flavour the silliness. I'm sure following up on this 'skinbodies' trend would fit right in.
  • edited January 2007
    octochan wrote: »
    I don't want to sound too negative, but after reading some of the ideas you guys posted in this thread I sure hope Steve Purcell never stops writing.

    I think most of us were joking.. your sarcasm radar may need checking :rolleyes:
  • edited January 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I think most of us were joking.. your sarcasm radar may need checking :rolleyes:

    I can't allow myself to believe that, because that might cause me to rekindle my hope in humanity.
  • edited January 2007
    ^And we can't have that, now can we?:D
  • edited January 2007
    octochan wrote: »
    I don't want to sound too negative, but after reading some of the ideas you guys posted in this thread I sure hope Steve Purcell never stops writing.

    I might be wrong, but I thought that Stever Purcell wasn't actually writing the episodes. The writers are Brendan Q. Ferguson and Dave Grossman.
  • edited January 2007
    Oh god, I would hope that people realize my ideas for a romantic episode were in jest. Believe me octochan, if they added lagomorph porn and a Sybil-centric episode involving a love tryst and bestiality, I'd proceed to fling myself from the nearest rooftop lol
  • edited January 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Oh god, I would hope that people realize my ideas for a romantic episode were in jest. Believe me octochan, if they added lagomorph porn and a Sybil-centric episode involving a love tryst and bestiality, I'd proceed to fling myself from the nearest rooftop lol
    Which reminds me, is there any HOT HOT HOT Sam & Max hentai out there?


    Those who found this post offensive or serious in any way should consider suicide and/or amputation of head.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Ebeeto wrote: »
    Which reminds me, is there any HOT HOT HOT Sam & Max hentai out there?

    Probably :(
  • edited January 2007
    Let's go back to making up storylines!

    A company announces to make a game on the characters and then has it cancelled. So Sam & Max start hunting down the guy who cancelled it, his family, anyone who he came in touch with throughout his life, and anyone living within a 50-million-mile radius (of everyone mentioned beforehand).

    In the mean time, the soda poppers get their own show again, and the company that cancelled the S&M game, makes a game about the soda poppers based in a "thrillful" amusement park in a galaxy far, far away. They have to be renamed to Opeepers Kenobi, Spec-Spec Binks & Whizzerwalker. They also have some light-beepers off the set.

    Ok, I'll stop now (although I have much more to say, to your horror).
  • edited January 2007
    MrSneeze wrote: »
    Let's go back to making up storylines!

    A company announces to make a game on the characters and then has it cancelled. So Sam & Max start hunting down the guy who cancelled it, his family.

    Well, yours deviates later on, but Telltale have already done that plotline.

  • edited January 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I think most of us were joking.. your sarcasm radar may need checking :rolleyes:

    woops, I didn't realize the red service light on that was blinking.
  • edited January 2007
    For no reason at all, China gets nuked....And it becomes Sam and Max's job to set up the best ever party...For some reason...
  • edited January 2007
    Ebeeto wrote: »
    Which reminds me, is there any HOT HOT HOT Sam & Max hentai out there?


    Those who found this post offensive or serious in any way should consider suicide and/or amputation of head.


    They probably do, but wouldn't be considered yaoi instead since neither Max or Sam are chicks unless it involves Sybil. Regardless, I hope your jest didn't give some insane person to go and make on. That would be sick. then again, there is a hentai of Powerpuff girls (I never looked at it but I heard of it since someone posted the cover of the parody at some anime forum when news of the japanese anime [not hentai, mind you] "Powerpuff Girls Z")
  • edited January 2007
    doom saber wrote: »

    They probably do, but wouldn't be considered yaoi instead since neither Max or Sam are chicks unless it involves Sybil. Regardless, I hope your jest didn't give some insane person to go and make on. That would be sick.

    Well, there's already anime Sam and Max on DeviantArt! N - not that I was intentionally looking for that. IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME NOW.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Sorry guys, I'm going to have to kill the last few posts for linking to adult content! Discussion of Sam & Max: good. Linking to adult content (no matter how many warning notes surround the link): not so much!

    Hopefully that's understandable! Thanks!
  • edited March 2007
    No problem Jake, I kinda figured even mentioning that site would be frowned upon :P Some truly wacked people there...
  • edited March 2007
    Ebeeto wrote: »
    Which reminds me, is there any HOT HOT HOT Sam & Max hentai out there?
    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    :eek: GAG! HACK! HURL!

    Air, please, I need air!!! -passes out-
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