Your whole opinion on the 305 ending. What did you think? (spoilers)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
The much talked about ending, what did you think?
I thought it was so-so since well
I wanted Max to come back, but the way he does is just not the way i hoped and expected it would be. I was thinking, when Sam saluted the decapitated Statue of Liberty I though Max would fall in the water (stating he survived the explotion, somehow) and explained what happened back in Skunkape's ship and after that, they would go somewhere to fight crime. But when i saw the time elevator i was huh?... After everything was revealed my first thought was wait... what? Then i just pondered for a few minutes then i guess i just accepted it after 3 minutes of anger & depression.

Kinda messed up ending or not, I still can't wait for season 4 but i'll be damned if Telltale doesn't mention anything about
Real Max


  • edited September 2010
    Well, the final puzzle was pretty cheap if you ask--oh, that.

    Eh. I kind of wish that the Adventure ending was the only one, or that we all had the same ending at all, but I guess it was a cute attempt to get people to get the kind of experience at the end that they associate with Sam and Max. "Save Sybil" was pretty deus-ex-y(and not in a "Spontaneous Combustion! How convenient!" way that would have been acceptable), but otherwise I guess the ending hit all the right emotional tones if you wanted to make a Sam and Max film that stops dead now and again to give some weak illusion of interactivity.
  • edited September 2010
    It left me satisfied. Yeah, some of the developments came out of nowhere and were accepted too quickly, but I don't mind.
  • edited September 2010
    "Save Sybil" was pretty deus-ex-y(and not in a "Spontaneous Combustion! How convenient!" way that would have been acceptable),

    I know, right?
    In the end, he didn't really do anything but to repeat SAVE SYBIL in himself as an inner monolouge. It didn't even make much sense, but Max's Super-ego was that desperate to count that as a good deed, I guess.
  • edited September 2010
    Having just finished it, I would say that I found the ending depressing, but satisfying. However, with there being no poll option for that I instead clicked on satisfying, but not what I expected.
  • edited September 2010
    The crimefighting ending was extremely satisfying.
  • edited September 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I know, right?
    In the end, he didn't really do anything but to repeat SAVE SYBIL in himself as an inner monolouge. It didn't even make much sense, but Max's Super-ego was that desperate to count that as a good deed, I guess.

    To be fair, he DID subsequently
    teleport away from New York so his exploding wouldn't kill any innocent people
    , which is a little unlike Max.
  • edited September 2010
    I voted, but I wish there was an optional choice.

    The two ways that came to mind to describe it after it happened were "Bittersweet" and "Warmly Satisfying", but the poll divides them, heh.
  • edited September 2010
    I dont understand why people are suggesting the "Past Max" is at all different from "Real Max"...from my point of view the Max that came out of the elevator is Max...the Max that exploded is also long as they are both from the same time line then they must have to be the same...

    Or maybe it was just the fact that I just didnt want to see these games finish here and so Max had to come back somehow...but tbh I'll be happy either way tbh...

    What Im wondering now is what they do next...the stories have so far kept ramping up the awesome and the do they top this?
  • edited September 2010
    its not that people believe max x is not the real max, its just that he hasn't had the same adventures since 102 with the sam we know. He's been on a different adventure since 102. He's got different memories to the max that died. So he's not the same really, and i expect it would be the same for max x. He has been on an adventure with his friend who he had to kill, but the alternate sam he found mourning for his alternate would have different memories to the sam he knew. But at least they can talk about the adventures each of them missed.
  • edited September 2010
    Soeroah wrote: »
    To be fair, he DID subsequently
    teleport away from New York so his exploding wouldn't kill any innocent people
    , which is a little unlike Max.

    IMO: He did it
    to save Sam not the rest
  • edited September 2010
    I agree. On a side note why have you got a spoiler tag in a forum that points out that there is spoilers? Also this forum discusses the end of the episode so they would have seen everything you've covering up with spoiler tags anyway.
  • edited September 2010
    Gonna spoiler-tag this just in case someone's strayed down this far accidentally.
    I'm going to say I was slightly disappointed with the episode in general. If I'd chosen the "crimefighting" option, probably I wouldn't be so much as that was hilarious just after the lift (watched it on Youtube afterwards - Got "adventuring" but didn't find that one particularly amusing, just felt a little cut off)
    There were some really neat puzzles, but all of it wound up being a fair bit simpler than the previous episodes in the series - and Sam's change of accent was pretty jarring for me as well, at least at the start- his voice ended up really nasal and irritating for the most part. I noticed it a little less as the episode went through, but as I had only just played pretty much the rest of the series [got it on pre-order but haven't had a chance really to play it apart from in the last month] the difference was really quite noticeable.

    I was sincerely hoping, as the credits rolled, that there would be some kind of sting after them - something would happen to continue the episode on a bit. It was an emotional pre-ending, and I really liked that, but it seemed sort of anticlimactic as there wasn't the final puzzle-slash-boss-slash whatever to be had which we've grown to love from the Sam&Max games (the "You may have missed something" puzzle, I'd already discovered that aaaaages beforehand)
    Just that the whole thing felt pretty brief really. Loved the rest of the series, and 305 did have some really great moments, but... I dunno really.
    Oh and by the way, the Narrator being evil? (at least, evil-ish) I spotted that in the teaser that popped up when I finished ToMI ^_^
  • edited September 2010
    Wait... what?! There are two endings?!
  • edited September 2010
    Apparently, there are three.
  • edited September 2010
    Wait... what?! There are two endings?!
    Oh yes. Two endings and one is slightly different if you don't pick up Sam Jr. before Max goes bye bye.
    Dammit! I want my Max! Season 4 has so much potential. Can't wait to see a trailer of what Tell Tale's got cookin'.
  • edited September 2010
    Slanzinger wrote: »
    Gonna spoiler-tag this just in case someone's strayed down this far accidentally.
    I'm going to say I was slightly disappointed with the episode in general. If I'd chosen the "crimefighting" option, probably I wouldn't be so much as that was hilarious just after the lift (watched it on Youtube afterwards - Got "adventuring" but didn't find that one particularly amusing, just felt a little cut off)
    There were some really neat puzzles, but all of it wound up being a fair bit simpler than the previous episodes in the series - and Sam's change of accent was pretty jarring for me as well, at least at the start- his voice ended up really nasal and irritating for the most part. I noticed it a little less as the episode went through, but as I had only just played pretty much the rest of the series [got it on pre-order but haven't had a chance really to play it apart from in the last month] the difference was really quite noticeable.

    I was sincerely hoping, as the credits rolled, that there would be some kind of sting after them - something would happen to continue the episode on a bit. It was an emotional pre-ending, and I really liked that, but it seemed sort of anticlimactic as there wasn't the final puzzle-slash-boss-slash whatever to be had which we've grown to love from the Sam&Max games (the "You may have missed something" puzzle, I'd already discovered that aaaaages beforehand)
    Just that the whole thing felt pretty brief really. Loved the rest of the series, and 305 did have some really great moments, but... I dunno really.
    Oh and by the way, the Narrator being evil? (at least, evil-ish) I spotted that in the teaser that popped up when I finished ToMI ^_^
    Slanzinger, I do kind of agree, 304 felt more like the finale than 305. 305 felt like a gigantic cliffhanger in my opinion.
    305 explored more of Sam and Max's relationship and their personalities. It showed that despite all of their freelance shennanigans these guys do have hearts. Sam did everything he could to save Max. And Max returned the favor. But what happens now...?
    As for Sam's voice I heard the poor guy had a cold but recorded anyway.
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Oh yes. Two endings and one is slightly different if you don't pick up Sam Jr. before Max goes bye bye.
    Times like this I wish I saved games... Ah well.
  • edited September 2010
    Times like this I wish I saved games... Ah well.
    Well it's pretty simple; just get to the part where you choose between Recall Adventuring or Recall Crime Fighting.
    Recall Adventuring is the one affected by picking up Sam Jr. as far as I know.

    I just realized I completed 2 seasons in a month...
  • edited September 2010
    wow, then i def think this was an awesome episode :D
    the game design was insane, but the ending i had where
    max just randomly time travels(from another paralell univers somehow) to sam is ok since this is sam and max and they did DRIVE UP TO THE MOON WITH A CAR, i mean everything is possible i suppose.

    Now i have to play from that part again and see that second ending :D
  • edited September 2010
    I'd describe it as disappointing, since considering how short the rest of the game was, I'd been expecting a whole new round of puzzles after the "credits". In the past two seasons, the final episode was longer than the earlier ones. 305 seemed like a half-length episode, with none of the puzzles taking more than a few minutes to stumble through.

    What's with this two paths thing? Are there any more puzzles, or is it just minor changes. At what point in the game does the choice come up? I don't really remember, since at the time I thought it was just another pointless dialog tree.
  • edited September 2010
    I liked the crime fighting ending better than the adventure ending. It was longer and funnier.
  • edited September 2010
    Times like this I wish I saved games... Ah well.

    ... there's always youtube ;)
  • edited September 2010
    the whole season 3 are F$#%$# easy except for 302 it was my style of the episode
    i got sad near the end T-T but it was unexpected with the time machine =P and past max too ... i hope they make season 4 =P
  • edited September 2010
    tommhans wrote: »
    wow, then i def think this was an awesome episode :D
    the game design was insane, but the ending i had where
    max just randomly time travels(from another paralell univers somehow) to sam is ok since this is sam and max and they did DRIVE UP TO THE MOON WITH A CAR, i mean everything is possible i suppose.

    Now i have to play from that part again and see that second ending :D

    Hey have you played season 2 by any chance? Max showing up seemed more planned to me. Like it's part of a bigger scheme.;)
  • edited September 2010
    Keevi wrote: »
    IMO: He did it
    to save Sam not the rest

    Spoiler tag, just in case.
    That's exactly what I believe. It fits Max's personality and I don't really think he cared about what would happen to the rest of New York.
  • edited September 2010
    ... there's always youtube ;)

    I couldn't find anything... Help?

    Too lazy to play the game all over again... Lazy? Busy, I mean. Horrendously overwhelmed with work in fact.
  • edited September 2010
    I couldn't find anything... Help?

    Too lazy to play the game all over again... Lazy? Busy, I mean. Horrendously overwhelmed with work in fact.

    Just type in sam and max the devil's playhouse ending and set the results to be listed in order by upload date.
  • edited September 2010
    I think as we are focusing on these more dramatic storylines we are eschewing the characteristics of Sam but mostly Max.

    It's true that Max loves violence and has an aggressive personality. However, that doesn't mean he's a serial killer like psychopath that wants to see everyone but Sam dead (although even that is iffy, as he wants to drag Sam down with him should he ever die.) True Sam acts as Max's moral guide to keep him in check. Max does try to stick to some type of moral code, focusing his aggression on the villains, although this is slightly corrupted as Max will act on impulses to gain power and he will also lash out at those that annoy him. It should be noted that Max also has a immature, almost cutesy childish side as well, so I will attempt to debunk a few claims about Max's true character.

    "Max only teleported away from New York so Sam wouldn't die."
    This would seem to contradict when Max claims he would take Sam down with him but then as giant Junior Max he wasn't totally himself. While it's true Max would like to rampage through the city irregardless of being a hulking monster, his love for destruction is more like vandalism than slaughtering everything in his path. Besides, as a member of the Freelance Police he loves saving the day as much as Sam. Max does care for Sam the most but he also gets along with many of the 'neighbor' characters, who have proven to be helpful in past adventures. He idolizes Flint Paper, for example. The Boscos have been helpful on occasion. Gpa Stinky is more of a 'love's to annoy' relationship. And this leads me to my next point.

    "Max's change of heart to save Sybil is to far-fetched"
    Sybil (an Abe eventually) is another friendly neighbor character. She has proven to be helpful in the past and while Max would pick on her he isn't being openly hostile. Did we forget that he was the minister at their wedding? So I think the odds are high that once monster Max came to his senses he would want to help Sybil once her water broke, since that is an action from Max's characterizations.

    It's important to remember that Max does have a softer side, he just doesn't show it the way that Sam does.
  • edited September 2010
    I wrote a much more in-depth version of my opinion in the discussion thread for this episode, but I was....REALLY really disappointed with it. Just-tear-my-heart-out disappointed.
  • edited September 2010
    And Sybil.
  • UkaUka
    edited September 2010
    I think the ending is very satisfying and very good indeed. There is nothing that could prove that
    'past Max'
    is not the
    real Max
    . Quite the opposite. First, there was not such thing as
    Sam turning into monster and exploding
    in Sam and Max's past. Second,
    Max would never come into the present if he was not sure that there is not such thing as 'a present Max' here
    it is not a 'past Max' coming into present, but a real Max returning from another dimension where he somehow appeared after the spaceship exploded. His story about Sam exploding is a joke, of course. And that's just what I expected after I saw Sam mourning - Max could not die as we have already seen Sam and Max as elders in the future
  • edited September 2010
    Not a big fan of the term "real Max" and I kind of hope it dies off. JUST LIKE THE REAL MAX DID.

    I think the absurdity of the resolution counter balances what was getting to be a little too grim of an ending. Any other "he didn't die" ending would have been ho-hum in my opinion.

    I think this might be used as the basis to remove Max's Presidential status, though. Which is fine, the joke is a bit old.
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