Possible hypothesis (305 spoilers)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
So guys. I've thought about it, and I think I've figured something out.

In the Penal Zone, the tutorial starts you off in a (rather incorrect) Future Vision seen by Max.
And in 305, you see Max A come back, at least in the crimefighting ending.

Now, either one could give a rather logical answer to how some future visions worked and how some didn't:

Idea 1:
What could be entirely possible is that all the futures you avoid belong to the second continuity with Sam & Max A and where Sam ends up with electromagnetic powers, tearing the city apart spectacularly and Max has to put the poor dog down.

Idea 2:
What we really see are Sam & Max setting the past right with the Time Elevator after the incident in 305, ending up stopping Skun-ka'pe, gathering the toys for them to be destroyed, saving Gordon and having a happier ending overall.


  • edited September 2010
    O_O didn't think of that, but don't forget about the crime fighting ending, plus I wouldn't want to lose the characters of Paiperwaite and Norrington, they are two fun characters you can't get rid of! :D
  • edited September 2010
    Or the fact that the future is subjective to what comes before it and by seeing the future we can decide to follow that route or avoid it?

    As proven by the fact we gave Flint a hard hat to alter the future in whihc he died from an axe to the head.

    And how when Skunk'ape caught Sam & Max in episode 1 he decided to take the future vision from them and get Gordon to use them thereby revealing Sam & Max's plan (that we played in the opening) and therefore removing the coins from the displays to save himself from the Penal Zone.
  • edited September 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    Or the fact that the future is subjective to what comes before it and by seeing the future we can decide to follow that route or avoid it?

    As proven by the fact we gave Flint a hard hat to alter the future in whihc he died from an axe to the head.

    And how when Skunk'ape caught Sam & Max in episode 1 he decided to take the future vision from them and get Gordon to use them thereby revealing Sam & Max's plan (that we played in the opening) and therefore removing the coins from the displays to save himself from the Penal Zone.

    I'm just saying, maybe Max A's universe is one where they didn't get the hardhat for Flint but one where they did send Skunkape to the Penal Zone on the bridge of his ship, instead of the opposite.
  • edited September 2010
    Max A isn't from an alternate universe.

    In 204 we got a time machine and went back to 102 wher we met Past Sam and Past Max, where they then stole the time machine and remained at large.

    That is why Sam call him Past Max in one of the endings and he appears in the same time machine.
  • edited September 2010
    either one could give a rather logical answer to how some future visions worked and how some didn't

    The future visions always worked, based on what the course of events was at the time when looking.
  • edited September 2010
    So guys. I've thought about it, and I think I've figured something out.

    In the Penal Zone, the tutorial starts you off in a (rather incorrect) Future Vision seen by Max.
    And in 305, you see Max A come back, at least in the crimefighting ending.

    Now, either one could give a rather logical answer to how some future visions worked and how some didn't:

    Idea 1:
    What could be entirely possible is that all the futures you avoid belong to the second continuity with Sam & Max A and where Sam ends up with electromagnetic powers, tearing the city apart spectacularly and Max has to put the poor dog down.

    Idea 2:
    What we really see are Sam & Max setting the past right with the Time Elevator after the incident in 305, ending up stopping Skun-ka'pe, gathering the toys for them to be destroyed, saving Gordon and having a happier ending overall.
    I could agree with this hypothesis actually. What you stated could be episode 401's opening. When people start to play they'll be like; Wtf? This is season 3. Then Skunkape gets sucked into the penal zone. Sam says "only a few more toys and we'll save the future little buddy" or something cool like that.
  • edited September 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    As proven by the fact we gave Flint a hard hat to alter the future in whihc he died from an axe to the head.

    Don't forget that the future visions can easily be misinterpreted. Like in the one above, Flint didn't die because of the axe but because of the peanuts in his spaghetti.
  • bai_ganyobai_ganyo Banned
    edited September 2010
    It is very probable, that there are two kinds of future visions. Sam might have found out, what he needs to send Skunk'ape back into the Penal Zone, but we cannot say for sure.
    There is no alternate timeline. The events past-Max speaks of must have happened in the future or in the past (before season one, or at least in a different part of the world, so that the Sam and Max we played have not noticed this event). If you change the past, it has effects on the present (see 204), so there cannot be different timelines, you can switch between. There is only one, you can alter it into different directions. God, have you never watched Back to the Future?
    Hubert wrote: »
    The future visions always worked, based on what the course of events was at the time when looking.
    Agreed. There must have been something to stop Sam from using puddinghead Lincoln. What was it? What was it? Maybe someone should start another thread about that one.
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