The World Famous Mass Effect Thread
I just started playing Mass Effect again and because I'm a massive nerd, I feel like talking about it.
So discuss anything Mass Effect related in here. Suggested topics include: the upcoming Mass Effect movie, speculation about the upcoming Mass Effect movie, Mass Effect 3 and any future books (if anyone reads them (I don't)), "I haven't played Mass Effect but want to come into this awesome thread anyway because I can sense that it's great and world famous", the plot, the characters, "What's up with Tali's face?", "who did you romance?", gay alien sex, straight alien sex, alien sex, "aliens: sex?" and anything else you can think of, including, but not limited to, alien sex.
So discuss anything Mass Effect related in here. Suggested topics include: the upcoming Mass Effect movie, speculation about the upcoming Mass Effect movie, Mass Effect 3 and any future books (if anyone reads them (I don't)), "I haven't played Mass Effect but want to come into this awesome thread anyway because I can sense that it's great and world famous", the plot, the characters, "What's up with Tali's face?", "who did you romance?", gay alien sex, straight alien sex, alien sex, "aliens: sex?" and anything else you can think of, including, but not limited to, alien sex.
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You don't absolutely need to, but it greatly enhances the second one as the save carries over.
In ME1 you make meaningful choices.
ME1 has a plot.
Tali's cool.
ME2 is a very nice action game, but completely unworthy of the name RPG.
In ME2 you make like, 3 choices (and 1 is bugged, yay BioWare), and the only difference is from choices you made in ME1.
ME2 lacks a plot.
Tali's a slut.
More to discuss?
I registered on this forum just to tell you that you have no soul.
Tali FTW.
If you're wanting to play Mass Effect 2 I really suggest you play 1 first and get a save file over. It adds more to the experience and the default options for a no save file playthrough suck
I was about 3/4 of the way though Mass Effect 2, but I've had to stop for now. It uses the unreal 3 engine and my system dies at the thought of playing a game using that engine. Good news is, I think I know what's causing it, and overheating Northbridge chipset on the motherboard... bad news is, I'm not sure how to cool it.
(Shouldn't need to anyway, don't have this issue with any other game)
B. Buy a fan and install it, I did it four months ago and it's the first time I've ever opened a PC.
Belive me I'm waiting for A. I live in Scotland so it's not exactly boiling (although Summer's back with a vengeance... hot day today, in September). As soon as it gets colder however: heating off, windows open, housecoat/slippers on, play game. Soo cold... but soo worth it.
As for B, I've stuck 2 case fans in. One to suck air in and another to suck it out. The one that brings air into the case is on the same level as the N/B heatsink but is too far away to make any difference. I'm thinking at this point I'll have to get the smallest fan I can get and just glue it to the heatsink or something
The worst part of my problem is that I just bought some DLC for ME2 as well. I was in the middle of the Overlord DLC when the crashes became so frequent as to make me stop. As much as I want to play ME2 I'm not risking damage to my system.
Tali's character was way more developed in the second game IMO. I can't believe you're calling her a slut, though, what was slutty about her? Are you just saying it because you were able to romance her?
Also you made tons of choices in the second game. At least the same amount as you did in the first. I agree that it was less of an RPG though, but IMO that was a good thing. It was more of an action-adventure game than an action-RPG. Keeping track of all the armour upgrades, ammo and stats in the first game was kind of annoying, I thought. I would have liked some more guns/armour in the second game, though.
Agreed. The most annoying thing about ME1 is the crazy weapon customization stuff. I liked it for a while, but was always left with the feeling that I hadn't quite tweaked everything perfectly and it just didn't seem like it was worth all the effort. ME2 weapons are much more straight forward. I also like that there are only about 4 stats to mess with in ME2. Don't get me wrong, I like a full fledged RPG as much as the next guy, but with Mass Effect it took too much away from the enjoyment. If you are going to do RPG stuff, I prefer the way Bioware did the KOTOR games.
Also: I really love both games, but I cannot stand driving around in that dang car looking for stuff in ME1, and the stupid probe thing in ME2 wasn't much better. Although I did enjoy probing Uranus.... "seriously Shepard?"
I used to agree with you, but now, after starting to play ME1 again, I'm thinking that my memories of the Mako were worse than my actual experience. I'm finding it pretty fun to drive around exploring planets again.
My only qualm with it is that when you stand next to it you realise that there's no WAY you could actually fit three people in there, even if they were all lying down (and they'd have to), especially not Wrex. I know that that's stupid, but oh well.
I'm hoping a vehicle returns for ME3, but not the Mako. Maybe something that hovers so you don't have to deal with all the annoying mountain climbing. And I'd like it if Joker drives it. His character was developed nicely in ME2. And it'd be nice if it was a bit bigger so that I don't have this annoying OCD image of shepard being all claustrophobic while driving it. In fact, it'd be cool if it was big enough to fit the whole Normandy crew on board... like a mini Normandy... yeah... and like, when you get out, everyone gets out and is all standing outside with clipboards and stuff and they're like "let's get a team out to survey the planet" and they do all cool stuff and everything and some dudes get out with cool suits on and they wander off and like go and do things and it's...
Sorry, I think I just had some sort of seizure but carried on typing. On second thought, that might be an awful idea.
... Shepard.
*moseys on out*
And with slutty I mean that she drools all around Shephard while being completely proffessional in ME1 (my prefered way).
And... what meaningful choices did ME2 have? The ending, choosing a planet's impact for missile (bugged) and... giving the disks or not (yay, bugged!).
Also, and spoilerific here, I'm not romancing anyone in ME2 because of my choices in ME1... although, god damn... Miranda... that's all I'll say.
Can't stand the little bitch... 0_0.
I did just about everything I could in the game, all the quests, all the planets explored - and my first play through of ME1 took me about 45 hours. I explored all I could in ME2 and finished in about 25. ME2 was definitely shorter on content. But I have a sneaking suspicion that they cut back on content for the final product in order to hock more DLC, which I will be buying for my second (renegade) play through of ME2.
With all of that, I enjoyed ME2 a lot more. All of the customization of weapons and armor and all that jazz in the first game really bored me. ME2 had just enough to keep me interested, and the combat and cover system was greatly improved.
For people who haven't played the first game, it's worth it. But keep an eye out as it goes on sale often on certain sites. I got it for $5 during a Direct2Drive sale. Watch around Christmas - totally worth it.