sam and max complete 305 walkthrough

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
I would like to request to have a complete walkthrough for

sam and max 305 please


  • edited September 2010
    I would like to request to have a complete walkthrough for

    sam and max 305 please
    First of all talk to Momma Bosco, then head outside via the blue elevator. Then pick up the corndogs next to grampa stinky and talk to him about corndogs too. Then go back in boscotech and talk to mr featherly about an egg you need for the recipe. Talk to the cops about a virus then talk to momma bosco about the dimensional stabilizer, then talk to superball and ask him to turn around (that will get you the egg). Go back outside go next to the desoto, go in in the inventory and hover the mouse cursor first over the corndogs then over activate corndogs, then wave the corndogs, move to the big puddle then eat the corn dogs, and repeat with the corndog van. Then go up the ladder near the puddle, talk to satan about behind the scenes, quickly use the corndogs with the microphone. After the cut scene click on the desoto to get into Max.
    First thing you need to do is use the beans in your inventory with the blender. Then use the tubes to go to the brain, but before you can go anywhere click on the tumour then the door (this will bring you back to the stomach). Use the tube again, then click on the shelf with the records, but only pick up the bear record. Go in the tube with the feet icon and after sam and sybil stop talking go to max's inventory via the tube with a box icon on it, then click on the roach farm to the left of you, then try touching the cables (it will turn you into a tiny vacuum cleaner) which you use to knock down the roach which sam will call sam junior, go back up the tube and use sam junior with sybil to get giant max's feet working.
    Now you need to make your way back to the stomach via 2 tubes (the brain one then the stomach one). Use sam junior with the craving platter. Now control giant max by clicking on the icon at the top of the screen. Just walk straight up to get Sal eaten. Don't talk to Sal yet just go back to the brain, then go into the other tube, the arm tube. Do the puzzle, just listen to what they say. Just say the opposite to what you see on the arcade machine. You'll end up unable to return to the arm room, so go back to the stomach and talk to Sal. This will get the arms working. Now control giant max and go back the way you came, then click on the battery park, after the cut scene return to sam and open the door you couldn't open earlier.
    Turn the circuit breaker to off and check out the astral projection machine before going back out to the others. Then go back in and control giant max again, look out for skunkape's ship, then click on it when you see it. Go back to sam again and use the slides to astral project into skunkape's ship. Now all the need to do is click on the backdrop behind sam, astral project to the sam with the water bottle. Open up the fuse box, drink some water from the water bottle and split on the fuses, then astral project into the sam clone with the running wheel and use the wheel (you'll automatically astral project to the sam clone you started out as). Now use the wires to break out of the glass. Go up a level via the door to the right, and talk to sammun-mak labeled as Gordon alive?, talk about molemen till he accidentally opens the mole processing chamber where grampa stinky is, talk to grampa stinky about skunkape, the chtonic destroyer, grampa stinky, then finally skunkape, then sam does a dance. astral project back, then control giant max again, find the cloning facility, its a big tower, and click it to get max to remember it. Go back to sam and astral project to the cloning facility.
    As a sam clone first you need to turn the fog machine on, then just go in your inventory and get the toybox photo and use it on the camera (that will get skunkape to come to you) then say to skunkape about the bomb to get him to give you the toy, then go right and you'll automatically go back to boscotech and out and you'll get eaten by giant max again.
    Use the chtonic destroyer with the tentacle then open the tear ducts, then use the bear record on the record player to make max cry, now escape through the tear duct entrance you just opened. The last puzzle is very easy with just one item to use, so I won't spoil it for you.

    Thats my walkthrough, hope it helps you out.
  • edited September 2010
    Impressive walkthrough, russell. Short and to the point.
  • edited September 2010
    Impressive walkthrough, russell. Short and to the point.

    Thanks, my walkthroughs are usually like that. I usually find walkthroughs telling me to do unnecessary things so I create my own. I just described how I played the game the second time through, once I knew exactly what to do.
  • edited September 2010
    Brilliant walkthrough, but also demonstrating why you shouldn't use walkthroughs. You'll complete the game by doing that, but miss out on so so much. Great resource as a last resource though, have you got a website for all of your walkthroughs?
  • edited September 2010
    No, but i did used to have them saved on my computer but then my computer got wiped, and my walkthrough doesn't have to be followed exactly, its just if anyone gets stuck, they can still do other stuff like talk to people and look at different things. I have videos tho of some of my walkthroughs, as in a game being completed by me, on youtube, i'm murray19831983. I have phantasmagoria, flight of the amazon queen, quackshot, nelson tethers: puzzle agent, sam and max 201 ice station santa, sam and max 302 the tomb of sammun-mak, also all of the tales of monkey island games. Check them out if your interested
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