Which TTG games have you bought so far?
Which games have you purchased from Telltale?
This includes any gaming platform/console, retail store purchases and DLC clients such as Steam.
It also includes games acquired for free via coupons and limited time offers (filesharing doesn't count.)
only check SoMI:SE if you bought it from Telltale's Store, since it's not actually a game made by Telltale.
This includes any gaming platform/console, retail store purchases and DLC clients such as Steam.
It also includes games acquired for free via coupons and limited time offers (filesharing doesn't count.)
only check SoMI:SE if you bought it from Telltale's Store, since it's not actually a game made by Telltale.
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W&G (all)
ToMI (all)
S&M 1-3 (all)
And Poker Night at the Inventory is coming soon.
all sam and max episodes
the second half of wallace and gromit series.
will get puzzle agent whenever wiiware gets released
Most likely will get poker night(has it said if it is multiplatforms)
Single-episode games (poker night, texas hold 'em, puzzle agent, csi);
Bought-some-episodes-but-not-all for multi-part games; (bone, w&g, sbcg4ap, tomi, s&m1, s&m2, s&m3);
Bought-entire-season for multi-part games; (bone, w&g, sbcg4ap, tomi, s&m1, s&m2, s&m3);
and Third-party-but-still-sold-through-Telltale (somi:se).
That's not weird.
I might have goofed up on CSI, but only because the last time I saw CSI in the Telltale Store, there was only one of them. Hard Evidence, I think. I remember downloading a demo and it had Gil Grissom in it. Anyway, the CSI games might each have multiple crimes to solve in them but are only sold as full games, not as individual episodes so the bought-less-than-the-full-season option wouldn't apply.
Nevermind... I see what you did there.
And all 3 seasons of Sam & Max
Also SHADONfan bought everything. He wins.
Got Sam & Max Series 3 *cough I'm British cough* for free from Playstation Plus and just 3 episodes combined with Monkey Islands triumphant return has pretty much converted me into a TTG wailing fanboy. I just took a break before episode 4 to come and buy the adventure bundle and poker night at the inventory. This poll is now my official to-buy checklist.
Seriously though I now consider you guys the same was I consider Double Fine, if you release it I'll buy it, even if its meh worthy I'll buy it. Even if its terrible I will probably buy it, just don't take 9 years to make Tales of Monkey Island Series 2 please. Too bad Murray couldn't make the poker game, Max and Murray in same room would probably make it explode in awesomeness, you are now imagining with glee the mischief those two could do:D.
I also own _2_ copies of all S+M S2 games (4 copies of Ice Station Santa) plus 2 copies of several other of their games from promos. (technically will own 3 of S2 and 2 of S3 when I get my end-of-season-collection DVDs)
Started by collecting all the "Free" games send out in the newsletter, then buying the TTG Everything pack off Steam, then bought S+M S3 and the Adventure Bundle.
Lol, are you kidding?
So along with TOMI, I have all of Sam & Max and W&G, Puzzle Agent and an episode of Strong Bad...eh, I guess that's a basic Telltale product line.
On top of that, I have CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder (interesting how the poll doesn't have any other option than just a generic CSI option). I don't have the other CSI games, but I plan on getting them at some point.
I have all of the Telltale games that I own in DVD or CD form (including the Telltale Texas Hold'Em retail CD), except for Tales of Monkey Island (I will have it soon once I get the deluxe edition and it ships) and The Devil's Playhouse (for obvious reasons
Since polls don't let you change your vote at a later date, I checked off Poker Night since I'll own it soon.
I own The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition twice: I bought it once on GamersGate, then I got it again when I preordered Monkey Island 2: Special Edition on Steam. I doubt I'll buy it again from Telltale's site.