favorite villian for season 3 spoilers

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Who was your favorite villian for the season?
I really liked Charlie with the way he introduced himself and how he felt like a real threat. Is Charlie a villian you can feel sorry for considering he was tossed aside and he just wanted junior's attention?


  • edited September 2010
    I would have liked
    the Narrator
    , but the guy just didn't have the balls to finish the job, and seemed pretty desperate to stop being a villain at the slightest provocation.
  • edited September 2010
    Papierwaite & Charlie, to me they were the best villians in this season.

    I would have liked
    the Narrator
    , but the guy just didn't have the balls to finish the job, and seemed pretty desperate to stop being a villain at the slightest provocation.

    LOL that is... quite true.
  • edited September 2010
    I think it would have to be Sammun-Mak. His hopeless threats at becoming ruler again in 305 were pretty hilarious.
  • edited September 2010
    Charlie was exactly the type of villain I love.
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    I absolutely loved Charlie. He was so nonchalant. I was so shocked when he revealed himself. Not to mention, he had the coolest battle and battle music.
  • edited September 2010
    Stinky was technically a villain, and she was probably the best because she always got into the craziest antics and was always the most suspicious.
  • edited September 2010
    As great of a character as Papierwaite was, Girl Stinky made for an excellent villain. I pretty much classify her as 305's villain, since the Narrator didn't even try and stop Sam, and in the end actually helped him. Girl Stinky on the other hand was responsible for that epic battle at the cloning facility. I even put her on my icon for 305.
  • edited September 2010
    I would have liked
    the Narrator
    , but the guy just didn't have the balls to finish the job, and seemed pretty desperate to stop being a villain at the slightest provocation.

    Well, the entire reason he wanted to destroy Max was because Max never did a selfless act, and he was growing tired of waiting. When Max finally did one, he had no reason to keep being a villian.

    And, Charlie was the best. In my eyes, they should have done something like that for the end of 305.
  • SalSal
    edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    As great of a character as Papierwaite was, Girl Stinky made for an excellent villain. I pretty much classify her as 305's villain, since the Narrator didn't even try and stop Sam, and in the end actually helped him. Girl Stinky on the other hand was responsible for that epic battle at the cloning facility. I even put her on my icon for 305.

    You know, Stinky wasn't always like you say she was. There was a time when we toured the stage as the mermaid and the cockroach. But she got obsessed with that diner and she was really upset, you know, when Grandpa Stinky fired me. But she's got a good heart inside...
  • edited September 2010
    One thing bothers me about
    the Narrator
    If he was inside Max's brain all along, how did he narrate the end of 302?
  • edited September 2010
    Slanzinger wrote: »
    One thing bothers me about
    the Narrator
    If he was inside Max's brain all along, how did he narrate the end of 302?

    Max's brain was kept alive in a jar. He didn't die or anything.

    Also, he was narrarating 301-304 in past tense. I think he was telling us the story in one go during when 305 was occurring.
  • edited September 2010
    Sal wrote: »
    You know, Stinky wasn't always like you say she was. There was a time when we toured the stage as the mermaid and the cockroach. But she got obsessed with that diner and she was really upset, you know, when Grandpa Stinky fired me. But she's got a good heart inside...

    I could tell that you two really loved each other. A lot of people said she just used people when they saw her on Skunkape's ship in 305, but I saw her jump for you when Maxthulu ate you. I'd love to know more about your theater days, though.
  • SalSal
    edited September 2010
    I could tell that you two really loved each other. A lot of people said she just used people when they saw her on Skunkape's ship in 305, but I saw her jump for you when Maxthulu ate you. I'd love to know more about your theater days, though.

    My darling would never do that! She just wanted that diner so we could settle down... I'd do the cooking and she'd do the serving together as a team. It was to be a good life. I don't know where she is now but by heck, I'm worried. I don't know if she survived the fall from the roof of the labs.

    As for our theater days, Stinky said she wanted to be an actress so we toured the stages as the Mermaid and the Cockroach in our all-singing, magical, amazing production. We had guest stars of all kinds... it was... some of the best... Oh, gee. There's something in my eye.

    And yeah, we did (and still do) really... love each other. I gotta find her. I gotta find my Stinky... I gotta tell her... Well. I hope that clears up any troubles you might have.
  • edited September 2010
    Are we talking about Episode main villains? If not, then I say the Samulacra. They were mindless, submissive, but they really scar many people. They made Skunkape go in a feeble position, and their very presence can put a mark in Sam's self issues.
  • edited September 2010
    Sal wrote: »
    My darling would never do that! She just wanted that diner so we could settle down... I'd do the cooking and she'd do the serving together as a team. It was to be a good life. I don't know where she is now but by heck, I'm worried. I don't know if she survived the fall from the roof of the labs.

    Well, I have some good news and some bad news. Good news is, Skunkape caught her when she fell from the roof. Bad news is...well...I don't know where she is right now.

    Also, what was it like seeing your former boss again in Max's arms? From what I understand, you two had a strained relationship back when you worked at the museum.
  • edited September 2010
    Skunkape. Classic crazy sci-fi character, that guy.
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