Yet more Adventure Pack woes
I bought and downloaded the Adventure Pack. I've downloaded The Whispered World, but when I attempt to install it, it gives me an NSIS error after it verifies the installer. It says that the download may be damaged or incomplete, but I am unable to re-download it. Damn and blast!
Thanks in advance - any suggestions to unholy-this my problem will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance - any suggestions to unholy-this my problem will be appreciated.
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so i did re-install, same problem. re-downloaded, re-installed, same problem.
what are some actions i might try?
If you have further problems, it might be better if you start a new post, so that your issue and the one described here can be dealt with separately.
As for not being able to install due to corrupted files, it sounds like something happened during the transfer process (unfortunately a possibility given the size of some of these files). The only quick recommendation I have is deleting the downloaded file so the wrapper will allow you to re-download, and hopefully that download won't be corrupted in the transfer. We're also looking into detecting corrupted files on our end.
I've had a similar problem, but at 2 or 6%; I've never been able to download the files with the launcher. When checking the download folder in "My Documents", the downloaded file simply had its size reset to 1K, no matter how much was downloaded earlier. The launcher also closed all TCP connections as per sysinternals' tcpview.
I've been able to download the files with direct links (obtained with wireshark) via browser with no issues though (and all 4 at the same time, too
Whispered world:
Jack Keane:
King's Quest:
Penny Arcade:
(I hope I do not breach any rules by posting these here; the links are not protected AND the installers automagically know to install themselves within the adventure bundle directory, so I'm assuming they won't work if the bundle is not properly installed and registered with securom or whichever it uses first).
My URL is not the same. I seem to be allocated the server (, but otherwise the retrieved URL is the same. I'm having the same difficulties getting this to download through a browser as I am through the Telltale client (if I use the browser, I just get a blank output back at the moment).
I can also report that I managed to get Penny Arcade downloaded successfully (the smaller file size seems to increase my chances of success because of the shorter time involved for something to go wrong in). However, it took two attempts - the first time I got the file verification error.
Looks like Telltale and Limelight need to have words to sort out these problems.
Where does the file I downloaded save to? There is nothing in the directory I specified for the Adventure Bundle launcher.
Yeah, the actual server that launcher connects to wasn't, however the HTTP 'host' header was like this. The browser's blank output is just HTTP "bad request" response, since the server doesn't like the exact server name or IP used as 'host'. For me, the is the same server as in the game download links from 'my telltale' page - if yours is different in there, you may try to use it. Otherwise you may try to force a different host in HTTP request; but that has to be done with a download program such as wget - I doubt browsers allow this kind of tweaking
I'm having exactly the same problem. Finally managed to get it downloaded after spending all day yesterday having it freeze and reset, and now when I click on install nothing happens.
I completely deleted all files from the bundle (both in my specified download location and the My Documents/Telltale directory) and then re-downloaded the Adventure Bundle file. This time upon running, everything downloaded and installed.
The executable header on The Whispered World program I downloaded wasn't valid, which is why it's producing either 'program too big' or 'file is corrupt'.
It is possible to fix this (and I did), but there's no real point at least until Telltale have included the videos in the download..
Fair enough.
Wonderful. I can't play any of the games I've paid for, and I highly doubt 5,000 units will be sold, so... no Scoggins or Beelzebub for me, I suppose.
I have to say I'm really rather disappointed by all this- I think this is an amazing deal for some really great causes but I'm reluctant to tell people about it or recommend it to anybody because the whole process has been so difficult from beginning to end. Which then sucks because the whole point of this offer is to get your customers to spread the word so they get extra games (and I so so SOOOO want Puzzle Quest
Also, I'm guessing this place has more actual tech support on weekdays? If so, a Friday night/Saturday morning release is probably not the wisest of options either...
Anyway, enough whining. I'm sure that I'll have lots of games in perfect working order very shortly. I'll entertain myself with PA until then.
Worked perfectly for me. Just delete the installer file and re-download in one go.
I'm still having an issue with no videos in TWW though... I posted in that thread, but thought I'd mention it here as the way the game starts it would be easy to not notice, but there is suppose to be an opening video apparently.
Sorry about these issues, genghis. We're working on a WW fix right now which addresses the videos not installing correctly, and that should resolve some of the other issues folks are having with downloading WW as well. As for your issues downloading and / or installing Penny Arcade or King's Quest, this is the first the issue has come up with those two games, but we'll be looking into it this afternoon while we're working on WW. Hope to have a fix out for at least that game for you guys soon.
When first running bundle.exe to create the folder under Program Files\Telltale (also instals some Visual Basic files) I then get an immediate appcrash when trying to execute.
I've tried both running as administrator and in 32bit compliant mode, but both of those do bupkus.
I then tried to download those individual files from the direct links posted here, but when the game installer in question starts, it refuses to write in the location, and all I can do is abort.
Changing the administration rights for Program Files\Telltale and subfolders gets me nowhere.
I kinda guessed I'd have problems with it, but only the KQ series, I thought, stating there not being support for the operating system. But now that all of the installations have epically failed, I can say I feel a bit cheated. Helping a good cause does not make me feel much better, when all I got was a headache in return.
Luckily, I still have my trusty XP 32bit machine that I think will do the job tomorrow. If not, I'm coming here to whine a lot more about it soon.
This being a joint venture and getting all these games to run under the same set is understandably challenging, but obviously you've got to test better before making us pay.
The idea and the causes are fantastic, but I have to say I regret recommending this deal to my friends as it stands now.
Pretty please, with sugar on top: get this sorted soon.
I've now managed to get both Penny Arcade and King's Quest downloaded and installed (Jack Keane is about 50% through, I'm downloading it directly using the link on the previous page which has sped things up). TWW is downloading through the adventure bundle program and seems to be significantly faster this time, so that's hopefully positive? Still hours to wait with this connection though :P
BancoLavadero, I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and haven't had any compatibility errors that haven't been solved by using "run as admin". Sounds like maybe you need to redownload the Adventure Bundle software?