Episode Ideas
With the encouragement of Secret Fawful, I am posting this here. Please hold back the flaming darts if a thread on this subject has already been posted, but I wanted to share some episode ideas, and would love to hear some other ideas from the community, as well.
This idea came about while chatting with SHODANFreeman on Raptr the other night: Doctor Emmett L. Brown has rebuilt and re-engineered his DeLoreon Time Vehicle. Not only can it travel through time, but now, it can travel through space, as well! In the exciting first episode of Back to the Future: The Game, Marty McFly becomes the first test subject to a new breed of time travel when he is sent back to the year 4 BC. Shortly after witnessing the birth of Christ, he is mistaken for "the Messiah," and using instruments from his own time, must perform would-be miracles for the captivated populace. Find out more when "Back to the Future: Episode 1: Christmas is Canceled" arrives this Winter!
Some of the instruments that Marty might use include: hover board to perform walking on water, or if it does not have adequate power, hover shoes from the year 2025 AD. Modern Medicine to perform the healing of a sick person (resurrecting the dead might be a bit far fetched).
I could totally see this playing into future episodes, too. Say, Marty's effects on the past cause the Church of McFly to be founded. A church which features murals of Marty and the time traveling DeLoreon. It could be a nod to the obsessive fans that treat Back to the Future as if it were a religion, or something.
Here are a few other episode titles, which may inspire a few ideas:
Episode 2: How I Swiped Thomas Jefferson's Autograph (1776 AD)
Episode 3: Roman Holiday (509 BC)
Episode 4: Post-Apocalyptic Times at Hill Valley High* (2085 AD)
Episode 5: Erasing Episode 1: Christmas is Canceled
Expanding on that Roman Holiday idea a bit: One of Marty's ancestors could be a royal adviser to the King of Rome, and who do you think would be the King? An ancestor of Biff, of course. He was so incompetent that he needed a royal adviser at his side at all times. Marty's Ancestor: "I'll have those battle plans drawn up by tomorrow morning, Sire." Biff's Ancestor: "Okay, not too early, though, I sleep in on Sunday!"
* Post-Apocalyptic Times at Hill Valley High is a nod to Fast Times at Ridgemont High, if you couldn't tell.
This idea came about while chatting with SHODANFreeman on Raptr the other night: Doctor Emmett L. Brown has rebuilt and re-engineered his DeLoreon Time Vehicle. Not only can it travel through time, but now, it can travel through space, as well! In the exciting first episode of Back to the Future: The Game, Marty McFly becomes the first test subject to a new breed of time travel when he is sent back to the year 4 BC. Shortly after witnessing the birth of Christ, he is mistaken for "the Messiah," and using instruments from his own time, must perform would-be miracles for the captivated populace. Find out more when "Back to the Future: Episode 1: Christmas is Canceled" arrives this Winter!
Some of the instruments that Marty might use include: hover board to perform walking on water, or if it does not have adequate power, hover shoes from the year 2025 AD. Modern Medicine to perform the healing of a sick person (resurrecting the dead might be a bit far fetched).
I could totally see this playing into future episodes, too. Say, Marty's effects on the past cause the Church of McFly to be founded. A church which features murals of Marty and the time traveling DeLoreon. It could be a nod to the obsessive fans that treat Back to the Future as if it were a religion, or something.
Here are a few other episode titles, which may inspire a few ideas:
Episode 2: How I Swiped Thomas Jefferson's Autograph (1776 AD)
Episode 3: Roman Holiday (509 BC)
Episode 4: Post-Apocalyptic Times at Hill Valley High* (2085 AD)
Episode 5: Erasing Episode 1: Christmas is Canceled
Expanding on that Roman Holiday idea a bit: One of Marty's ancestors could be a royal adviser to the King of Rome, and who do you think would be the King? An ancestor of Biff, of course. He was so incompetent that he needed a royal adviser at his side at all times. Marty's Ancestor: "I'll have those battle plans drawn up by tomorrow morning, Sire." Biff's Ancestor: "Okay, not too early, though, I sleep in on Sunday!"
* Post-Apocalyptic Times at Hill Valley High is a nod to Fast Times at Ridgemont High, if you couldn't tell.
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Beware, the coming of the Anti-McFly is nearly upon us.
And maybe resurrecting of the dead could be done by having Doc pretend to be a dead person.
There wasn't actually a 0000 AD; history goes straight from 1 BC to 1 AD. Bob Gale mentions in the movie commentary that the idea of "Dec 25 0000" is his favorite joke in the movie that nobody else laughs at.
Marty: I'm not the Messiah! Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand? Honestly!
Girl: Only the true Messiah denies His divinity.
Marty: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the Messiah!
Followers: He is! He is the Messiah!
Marty: Now, fuck off!
Arthur: How shall we fuck off, O Lord?
Back to the Future: Life of Marty
(The iconic main theme plays on a church organ)
They would ruin BTTF for me
I want different outcomes possible (before getting the right one that will be "canon") if you change things in the past.
But nothing involving religion... nor space.
At the end, do we get a Huey Lewis cover of "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life"?
I can't picture Marty telling someone to "fuck off"...
It wouldn't ruin Back to the Future for me, but I agree that it would ruin the game if they make it heavily religious. I can't imagine them doing that though, it's so far away from what BttF is.
That said, I wouldn't be super opposed to something with space.
I imagine something like this for the arrival: The Wise Men bestow their gifts upon Jesus. Wise Man 1: "Praise Jesus. Our Lord and Savior!" Suddenly, there is a bright flash of light, followed by the arrival of the DeLoreon. Wise Man 1: "Wait, who is that?" Wise Man 2: "HE is our Lord and Savior!" The Wise Men take back their gifts, and approach the DeLoreon just as Marty steps out.
I didn't anticipate this turning into a religious matter, though. Hopefully, we can move past that, and share some other ideas.
It's a complete conversation from Monty Python's Life of Brian. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life is a famous song from that movie too. It's not serious.
You realize something is wrong with this story, right ?
People had NO IDEA what Jesus was at first. HE made miracles so they followed him.
They weren't waiting for him. They won't expect Marty to "walk on the water" ... Marty would have to willingly take Jesus' place and follow his path (that he knew from the bible) for this story to be coherent...
I believe it's too much.
Also, since it's not a shooter nor a space opera, anything involving space will obviously either be boring to death, either involve aliens. I refuse any of those two options.
Why can't we keep it to time travel ? The concept is rich enough, in my opinion.
When I said time and space, I meant that the DeLoreon can now jump from, say, Hill Valley to Rome, not travel through outer space. I realized that it would be impossible for Marty and Doc to witness the birth of Christ, or the signing of the The Declaration of Independence without this.
Jesus Christ, Doc, you disintegrated Einstein this thread.
Ah. I'm like the one nerd on the face of the earth who's not a Python fan.
Oh, and this topic reminds me of this.
Fleshing this idea out a little, let us say that the evil time traveler somehow managed to change the outcome of historical battles (Battle of Waterloo, American Civil War, World War I/II?), and/or stole important artifacts (The Declaration of Independence, Duke Nukem Forever, Doc's Flux Capacitor Blueprints?). It would be up to Marty and Doc to piece together the clues, retrieve missing items (if there are any), and return them to their respective time periods. A bit on the educational side, sure, but I like it. Plus, I played the Carmen Sandiego games a lot as a kid. Those were technically adventure games, right? Perhaps Day of the Tentacle would be a better example. 1/3 of that game took place in Colonial America, and at least a few puzzles revolved around knowing a thing or two about Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.
I can see how the ideas that I have presented here would be a challenge for most any other medium, though, but that is beside the point. I created this thread just for fun, and I still welcome other episode ideas (if anyone may have any).
I would like to offer their ideas for games:
1) Realistic graphics in gta4, mafia2, crysis or better! : D
2) Genre: Action (3rd Person) / Racing / Adventure
3) Story: The game follows the plot of three films and then will be released by DLS plots comics or cartoons or ...
4) characters in the game as all the actors in the film
5) Well, you probably understand that the music also plays a big role ...
PS - Thank you! Forgive me for my English, I translated the text into Google! LOL: D
I think one of the episodes may revolve around Marty's fateful first meeting with Doc, and it being prevented somehow. Then, Marty has to make sure that he and Doc meet and become friends. Kind of a twist on the plot of the first movie, but about one of the most monumental events in BTTF mythology. Telltale has said they want to use the game to explore some of the things fans have always wanted to know about the BTTF characters, and I can't think of anything I'd want to know about more than how Marty and Doc met.
I second that. It would be great to see how they first met. I believe that Doc hired Marty to clean up around his lab. Perhaps Doc put out an ad in the paper, and Marty was the first to respond?
And it becomes a bit sillier when you remember that the December 25 was just a date chosen to be Jesus's birthday by people quite some time after he died.
Now. I'm actually NOT sure if I would really want that. But the thought of it made me chuckle.
EDIT: I imagined this dialogue:
Marty from BttF2 drags Doc to his 1955 car after Doc passed out at the end of BttF2. Sees Marty and Doc from the game who have their business.
(sorry for the crudeness of the dialogue, it's just something that spontaneously appeared in my head)
Marty-BttF2: This is heavy! *releases Doc in shock and his body falls down with a bump*
Marty-Game: Oh, right, I was here at this moment. I forgot.
Marty-BttF2: All right, I'm glad Doc is here, this gives me some confidence, but... What the hell are we doing in this day AGAIN?
Marty-Game and Doc-Game look at each other. Marty-Game: Don't worry. I will rest for six months before all this shit happens. *Start to slowly walk away* Oh, and keep the letter ready. He'll have a recursion of his disbelief in Time Travel syndrome. And try to hide better in the fut... in the past, let's see how it works out, OK?
Marty-BttF2: Sure. Hey, will you at least help me drag Doc into his car? You're heavy Doc, and nothing has happened to Earth's gravitational pull yet!
Doc-Game and Marty-Game look at each other again. Doc-Game: Well it's not like we can make it any more worse. *looks at Marty-Game* And I don't want you to drop me several more times again.
I lol'd. Funny dialog.
Imho we shouldn't revisit 1955 AGAIN. Rather I'd like to revisit a time that was introduced in the game and see the Marty from the game again.
If the Marty and Doc from the movies appear I want them to have subtle appearances. Like we see them in the background for a couple of sec.
I always wondered if that date had been somehow stored in the DeLorean's memory, even though it wasn't the last time departed at the time. Thinking about it more, though, that was clearly the date that it all went wrong for Biff, the night when he "lost" Lorraine and his role as coolest kid in school all at once. That date probably made enough of an impression on him that it makes sense that Old Biff would choose that date to go back and "fix" his past.
Because, if the Doctor lives forever, and he has a time machine, that would mean that he will have visited every single point of the universe at every single moment of time, unless, at one point, he stops living.
Wasn't it because it was the day he got his car back from being repaired?
Or was that part just a coincidence... hmmm.
That's correct. In a deleted scene in 2015 we see Old Biff meet the mechanic who repaired his car after the manure incident in Part I, who mentions the incident (I think the date, actually, but I'm not sure). In the commentary Bob Gale states that indeed is the reason.
Anyway, Dennis Lenart stated in THIS interview (right at the beginning) that they won't go back into the previous movies, so don't get your hopes up
That was a joke about the movies plot. he also said "or it could just be a coincidence."
Love the plot of the movies, LOVE them, but you really aren't supposed to take everything so literally.
Live forever? Time lords only have 13 lives.
I'm guessing tredlow knows that, since he expects the Doctor to die at some point. However, the Master has shown several times over that the limit can be bypassed in rather large number of creative ways. Also, this trends in the off-topic direction.
I think he's more saying that the game won't be a retelling of the stories of the movie, which is the sort of thing that seems obvious to us as Telltale fans, but a lot of the general public expects movie games to let them re-enact the story of the movie, and many movie games do just that. He was just saying that the story will be more of a sequel, and I don't think that rules out the idea of revisiting the same events from another angle, since that's what the actual sequel did.
I still don't particularly expect for them to revisit any scenes from the movie directly, because it'd be pretty much impossible to get the timing right in any kind of interactive part of the game, but I wouldn't be totally surprised if they revisit a setting from one of the films at some point.
Actually, they ret-conned this bit of fact, I think.
Though, then Russel T Davies stated this, so... I dunno.
Frankly, I wouldn't mind that much if the doctor lives forever.