Best ending

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Which was the best ending in your opinion? Personally, I liked more the "adventuring" one, which I think was the one were Sam picks his hat at the end.

How about you?


  • edited September 2010
    Exactly how do you get different endings, and is there like a HUGE difference, or just smaller ones?
  • edited September 2010
    Adventuring is way better. I accidentally clicked the wrong one in the poll (oops) but I play this stuff for the adventures!

    I just watched the crimefighting ending on youtube - lame (and a little more drawn out).
  • edited September 2010
    Robert B wrote: »
    Exactly how do you get different endings, and is there like a HUGE difference, or just smaller ones?

    It's triggered when Dr. Norrington reveals that Max's tumor has been infected with Dark Matter, and you have to choose between "Recall Adventuring" and "Recall Crimefighting" as Sam's reply.

    The endings are mostly the same -- past!Max still appears via the time-traveling elevator and joins Sam -- but "adventuring" will have Sam & Max leave in the elevator for times and places unknown, while "crimefighting" has them walk back into the city, bantering about which baddies they're going to take down next. There's also a bit with Sam leaving his hat behind after taking it off (and then coming back for it) in the "adventuring" ending that isn't in the other, as well as some small differences in what happens between the elevator appearing and Sam hugging Max.

    I'm not sure which one you got first, but here's a video of the "adventuring" ending, just in case.
  • edited September 2010
    Ah, thanks for the Youtube clip. I hadn't seen that one before, so I guess I got the Crimefighting ending. I liked the crimefighting one better, since they stayed in the city. But I wonder... If Telltale makes a fourth season, which ending will they build upon? I guess depending on how they do it, both could work, i.e no big explanation is required.
  • edited September 2010
    Oooh thats a hard one for me. I kinda of like the crimefighting ending because you get this nice zoom out shot at the end where the title fades in and it just feels very completed, I know that doesn't make sense but I get what I mean! The adventure ending was also good because when he goes back to his hat you get this feeling that Sam is complete again. Gah I just can't choose D:
  • edited September 2010
    I like the adventuring ending, mostly because you get to see the symbolism with Sam's Hat.

    Also, because it expands the possibilities of what could happen next.
  • edited September 2010
    You guys! Adventuring has so much more potential for a season 4!
    I want to see what they're going to do to the time stream this time.
    And I want to see more drama mixed in with the usual genius comedy. This is a different Max for Sam and vice versa. Whatever happens, I want to see how their relationship gets handled.
    Honestly, it would be a disservice to the Sam and Max legacy if they just had the two back in their bare bones office like nothing ever happened. I'd think WTF?!?
  • edited September 2010
    I chose the adventuring ending just because I think the way Max showed up was much funnier and surprising and also the hat part was much more epic. And just walking back into the city is more normal, but using the elevator leads to more possibilities.
  • edited September 2010
    Can I vote for ending the game before the time elevator reappears? Seriously- had it ended then I would be dying for the next season to see how it gets resolved. Okay, I'd be angry and upset too but I think it would have been genius...
  • edited September 2010
    Someone on Youtube called the Adventuring ending "the alternate one", but actually i think neither one is canon, and that Sam & Max season 4 is not in TTG's plans right now.

    Or, let me just say this another way: TTG hasn't chosen which ending is "the real one", yet.
    There's no "real" ending.

    By the way, the Adventuring one has drama, comedy, the hat part was awesome, the way Max appeared was awesome, etc.

    In the Crimefighting one, which i'll admit i have only seen on Youtube, the way Max appears is kind of lame, the ending itself is cool but has less possibilities, is less crazy, etc.
  • edited September 2010
    Rushed through this again on PS3 and didn't get the choice at all. Wanted to get the Crime Fighting one this time.
  • edited September 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Rushed through this again on PS3 and didn't get the choice at all. Wanted to get the Crime Fighting one this time.

    That is strange... How do you not get that dialog? When I came out of the narrator's room it kicked in automatically for me.
    Maybe you mashed that X button a little to fast.:confused:
    I tried not getting the dialog to see the default ending but it seems unavoidable and you HAVE to choose.
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