NSIS Error: Penny Arcade Adventures & Whispered World

edited September 2010 in Game Support
It's all fine and well with videos being added and stuff... but I can't test that since trying to install the newly downloaded files gives me an NSIS error. Same with Penny Arcade Adventures, by the way. I'm a big fan of your products, but this is ridiculous. Get your product working, please.


  • edited September 2010
    Sorry for the troubles, SuperDrops. In your case, if you update to the latest version of DirectX that should fix the install error.

  • edited September 2010
    Still no luck. I'm getting seriously frustrated here. Getting this error message:


    Windows 7, card drivers and direct x up to date. I've redownloaded and restarted my PC multiple times.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    SuperDrops wrote: »
    Still no luck. I'm getting seriously frustrated here. Getting this error message

    It is most likely a corrupt download.

    You can post an MD5 or SHA-1 Checksum of your downloaded files so someone can compare the value, to make sure.

    If the download is in fact corrupt, you can try downloading on a different PC or disabling security software that may corrupt files during the download. There are a number of possible reasons for defective downloads though. In this case it was even a defective modem.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    P.S. I moved this issue to its own thread.
  • edited September 2010
    DjNDB wrote: »
    It is most likely a corrupt download.

    You can post an MD5 or SHA-1 Checksum of your downloaded files so someone can compare the value, to make sure.

    If the download is in fact corrupt, you can try downloading on a different PC or disabling security software that may corrupt files during the download. There are a number of possible reasons for defective downloads though. In this case it was even a defective modem.

    Thanks for the help. My next question would be what a checksum is and where I find it.
  • edited September 2010
    ugh.. this is infuriating. i am now getting the NSIS error. i've only tried for the whispered world.

    the download is coming in two files through the TTG installer. my folder has tww and tww2 as the two files. this is the second time i have downloaded the entire thing.

    this twenty bucks and with five of that going to charity was not worth all this hassle. i should've just spent the money the one game in the bundle i actually wanted from a site i already trust.

    when it is a 2 gig download, i don't want to hear that i have to download it a THIRD time!
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    SuperDrops wrote: »
    Thanks for the help. My next question would be what a checksum is and where I find it.

    I don't have these games, so i sadly can't check the values with you.
    Usually that NSIS error should point to a corrupt download anyway, though.

    In case someone with correct files is kind enough to post their values you can try the following:

    Get the MD5 or SHA-1 values with Hashcheck by right clicking a file and selecting "properties/checksums". You can also select multiple files.

    Once you posted the values here someone who has the correct files can verify them.
  • edited September 2010
    Penny Arcade setup MD5 hash: 010d150aff5634f96034820b328d8639
    Whispered World setup MD5 hash 1st file (fixed version): 9dd92b2b55e62734c1f860b94c4294c9
    Whispered World setup MD5 hash 2nd file (fixed version): 87cd6abd0371b9724f2e5d4ae0454c01

    By the way, quite a number of us have been getting corrupt files on the downloads. It took me two attempts to get Penny Arcade in an uncorrupted form and 2 attempts to get a Whispered World that was uncorrupted (not to mention about 6 or 7 attempts in between that kept freezing up and dying, plus another attempt to get the fixed version with the videos!) My best guess is that either there's a glitch with the files on some of the servers or there's a bug in the software that's downloading them that's causing some corruption under certain circumstances. Telltale say they've been looking at the problem, but since it's still early on Monday in their timezone, it might be still in the works. :)
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks a bunch tcnuk, this will be helpful once I get them down
  • edited September 2010
    So, I understand it that if my checksums deviate from yours, tcnuk, my files are corrupted?
  • edited September 2010
    SuperDrops wrote: »
    So, I understand it that if my checksums deviate from yours, tcnuk, my files are corrupted?

  • edited September 2010
    OK, so I shut down all my security equipment, now dice, tried it on my bros PC, no dice. Please help me guys, or I'll have to get a refund!
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    SuperDrops wrote: »
    OK, so I shut down all my security equipment, now dice, tried it on my bros PC, no dice. Please help me guys, or I'll have to get a refund!

    Is it the same internet connection?
  • edited September 2010
    Yes it is, but I have no way of testing it on a different one

    Addendum: I tired dling it directly, without going through the client, and when it was finalizing the dowload I got "Couldn't save download because of an unknown error, please try again", but that only happened with tww.exe, not tww2.exe
  • edited September 2010
    Working now, vids and all. I tried directly loading again and it worked. I ran both before I tried it out, so I dunno if thats necessary everywhere to get the vids, like some say. Anyways, for those that have the same problem, my quote from the other thread
    SuperDrops wrote: »
    Try downloading them not through the installer but directly with these links:


    tww2.exe worked directly for me, tww.exe I had to try twice. If you don't get vids after reunning tww.exe try manually running tww2.exe
  • edited September 2010
    Glad you're up and running. :)
  • edited September 2010
    Had the same trouble. Uninstalled. Downloaded again. Now the bundle won't run at all where as before I had the downloader window which allowed to download the games but not install them. Installer Integrity and NSIS...
  • edited September 2010
    Having the same problems :/
  • edited September 2010
    Hi, do you have a simple step by step guide? I don't normally use a PC and I am lost.
  • edited September 2010
    I too am very frustrated with this bundle. Took me a week to download TWW and now I also get the NSIS error. Granted, my Internet connection is really awful (512 Kbps with power outages off and on), but I don't wish to uninstall and try again unless I know for sure that it will work. :(
  • edited September 2010
    Can someone who's managed to download the whole bundle, please post the MD5s for all the installers?
This discussion has been closed.