Price Of All 3 Seasons Change?

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Here it says 39.99 for all three seasons

But as soon as I get to the next page it is 49.99

[Still a Great Price But the Only reason I was willing to buy 3 Seasons at $40 Instead of just the Devils Toybox at $20 Is that I already own the first two on steam but would like to get the DVDs of the seasons for my collection]

So which one is real Telltale? One is a Banner and the other is a Store Price.

If this is Incorrect please at least fix it. I was Confused and had Credit Card in Hand Ready To Buy. Little bit Of a Let Down.

[Also I guess this is in the wrong Section. If so Please Move It]


  • edited September 2010
    Add it to your cart, it should say $39.99
    I think it may have been a two discount thing.
  • edited September 2010
    Add it to your cart, it should say $39.99
    I think it may have been a two discount thing.
    You are Correct. GENIUS lol. I didn't think about adding it.

    Still The image on the store page should be fixed. [It Most Likely was Discounted Further Without the person looking at every page. easy mistake anyone could of made]

    Thanks for your help
  • edited September 2010
    No problem :) Am proud of the fact that 50% of your posts so far have been worshipping my almighty knowledge.
  • edited September 2010
    Would like to know if the 'complete collection' comes as three individual CDs/DVDs or as one big 'pack'. I'd hate to miss out on those three lovely Purcell covers. :)
  • edited September 2010
    it comes as three individual DVDs. They add the DVDs as seperate items in the cart.
  • edited September 2010
    Might there be an additional discount for those of us that already own (and love) S&M Season 1 from the SBCG4AP promotional? If not it's still a great price for the latest seasons too!
  • edited September 2010
    I wasen't able to get the Dvds after purchasing. I tried to get the sam and max season 3 one but it said i didnt buy it. Hum strange. If its true I don't get these why is it not stated.

    Or maybe im doing something wrong help me dood lol
  • edited September 2010
    You have to email support and give them your order number, then they add the 3 DVDs at the frankly extortionate price of $0.00
  • edited September 2010
    You have to email support and give them your order number, then they add the 3 DVDs at the frankly extortionate price of $0.00
    You are awesome yet again. Thanks alot.
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