*MAJOR SPOILERS FOR 305* Why the Narrator is in Black and White-My speculation

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
My ideas as to why the Narrator is all in monochrome might be a visual effect of his supression, Max ignoring his existence causing him to be drained of all colour, while the colour in the rose shows he does have SOME strength despite being supressed (That strength allowing him to cause a buildup of Psychic energy to destroy Max).

On another note, isn't it ironic that he thinks
Max is worth destroying because he hasn't committed a selfless act, and has a change of heart when he DOES, yet he plans on destroying Max AND the eastern United States DESPITE Sam being able to save him (well he could if there was more time) just because he's fed up of being ignored? His reason for planning to blow up Max is TRUE selfishness isn't it?


  • edited September 2010
    Another possibility is that the Narrator represents the Superego, which presides morality and reasons in black and white.
  • edited September 2010
    Nah, he's simply a parody of Rod Sterling of the original Twilight Zone.
  • edited September 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    Nah, he's simply a parody of Rod Sterling of the original Twilight Zone.

    Yeah, he's a parody, nothing really to explain other then the fact that he's bitter and old and awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    He's black and white so that the Red Rose is made more prominent as the clue to who's behind it all, hehe.
  • edited September 2010
    I think that Telltale only made him monochromatic to parody Rod Sterling, but your theory is the kind of theory that the Telltale Team would probably say "Sure, why not, let's go with that" to if they ever heard it.
  • edited September 2010
    *buster blaster mode* Twilight Zone rocks!!
    *curt mode* End of Line.
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