Sam & Max related dreams?

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Have you ever had a Sam & Max related dream?

Last night I dreamt there was ANOTHER toy of power, it was one of those funny disguises with the glasses, nose and moustache, it's power was similar to that of the Mirror of Esired from Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. The main difference was, instead of always showing you your heart's greatest desire, it instead showed the world as what it would look like if you got your greatest desire, it also showed less great desires if they were based around a specific person or something.

Also, for some reason, there was a brief moment with a Samulacra in a mine cart, ala Donkey Kong Country.


  • edited September 2010
    Recently I dreamed that I was playing some virtual reality online game, and that Sybil had gone insane and was driving around in an awesome motorised chariot brutally murdering people. The part where I finally ran into her was quite scary.

    Also, I'll copy and paste from the notes I wrote when I played They Stole Max's Brain!:
    So, 303. I had a dream about it! Both Sam and Max got their bodies stolen, and they had to put their brains in some creepy cloth sacking to get their bodies back. And the TARDIS was there, for some reason. Also Charlene Doofenshmirtz. Charlene stole Max's brain!
  • edited September 2010
    Actually, I've just remembered, I also dreamt that I forced the Narrator to make up with Max, by holding them both at gunpoint. The Narrator was refusing though, the conversation went like this:
    Narrator:Give me ONE good reason to hug, and make up with my supressor.
    Me:Oh it's always me, me, me with you isn't it? *In a mock tone of the Narrator* Waaaaah I'm ignored so I is gonna blow up da country and Max lololol! *Angry tone* JUST HUG HIM YOU BIG UGLY BABY!
    Eventually I DID manage to get them to hug and make up, it was very cute :)
  • edited September 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Recently I dreamed that I was playing some virtual reality online game, and that Sybil had gone insane and was driving around in an awesome motorised chariot brutally murdering people. The part where I finally ran into her was quite scary.

    Woah! I just had a weird dream of Sybil last night too. It was sort of a trailer for an upcoming Telltale game, and Sybil was shooting people from the top of some building.. with a rifle. D:

    I think she also had a hammer, but can't quite remember if she actually used it.

    That's pretty much all I can remember before the dream switched into something random again. :|
  • edited September 2010
    Trica wrote: »
    Woah! I just had a weird dream of Sybil last night too. It was sort of a trailer for an upcoming Telltale game, and Sybil was shooting people from the top of some building.. with a rifle. D:

    I think she also had a hammer, but can't quite remember if she actually used it.

    That's pretty much all I can remember before the dream switched into something random again. :|

    Because that wasn't already random? :p
  • edited September 2010
    I once dreamt that I was playing "The City That Dares Not Sleep." And I don't mean that I dreamt about the actual episode, I meant that I dreamt about ME sitting in front of my computer, pointing and clicking away and muttering in frustration every once in a while.

    I have extremely boring dreams. :(
  • edited September 2010
    Funny how you made this topic just today. I rarely dream about Sam & Max stuff, but this morning I did. Nothing exciting though, I just saw Sal, he was a cashier at McDonald's.
  • edited September 2010
    I once dreamt that while playing the Devil's playhouse, I fell in to the computer screen and met up with our heroes. I followed them around and eventually I helped them Save the world again. Then they shot me out of a cannon or something and I woke up.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Because that wasn't already random? :p

    Nope, Sybil carrying a rifle sounds perfectly normal to me. :p
  • edited September 2010
    I'm in, too. I had this dream shortly before the release of 304.
    Now, with all that speculation going on, with all these screenshots and the recent heat wave and all, last night I had one of the weirdest dreams ever. I don't want to go into detail, but it revolved around me being pursued by an army of zombi-like anthropomorphic dogs in diapers. Later an angry-looking space gorilla armed with a katana went on a rampage slicing through people annoying him ... lengthwise. In the end all the dogs turned into humans wearing Sam's cloths and just randomly went around the scene, while a crime scene investigator looking like Laurence Fishburne complained about the clones corrupting the crime scene. Then the human version of Max (he didn't even look like a human version of Max, I just had the feeling it was him) tried to explain, that they weren't clones but the result of Sam being hit by an exploding transdimensional passage shattering him into multiple beings. I woke up, when a cop who reminded me of Randy Disher from 'Monk' tried to examine one of the victims causing the ventral half of the body to slide of the dorsal part.

    Man, I'm never gonna eat three servings of chili con carne with extra pepper sauce before going to bed ever again ...
  • edited September 2010
    I had a strange S&M related dream a couple months ago. Apparently me, Sam and Max were running from something up a flight of stairs in what looked like sammun-mak's tomb. I stopped to turn around and i saw the Stinkys at the bottom. :confused: I think that's when I woke up.

    ...Lol I swear my dreams barely make any sense these days. :p
  • edited September 2010
    I had a strange S&M related dream a couple months ago. Apparently me, Sam and Max were running from something up a flight of stairs in what looked like sammun-mak's tomb. I stopped to turn around and i saw the Stinkys at the bottom. :confused: I think that's when I woke up.

    ...Lol I swear my dreams barely make any sense these days. :p

    Who's dreams DO make any sense?

    [Mock Narrator Voice]The truly incomprehensable power of the mind is the power to comprehend the power of having dreams that make sense.[/Mock Narrator Voice]
  • edited September 2010
    Last night I had a dream about Sam. I don't remember anything at all, only that Sam was in it. :confused:


  • edited September 2010
    I had a dream that max would go to ttg and threaten to blow it up if he didn't get a spin-off, and he did!
    This was when we were waiting for the "big" announcement
  • edited September 2010
    Last night, I had a dream that was kind of like a sequel to season three. Like, an aftermath thing. The weirdest part was, it actually made sense - it wasn't all disjointed and foggy like my dreams usually are, and I remember most of it.

    Sam and Past Max were fighting, because they don't actually feel really comfortable around each other. Sam keeps comparing him to HIS Max, even though they're technically the same, and sort of ended up deciding that the new one wasn't the same and doesn't live up to the original. Past Max is freaking out over the guilt he feels from killing his Sam, though, and is getting all clingy and possessive, since he's scared of being alone again, which is bugging the crap out of Sam, so...they're arguing all the time now.

    Sam ended up stealing the time elevator, since he got this idea to go back in time and stop the Max he remembers from ever taking the future vision off the street; but he ends up just screwing up the timestream, and he realizes that the result will just lead to yet another alternate Max, and it still won't be the same as the friend he lost.

    Then things get complicated, and there's a lot of crap about time travel and the multiverse and alternate realities...and there's something about the physical manifestations of Max's id and ego, too.

    I don't remember much after that. XD

    So, either I've had a prophectic dream about the ultra top-secret sequel to The Devil's Playhouse, or I have an idea for a new fanfic.

    Come to think of it, I had a Sam & Max dream the night before, too. (The night before that, I dreamt about GLaDOS trying to kill me.) This one was a kind-of sequel again, only Sam and Past Max didn't hate each other, and Sam was the one being clingy. This one, I don't remember as well. Something about a cult worshipping Max because of his powers, even though Sam was trying to explain that he didn't actually HAVE those powers now.
  • edited September 2010
    Sorta. Maybe...

    It was an extremely weird dream, but it totally made sense while it was happening.
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