The great Adventure bundle question...
I just wanted to know if the great adventure bundle is Download only or do I have the option to order them physically?
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Which it won't. Unfortunately.
It appears to me that the potential customers are scared away by the dozens of reports that none of the games works like it should or not at all.
I tried 2* games so far, out of which one doesn't work at all and the other requires me to set my date format to US...
I guess TTG could fix this, and then give the offer some more time, because had I not already bought it and would I not have the trust in TellTale that they either fix this or give the unlucky ones at least something else, I would be turned off this offer and wouldn't buy until it's fixed.
Maybe the bundle has been rushed in order to be ready for PAX, which seems to not have been the best decision
*EDIT: Make that 3.
how good is this adventure bundle
and how long is it out for