The Coolest Voice of Season Three

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
So? With the exception of the title characters, who's your vocal favourite of the third season?

Doctor Norrington/Yog-Soggoth?
Momma Bosco?
Hubert Q. Tourist?
Charlie Ho-Tep?
The Narrator?
Baby Amelia Earhart?
Flint Paper?
Anyone I didn't mention here?

Name whoever you prefer and why! Personally, my favourite would have to be Dr Norrington. He sounds like a proper British gentleeldergod!


  • edited September 2010
    I must say Narrator. I hated him as Max in episode one of Season one, but as
    Max's Superego
  • edited September 2010
    Sal, Papierwaite, Norrington & the Narrator were my favs.
    Sal cause his voice pretty much sounds like a real giant roach would, lol
    Papierwaite, for his accent
    Norrington, accent, too
    and the Narrator for having an awesome abeit creepy voice :D
  • edited September 2010
    Andrew Chaikin (AKA Kid Beyond) as The Narrator, the voice was just...perfect.
  • edited September 2010
    Narrator's voice was really scary
    when he said the line "Not so fast, my friends" in such a calm way, right before his ultimare reveal.
  • edited September 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    Sal, Papierwaite, Norrington & the Narrator were my favs.
    Sal cause his voice pretty much sounds like a real giant roach would, lol
    Papierwaite, for his accent
    Norrington, accent, too
    and the Narrator for having an awesome abeit creepy voice :D

    I pretty much agree with this.
  • edited September 2010
    Hubert Q. Tourist, of course! Majus did an amazing job voicing him.

    Other highlights were Sal, Papierwaite, and Gordon the Brain. I think I'm pretty much the only one that liked Gordon.
  • edited September 2010
    The Narrator and Skunkape. Skunkape had some hilariously-voiced lines in 301 ("...I don't kill them." "Uh, sorry about that building." "But I would just give them away... to my nephew... in Canada...").

    As much as I loved Sal, his voice was basically every Patrick Warburton character ever.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    I think I'm pretty much the only one that liked Gordon.

    I liked Gordon. Especially when he started mixing up his words. "Donut button, Sam and Max! Donut button until we meet again in the plaid!"
  • edited September 2010
    Without a doubt, Papierwaite and the Narrator.
    I liked Gordon. Especially when he started mixing up his words. "Donut button, Sam and Max! Donut button until we meet again in the plaid!"

    That part was so funny. :D
  • edited September 2010
    [unpopular opinion]

    Sammun-Mak + Baby Amelia Earhart

    [/unpopular opinion]
  • edited September 2010
    Amelia Earhart. Her character design is good too.
  • edited September 2010
    Tough choice. I love the Narrator's voice to death, and Norrington was such a far cry from what you'd expect an Elder God's voice to sound like.

    I think I might pick Charlie. He had that annoying yet 'innocent' childhood toy voice, which moved seamlessly to a demented, crazy drawl, particularly in his reveal.
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak and everyone voiced by Andrew Chaikin. Dr. Norrington was also very good.
    And, of course, Sam and Max.
  • edited September 2010
    Originally Posted by BlankCanvasDJ
    I liked Gordon. Especially when he started mixing up his words. "Donut button, Sam and Max! Donut button until we meet again in the plaid!"

    Could someone tell me what Donut Button means? I would like to know.
    Anyway, on the subject, I love Papierwaite's voice. I love how he says "inpersonation" and and such. Norrington/Yog Soggoth had a nice voice too. They were pretty awesome together (EX. "We would be happy to assist you." "We would?" "Man up Papierwaite...") I just love those characters. I thank Andrew Chaikin and the person who voiced Yog Soggoth (I can't remember his name :o) for making those characters so awesome together. :D
  • edited September 2010
    Baby Amelia Earhart
  • edited September 2010
    Doctor Norrington, by far. He was one of my favorite characters this Season, as well.
  • edited September 2010
    Lots of great voice acting, as usual. I'd say Sal's though. As soon as he talked he was just instantly likeable.
  • edited September 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »
    [unpopular opinion]

    Sammun-Mak + Baby Amelia Earhart

    [/unpopular opinion]

    Your opinion is perfectly fine with me! :) Although their accents are probably cooler than their voices, but that just my opinion. ;)
  • edited September 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    Could someone tell me what Donut Button means? I would like to know.

    According to

    "Donut button, Sam and Max! Donut button until we meet again in the plaid!"

    This is actually a reference to the fact that one of the voice actors for a previous episode refused to curse, and so for some lines that were bleeped out, the actor was saying "donut button" rather than anything offensive

    Let me elaborate: The * Bleeps* are in the script, so the voice actors have to improvise what's going to be bleeped out. Some Actors have fun with the Bleeps and create extremely foul streams of words, while others just say something that maybe sound offensive if those are bleeped out. The most memorable is one when the voice actor was saying "Donut" and "Donut Button" instead of actual curse words.
  • edited September 2010
    Papierwait had a great voice, Gordon the Brain and Charlie Ho-Tep too. In fact it would be easier to list the voices I don't like : Sammun-Mak and Hubert Q. Tourist
  • edited September 2010
    The Cast of 306:

    Amy Provensano - Sybil Lincoln Pandemik
    Andrew Chaikin - The Narrator/Max's Super-Ego, M. Papierwaite
    Cathleen Riddley - Momma Bosco
    Chuck Kourouklis - Dr. Norrington/Yog Soggoth
    David Boyll - Mr. Featherly
    David Nowlin - Sam
    Jared Emerson-Johnson - Bob, Bluster Blaster, Curt
    Melissa Hutchison - Girl Stinky, Cloning Chamber Computer Voice
    Nicky Rapp - Sammun-Mak, Sam Jr.
    Peter Barto - Flint Paper, Peepers, Agent Superball
    Rebcca Schweitzer - Mole Granny
    Roger L. Jackson - General Skun-ka'pe, Grandpa Stinky, Abe Lincoln, Satan
    Ruby Butterfield - Minion
    Vegas Trip - Sal
    William Kasten - Max, Jurgen, Maimtron
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Hubert Q. Tourist, of course! Majus did an amazing job voicing him.

    Other highlights were Sal, Papierwaite, and Gordon the Brain. I think I'm pretty much the only one that liked Gordon.

    Not really. I liked him too and I felt really bad that they didn't put him in The City that Dares not Sleep. Seriously, even sammun mak gets a return but he didn't? No appriciation...

    My favorite new voices were pretty much Sal and Skunkape. Sal because it made me believe it was certain other VA who was voicing him...and skunkape because it was pretty much an angrier Mojo jojo who dosen't repeat himself...

    Another highlights were Norrington and Paperwaite, specially Norrington...
  • edited September 2010
    Not really. I liked him too and I felt really bad that they didn't put him in The City that Dares not Sleep. Seriously, even sammun mak gets a return but he didn't? No appriciation...

    I thought the reason the tourist wasn't in Episode 5 was because he got killed by one of Skunkape's guards.
  • edited September 2010
    I thought the reason the tourist wasn't in Episode 5 was because he got killed by one of Skunkape's guards.

    I was talking about Gordon...
  • edited September 2010
    Paperwaite, Sal, Narrator & Sammun-Mak - in that order
  • edited September 2010
    Papierwaite, Sal, Skunkape, Stinky and the Narrator are in leagues miles ahead of everyone else for me in this season (aside from the regular Sam of course).
  • edited September 2010
    Sal, Papierwaite and The Narrator
  • edited September 2010
    Oh man, that really is a hard choice now that I look at the list. The voice acting was top-notch as always, and is one of my favorite parts of the Sam and Max game series.

    Playing favorites, though, I'd have to say I liked Papierwaite's voice. It just had a super-awesome accent.
  • edited September 2010
    I like a lot of voices this season charlie give me the creeps evry time he talked, sal voice simple, good and cool was perfect for the character on so many ways, the narrator vóice saunded very cool and all that touns shure make all intriging and had you on suspense with all your feelings, even when naw i like max voice i think he was a good max to, i have to say that i think david nowlin had to make a lot of new things with sam feelings and i think he made a fantastic work, i always liked hes voice as sam but was this season what really make me her fan. I liked sammun_mak voice, very evil and chaildesh, it was even some how skary.
  • edited September 2010
    I LOVED Sammun-Mac! I wish the meuseum sequence had been extended to the whole game so I could hear Sammun-mac's banter instead of Max's in the 2nd half.

    Also enjoyed Paiperweit and the tourist - anyone who can pull off a ridiculous accent convincingly (yes, I enjoy Jurgen too)
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