Favourite Main Villain(s)? (SPOILERS)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
My personal favourite Villains are (In order of how much I like them)
4:Brady Culture-I found him a pretty funny character, he seemed to be really trying to be evil, but not pulling it off very well. Plus, I just LOVE his line "Do my evil bidding and stuff!"
3:T.H.E.M-All the buildup, just to find out they're a bunch of time travelling mariachis. That and in every other episode exept 204, they create "Big-Lipped Alligator Moments"
2:Mr. Papierwaite-I honestly did NOT suspect Papierwaite as a villain, I was pretty surprised when he showed his true intentions, I also thought it was funny how un-sinister he was, a guy like him just can NOT become sinister.
1:The Narrator-I DID suspect this guy to be evil all along, he was just too odd to trust, but I liked his casual way of evil.


  • edited September 2010
    Top 3 Villains for me was:

    #3: Papierwaite (302) He is a very interesting character that provides a lot of sorrunding mystery in 302 until it's all revealed in 304, i also like it that he bacame an ally in the last 2 episodes.

    #2 Charlie: Pretty much the last... thing you'd expect as a villian, so many predictions that I had in mind only to be crushed by the big reveal. So not only was he a suprising villian his motives and potrayal made him an awesome villian

    #1 Hugh Bliss: The original Season 1 villian. What can I say? He, like Charlie, was unexpected until the end of 105. He was just so awesome, yet so evil and vile, i loved it. I liked his cameo in 205 and here's hoping he returns for Season 4 :)
  • edited September 2010
    I chose Hugh Bliss, Skunkape, Papierwaite and the Narrator.
  • edited September 2010
    I chose Brady Culture.

    Brady is my favorite villain ever. seriously.
    Plus, he likes being in hell, so I get to laugh at that.
  • edited September 2010
    Hugh Bliss, Jurgen, T.H.E.M, General Skun'Kape, Anton Papierwaite, Charlie Ho-Tep & The Narrator are my choices.

    Hugh Bliss because, well, HI, I'M HUGH BLISS! We know! Jurgen because I found him rather funny in both 203 and 205 but in a way even more now that we got his back story in 302. T.H.E.M for being not quite bad guys, just curious time traveling mess ups, oh and for driving Bosco (even more) insane!

    General Skun'Kape because throughout Season 3, he's pretty cool, from his fake act in 301 all the way to his slight redemption when saving Stinky and flying off with her in 305, just pretty damn good how Sam & Max affected him, from this supreme ruler searching the Galaxy looking for the Toys of Power, to a humbling wreck who just wants off this world.

    Papierwaite for just being a crazy kind of geek, leading to him being merged with Yog Soggoth which created a brilliant duo, that and his finale in 302 is still cool and creepy.

    Charlie Ho-Tep, simple reason, the 304 finale is what I consider the best Sam & Max finale ever, everything about it was just epic, sadly leading an end to the Devil's Toybox arc but it all just worked, I mean, hey, lets have Max become all Psychic god like and have him fight an emotionally unhinged needy psychotic Doll, ...oh and lets have them fight above the Statue of Liberty at night surrounded by a load of Sam clones chanting songs.

    And finally, The Narrator, just for his presence, style, fourth wall breaking ways.
  • edited September 2010
    I went for T.H.E.M because I thought it was a great suprise to discover who they really were. My second favourite is probably the Internet.
  • edited September 2010
    My top 5:

    1. Hugh Bliss - Not only is he my favorite villain, but my favorite overall Sam & Max character. His evil plan is great, his personality is hilarious, and I can't say enough good things about David Boyll's performance as him. As I've said in previous posts, the confrontation with him in Bright Side of the Moon, right before he separates Max's bliss, is my favorite scene in any Sam & Max episode.
    2. Brady Culture - This guy gets almost no love. I love how he's trying so hard to be evil, yet he fails miserably. I also think his voice is perfect. It matches his personality so well. Oh, and his evil hideout is absolutely awesome, well, at least on the outside.
    3. Papierwaite - Best. Accent. Ever. Not only that, but this guy is hilarious, especially when he's together with Yog-Soggoth. Oh, and the way his voice gets all deep when he says "The summoning of Yog-Soggoth!" in 302 always cracks me up.
    4. Charlie Ho-Tep - This guy kinda got here based solely on the way he was revealed, and the battle that ensued afterward. His plan was great, though, as was his voice. It's squeaky, high-pitched, and perfectly demented.
    5. Myra Stump - Even more so than Brady Culture, is seems no one liked Myra. I thought she was a spot-on parody of almost every female talk-show host out there, and therefor hilarious. Her final battle was also one of my favorites. Oh, and of course "Blah blah blah blah yak yak yak yak blahdy blahdy blahdy....."
  • edited September 2010
    These are all villains I like because they have little to no redeeming qualities OR are just plain interesting.All of Tell Tale's characters are interesting but these villains are captivating.

    -The internet was just epic! The disembodied powerhouse villains are always awesome to battle it out with. It was just a clever way to create an enemy.

    -Hugh Bliss because well he's just delightfully vile and has his own twisted ideals of perfection.

    -Jurgen because he was an emo but hilarious and at the same time I had an ever increasing urge to destroy him ASAP.

    -Sammun-Mak because he was annoying and I need an annoying villain to ultimately crush. Not to mention he was a powerful textbook villain but with a child's mind.

    -Finally the Narrator. He was a great host for the 3rd season and was captivating all the way to the end. Deep down I knew he was the 'true villain' but I kept wondering 'how?' How is he the villain and how will he be revealed? I was not the least dissappointed. Except for his sudden change of heart that ended up (as it would appear) useless! Since they did that I want to see more of him! And that leads me to believe we will.
  • edited September 2010
    I like a lot, scinse the last 2 episodes of season3 i really just stop thinking Papierwaite was evil, but he was interesting as an evil character, i adore Hugh Bliss as a villain, hes smart, letal vacteria, and that voice, corny, and rainbows of hem just give me the creeps, i think he looks as a character with an insane mainth, even on the first episodes of season1 .Jurgen is an other favorite, i hope he never disapiers of the series :) hes evil, sush an adolecent, with all the bad conotation of it, but he has style, very funny character ^^, charlie, because he actually scared me evry time he opened hes mauth, i was feeling terrible for sam.
    But my favorite is General Skun'Kape, just because i really think he has a lot of potential as a more permanent villian for the series, becaming very hated by sam and max, i think at last sam had heat hem a lot, even when naw i dont think hes especially smart, as other villans, plus, i like the character design.
  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak. His laugh after he hurts Sam is fucking epic.
  • edited September 2010
    charlie ho-tep because he creeped me out
    the s*** poppers beause they died a horrible and painful death of witch they could never return from when they where villans
    brady culture because he was so pathetic.
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