So what was it like on Max's side?

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
So I'm writing/drawing a lil' fan comic at the moment, I'm not sure it'll ever get done but their are some things I'm pondering about and that's where I'm interesed in hearing other peoples ideas.

As we know time clone Max had to blow up a monster Sam that had electromagnetic powers. I wanna make a comic about the time clones story, for fun and fill up spare time. Now I just wonder who would actually be there in the comic. Would any of the new characters from TDPH be there? Would Bosco and Sybil and the C.O.P.S be around in this alternate time line?

What do you think would be in this alternate time line? All opinions are welcome!


  • edited September 2010
    All characters in TDP really wouldn't have been able to be with Sam Prime and time clone Max at the same time, so Bosco and the Two-Teeth family would be best to add.
  • edited September 2010
    also, THEM instead of the COPS
  • edited September 2010
    mathman77 wrote: »
    All characters in TDP really wouldn't have been able to be with Sam Prime and time clone Max at the same time, so Bosco and the Two-Teeth family would be best to add.

    ...wait, why? There should be alternate timeline versions of every character. Granted, events may have occurred in the alternate timeline that prevents new characters from Season 3 from ever entering Sam & Max's life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
  • edited September 2010
    They still had the time-travelling elevator, so they're able to see and talk to MANY versions of already existing characters.

    Just sayin'
  • edited September 2010
    ...wait, why? There should be alternate timeline versions of every character. Granted, events may have occurred in the alternate timeline that prevents new characters from Season 3 from ever entering Sam & Max's life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

    Sam & Max were the only ones that had an extra timeline. I wouldn't even really call it an extra timeline. In Chariot of the Dogs, bringing Past Sam & Max Max aboard the spaceship just caused there to be two Sam & Maxes in the world. They didn't bring any other past characters aboard the ship.

    EDIT: Falanca raises a good point. Because Sam X & Max X were traveling the timestream, they could have ran into future/past versions of characters. So the possibility isn't ruled out.
  • edited September 2010
    Time travel sure is confusing! But all of this is really interesting so far, now watch as I mess it up when I get round to the actual comicing D:
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Sam & Max were the only ones that had an extra timeline. I wouldn't even really call it an extra timeline. In Chariot of the Dogs, bringing Past Sam & Max Max aboard the spaceship just caused there to be two Sam & Maxes in the world. They didn't bring any other past characters aboard the ship.

    But alternate Sam & Max wouldn't exist in an empty timeline. An alternate timeline would still have alternate versions of every character from the prime timeline.
  • edited September 2010
    @BlankCanvasDJ Alt Sam and Max still live in the same timeline they just don't see it as cronologically as the originals.
    Maybe you could include famous and infamous people from history in the story or set the events in the future.
  • edited September 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Time travel sure is confusing!

    tell me about it
  • edited September 2010
    I think instead of Sam clones, there'd be Max clones wearing gold shorts.
  • edited September 2010
    @BlankCanvasDJ Alt Sam and Max still live in the same timeline they just don't see it as cronologically as the originals.
    Maybe you could include famous and infamous people from history in the story or set the events in the future.

    I did have an idea about making some of the future visions from TDP that didn't come true happen in the alt time lime, I'm still pondering ideas.

    This thread has been most usefull in giving me some ideas :D
  • edited September 2010
    It needs a musical number. Like this.
  • edited September 2010
    @BlankCanvasDJ Alt Sam and Max still live in the same timeline they just don't see it as cronologically as the originals.

    They couldn't exist in the same timeline because they altered events, so much so that alternate Sam ended up a giant monster that alternate Max had to kill. It's not like that was happening on the other side of Manhattan while Maxthulu was on his rampage. And it couldn't have happened any time in the recent past or the characters (who supposedly exist in the same timeline) would be commented "boy, this is a lot like that other giant monster rampage we had a few months back". It had to have occurred in an alternate timeline.

    Oh forget it, I give...
  • edited September 2010
    There there BlankCanvasDJ, I agree with your theory of an alternate timeline as it makes the most sense.

    DrRocketGenius I'm not sure I have the muscial capabilities to do that XD
  • edited September 2010
    They couldn't exist in the same timeline because they altered events, so much so that alternate Sam ended up a giant monster that alternate Max had to kill. It's not like that was happening on the other side of Manhattan while Maxthulu was on his rampage. And it couldn't have happened any time in the recent past or the characters (who supposedly exist in the same timeline) would be commented "boy, this is a lot like that other giant monster rampage we had a few months back". It had to have occurred in an alternate timeline.

    Oh forget it, I give...

    Tell me with it can't happen in the future, cause the way i see it they are in the same timeline as the other max and sam, and for all we know sam got changed into a monster hundreds of years in the future, so there would be no mention of it happening because it hasn't happened yet.
  • edited September 2010
    Include General Skunkape II somewhere? That vision was never included.
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    I think instead of Sam clones, there'd be Max clones wearing gold shorts.

    Actually, I pictured the Max clones wearing Sam-suits and hats, lol.
  • edited September 2010
    I don't see how this "same timeline" logic applies.

    By going into the past back in 205, Sam & Max forced a new timeline to appear, one in which Sam & Max X were mysteriously happened upon by a time elevator containing their future selves. If Sam & Max X went on to be Sam & Max Prime, we would have seen the elevator in 102.

    That did not happen to Sam & Max Prime, who completed 102 as we saw them complete it. They and Sam & Max X are now different beings with different memories, not the same people from an earlier period in time.

    Two of the exact same people with different experiences can't exist in a single timeline, which is why a new timeline was created.
  • edited September 2010
    Now I'm going to get all Back to the Future on you guys.

    Ok, we all know what happens to Sam & Max Prime, they lived through 204 - 305 as normal.

    NOW, When Sam & Max Alt stole the time elevator in 204, they created an alternate timeline, which changed a load of major plotlines, causing the events to be very different.

    Now, imagine Max A, after blowing up Sam A, then took the time elevator, traveled BACK in time to a point BEFORE they changed events and created the Alternate timeline.

    By changing events again and restoring the timeline to it's original structure, possibly by destroying the Time Machine and then stealing the old Time Machine from a location Max A and Sam A arrived at after the events of 204, this would allow Old Max A to continue through the normal timeline that Sam & Max Prime experienced, allowing Max A to catch up to Sam Prime at the end of 305.

    PS: And yes, that explanation would of course mean there's another copy of Sam & Max roaming around.
  • edited September 2010
    I consider Sam and Max X to be like the time clones in Bender's Big Score, except they don't have a limited life span.
  • edited September 2010
    When 204 first came out I'd theorised that the Sam and Max we play as completed 102 ("We already solved that case! Twice!") then spent the next year and a half cryogenically sealed in Bosco's freezer. Then Past Sam and Max went away at the end of the episode to do 103-203 themselves.

    Looking back now, this theory helps ease the pain of 305's ending, as Past Max has memories of everything up to 204, rather than just the memories of 101 and 102. All he's missing is 205 and Season 3.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, Original Giant Max had no memories either. Short attention span. Sam had to drive him back to places and tell him things to make him remember.

    OTOH Original Sam also has no memories of what happened to Giant Electromagnetic Sam, so I guess some catching up is needed.
  • edited September 2010
    The other Sam and Max would have access to the time elevator, so you have to make use to that. For instance, if Sam got his brain stolen, instead of going Noir, I think Max would probably just hop in the elevator and go back in time to stop it from happening. Or something. I dunno.
  • edited September 2010
    Sybil was probably evil in that timeline and Stinky probably married George Washington. Bosco was probably happy go lucky, COPS are probably futurist office equipment, Max was probably the playable character with the inventory, Sam was the supporting character with the jokes and punchlines. Jurgen was probably Swedish and still butthole.
  • edited September 2010
    Um, due to the fact that the ending confused me with the time travel/alternate reality sequence so the only thing I can add is that Bosco is a major part of Max's side and Max will also get a flamethrower.
  • edited September 2010
    ...wait, why? There should be alternate timeline versions of every character. Granted, events may have occurred in the alternate timeline that prevents new characters from Season 3 from ever entering Sam & Max's life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
    sam and max x are from the same time, even tho they have different adventures than sam prime and max prime its still the same timeline, there is no alternate timeline, so there would have to be new friends or they meet the same people in the past or future, there is no alternate reality, the only alternate reality that exists is the time between 102 and 204 where sam and max had to go through the same timeline
  • edited September 2010
    Mystic wrote: »
    Sybil was probably evil in that timeline and Stinky probably married George Washington. Bosco was probably happy go lucky, COPS are probably futurist office equipment, Max was probably the playable character with the inventory, Sam was the supporting character with the jokes and punchlines. Jurgen was probably Swedish and still butthole.
    its the freaking same timeline so how can sybil be evil? How can stinky marry someone else, she's married to abe lincoln, it annoys me that people think sam and max x have their adventures in a different reality when its the same one, just a different time, they could have had their adventures 200 years in the future for all we know, the time elevator doesn't cross reality's, just time. So that means max x wouldn't have been able to go to sam prime via the time elevator if he started out in a different reality.
  • edited September 2010
    For those who say when Sam and Max created an alternate reality that parrellels their own this could not be possible because there alternate Sam and Max are still on the ship when the originals return. They didn't dissapear to another dimension they're still in the same timeline.
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