Just Imagine... (Spoilers!)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Imagine if season 3 had actually ended with Sam staring out at the headless statue of liberty with his hat in his hands. Maybe fading to black with some tiny hint that maybe Max might come back. Like hearing him laugh or something.

How would you have reacted to Telltale potentially killing off Max permanently? And at the least leaving us on such a tragic ending. I think I would have had to go drown myself out of sheer depression. :(


  • edited September 2010
    I imagine a lot of us thought that that was what was going to happen, while hoping for a happy ending. Theatscene was so excellently done. Though I would have thought if he would have walked off, he'd have left the hat behind, symbolically walking away from a life of Freelance Policing.
  • edited September 2010
    Imagine if season 3 had actually ended with Sam staring out at the headless statue of liberty with his hat in his hands. Maybe fading to black with some tiny hint that maybe Max might come back. Like hearing him laugh or something.

    How would you have reacted to Telltale potentially killing off Max permanently? And at the least leaving us on such a tragic ending. I think I would have had to go drown myself out of sheer depression. :(

    Wow... That would have been horrible and mean. I would probably burst into tears and have a massive depression that would last for months, lol... Oh well at least we got the ending that was a little satisfying in the fact that we got another Max instead of no Max at all, even though i still think it was initially pretty "WTH just happened??" at first and it took me some time to accept this ending as okay, it could've been worse.
  • edited September 2010
    :eek: If that had happened, then I'd find it hard to replay the season (or at least that episode) knowing I'd only burst into tears every time. With the current ending(s) I'm looking forward to the replay because I know there is no reason to be overly sad as we get (a version of) Max back!
  • edited September 2010
    I'd say cliffhanger of this sort will make writing for the fourth season difficult. We'll have to wait years for the next season, and by then, the notion that "Max is dead" will be so deeply entrenched that any excuse they might have to pull to bring back Max will disappoint fans and be severely criticized. Better round things up right here.
  • edited September 2010
    Am I the only one who was scared for a second that he was going to throw himself into the harbour or something? I mean...my god, that ending was depressing. At first, at least.
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who was scared for a second that he was going to throw himself into the harbour or something? I mean...my god, that ending was depressing. At first, at least.
    I thought the exact same thing but I had a feeling that it couldn't end like that. I mean "Epic Comedy Saga" means something right? After the initial shock and awe, I kept wondering why they chose to end with the other Max.
    Seeing Sam like that just tore me apart. :(
  • edited September 2010
    When I saw the credits start to roll, I was just...no. This is not it. This is a joke. Soon, Sam's going to break the fourth wall by noticing the names, and he's going to push them away and suddenly realize that there's a different way to bring back his little buddy that he just hadn't thought of yet.

    The ending felt triumphant, and left me feeling content; but I was still so shocked by what I'd seen, and for hours afterward, I couldn't do anything but pace. If I sat down, I felt restless and started to tear up; I couldn't eat.

    I'm okay NOW, obviously, but for a while, I felt really broken up.

    God...I'd probably be in an institution somewhere now if it had seriously ended with Sam alone at the harbour. I would hate Telltale forever after that.

    (But even though we as players now have a Max replacement...there's still a Max in the afterlife somewhere. That kind of disturbs me. I comfort myself by telling myself that he's probably having a blast with the Other Sam.)
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    (But even though we as players now have a Max replacement...there's still a Max in the afterlife somewhere. That kind of distburbs me. I comfort myself by telling myself that he's probably having a blast with the Other Sam.)

    Yeah, I like to think that Sam X and Max Prime are adventure-gaming their way through the entire Sam & Max wing of Hell, freeing everyone to get on Satan's nerves.
  • edited September 2010
    @Player_2 and @lombre
    I wonder about that. Putting them all in Hell (or Heaven) seems too simple.Then again, I'm a fan of convoluted storytelling. Heck, I love the Kingdom Hearts and FF7 series. Seeing the Prime Max possessing his grandpa's bones or the soul-mater putting the other Sam into our Sam's body in some ridiculous plot twist is something I'd pay to see!:D
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Yeah, I like to think that Sam X and Max Prime are adventure-gaming their way through the entire Sam & Max wing of Hell, freeing everyone to get on Satan's nerves.

    While I believe Sam X is not in the same afterlife as Max Prime (after all, he died in a paralel universe), I concur our fuzzy sociopathic friend is enjoying his now eternal afterlife at Hell making Satan and Jurgen's "lives" a pain (they are in hell after all, haha!)

    I'm pretty sure Max Prime is considering all "one eternal fun vacation"
  • edited September 2010
    While I believe Sam X is not in the same afterlife as Max Prime (after all, he died in a paralel universe),

    Nope, not a parallel universe. Just a different place/(and maybe even) time.
  • edited September 2010
    Sam X and Max Prime I dot think are dead gust not in one piece well for now
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »

    The ending felt triumphant, and left me feeling content; but I was still so shocked by what I'd seen, and for hours afterward, I couldn't do anything but pace. If I sat down, I felt restless and started to tear up; I couldn't eat.

    Another statisfied customer!
  • I would have been in real shock. Real real shock. Because, you know, that's something that shouldn't happen in a series such as this. Status Quo is still God for some things, and if it got shaken up that much, I would have been honestly shocked.
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